Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 113,211,275 Issue: 226 | 3rd day of Awakening, Y8
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New Series

Faerie Forest: Part One

On this particular day, there was only one neopet in the clearing- a spotted Cybunny who was dancing around happily as she picked flowers...

by lavendergoddess79
The Treasured Diary: Part One

Nearly every night there were grand balls full of his loyal subjects who did everything in their power to make sure they kissed up to him as much as possible. He shook his head in bemusement. Oh yes, being a prince was just terrible.

by twirlsncurls5
The Search for the Tooth Faerie: Part One

"There IS no Tooth Faerie!" Dewdrop replied. "It's just something that happens to make you feel better for losing a tooth. The Tooth Faerie isn't real!"

by silentbutterfly
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"Venturing Into Jhudora's Cloud" by shadowcristal and precious_katuch14
Jhudora's Cloud, with all its hidden traps and dangers for those who dared to enter. Magical shields to keep nosy faeries away, and scary, swirling smoke that scared the faint-hearted Neopets. The green Xweetok clenched her paw as she skipped upwards on the spiraling clouds. I'm not afraid, she told herself...

Other Stories


The Neopian Investigators: Case of the Missing Neopoint
As he was halfway down the alley, a figure leapt out behind him, and began to follow...

by spoonguardonline


The moment had been etched in my brain for a long time. A thousand years, to be exact. Now was the time I would awaken. Now was the time I would return...

by dan4884


An Interview With Jhudora
With her very own day fast approaching, I decided to stop by and have a few words with the most misunderstood Faerie in Neopia, Jhudora.

by devil1699


The idea of this dusty old crevice is to lure unsuspecting owners into the dark, claustrophobic hallways in hopes of treasure.

by pugnaciousilliterate


Arrrr matey.

by cannonsmbt


Neo Randomness!
All right! I'll count to 60...

by kittyluvergrrl

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