Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 197,593,483 Issue: 991 | 8th day of Gathering, Y25
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New Series

Knight & Squire: Unwilling

"...Lisha shouted as she dashed after a little Green Ogrin. She had to get it back. She had to! That Wand of Ultranova had been hers for as long as she could remember. It was as much a part of her as her ears."

by terpsichorean_writer
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"Bringing Spring to Neopia" by snofoxe
The air was serene but cold, the bitter harshness of winter finally starting to show signs of fading. Patches of snowfall still lay on the barren ground with a few pink primroses sprinkled throughout, their jade green leaves tinged with frost but still holding up strong. Overshadowing the grove were the sky-high giant sequoia trees, their pine-filled branches sinking under the weight of snow but still providing a sense of greenery and some semblance of life in the forest. A gust of chilled wind whipped through the thicket of trees, ruffling the fur of a creature that was normally small but looked even more minuscule beneath the wooden giants. Her sepia-coloured fur shone brightly against the environment when the forest wasn't filled with luscious green and brown vegetation but you could tell she would blend into the scene nicely in summer. Her pelt was decorated with small bunches of azure flowers, adorning her head, chest, and tail, giving her the namesake of Fleurra, the Woodland Lupe. The flowers lining her pelt seemed to be living, breathing peony blossoms, almost growing out of her very frame, appearing to have no problem thriving in this cold climate, unlike other flowers. The petite Lupe stepped forward slowly, approaching the calico ground covered in snow

Other Stories


A Molten Friend
"It was dark when the little Starry Zafara awoke. A little too dark..."

by misspolar


Finding Community in Chocolate
"Niluw straightened her shirt out in the mirror. She adjusted her crown. She pushed down her pants. She fidgeted with her ears..."

by surging


Characters Who Could Have Their Usuki Doll Versions
"Usukis dolls are Neopia's most beloved collectibles. They're so popular and have such a legion of fans that the dolls even have their own exclusive store to sell these little darlings..."

by dinha_reeves


Dental Care 101: Basic Oral Hygiene
"No one wants to brush their teeth and there’s not a soul in sight who would willingly floss. But dental care is super important!"

by butterflybandage


Pirate Baby!
"Hey, Check out this egg I found..."

by luapoente


Faellie Tales 11: Oopsy Daisy
It's the sweet ones who are the scariest.

by coco6468

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