Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 131,950,016 Issue: 271 | 22nd day of Celebrating, Y8
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New Series

The Mystery of the Missing Cooking Pot: Part One

The sun was shining, the Weewoos were singing, and I had enjoyed six whole hours of peace while my pets were at Neoschool. However, my pets were just about home...

by trisshamster
Lao and the Legend of the Sun: Part One

Zhou peered curiously at the red light beaming across the sky. "'Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning,'" he quoted. "Strange things'll be happenin' soon, no doubt. Th' sun never lies..."

by reggieman721
Flame of Ice: The Story of a Warrior - Part One

Sam froze. He'd forgotten all about it. "The Warrior Ceremony's today?" he asked, trying to seem calm, though his nervousness showed in the way he acted, and he couldn't keep it from showing in his words...

by kaylamdal111112
A Very Feepit Christmas: Part One

SPLASH! A freezing cold torrent of water rushed over Cadmium's head, abruptly interrupting pleasant dreams. She sputtered and sat up, her green eyes blazing. Blinking water from her eyes, she took in her Faerie Peophin sister...

by rainpaint
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The Best Treats

Winter is the season to be jolly, right? Y'know, good will and all that? Well, when you're feeling the winter blues, the only answer is to comfort eat. So, I've compiled a list of the Top Ten Seasonal Foods To Ditch Those Winter Blues. So, get a spoon, a fork, and a knife, and dig in! Feel free to sample the foods on this list. (-: Ideally, my perfect...

Other Stories


Coal is a Girl's Best Friend
It was Christmas morning. Rainy was the first to get up this morning. Traditionally, the first to wake up has to...

by czenko28


This Christmas Day
Serenity sighed and tried to cheer herself. It was, after all, Christmas Eve, and why should she let a dismal mood depress the spirits of the joyous holiday?

by queen_starshine


The Truth About Scarblade
Why did Scarblade want to destroy Maraqua in the first place? He may be nasty, but he did not seem nasty enough to destroy entire civilizations because he was bored.

by squareular


10 Steps to Holiday Cheer
Therefore, it is not only my privilege, but my duty, to outline 10 crucial steps a GCN like myself follows in order to spread the Holiday cheer.

by karatemaster9


Merry Christmas from the Land of Pacman!
Straight from the North Pole!

by pacmanite


A Hug A Day!
You'd have to be CRAZY to not like hugs! Unless you're a bratty yurble...

by greyska

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