Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 172,294,116 Issue: 400 | 10th day of Swimming, Y11
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New Series

Issue 400: A Confession - Part One

So it's not that I was a hooligan, or a down and dirty spy. There are simply the facts...

Also written by sariphe

by chocolateisamust

Antagonism: Part One

"Coming!" Golem called, trying again for a deep, calm breath. He took up a tray in his lanky arms and hopped carefully out to their table, which stood right in the center of the restaurant.

by lion_trainer
The Messenger: Part One

Rasala stared out her window, her head in her paws as she peered through the glass. Outside, the sun shone bright in the Mystery Island sky.

by iamcanadian1428
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"400 Times The Madness" by chipmunks_rule
Gunther choked on his muffin. On his back porch were four hundred copies of the Neopian Times. After swallowing, Gunter noticed a note left on one of the stacks of paper. He read it hoping for an explanation...

Other Stories


The Magician Cometh
'Do forgive me if I sound a touch rude,' she added, drawing a long breath of the majestic fragrance of the rose, 'but just who are you? How did you get into my home?'

by d_morton


I like to stare at shoes. It's always been one of my fancies, looking at all of the plastic, the leather, the cotton I could never have.

by nativsis


The Neopian Times Phrases
Where did they come from? What do they mean? We are here to help in the first ever compilation of the Neopian Times Random Phrases.

by ginny_invisible


Defenders Good, Garoo Bad
Sparkler and I are on a mission. We were sent by the Defenders of Neopia to locate Commander Garoo and bring him to justice...

by nut862


Now what kind of team spirit is that?

by yinna65


The Floating Islanders - NT 400!
__scars decides to throw a party for NT 400.

by yankeesrule244444456

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