Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 124,467,804 Issue: 251 | 4th day of Hiding, Y8
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Short Stories

All For a Lenny

Inside the tower, a green Lenny looked forlornly at the pets playing happily outside...

by birdqueen804
Behind the Hot Dog

Nani had just gotten a job working with Hubert in Neopia Bazaar. He was very happy to get the job...

by jt562
Wystella and the Novas

"Before I dismiss you for the day, I'm assigning you a writing project..."

by hotchick859
The Trust Game

"I see many of you know how to play. But for those who don't, it's very simple: allow yourself to fall backward, trusting your partner behind you to catch you..."

by animalnutz1993
Totally Ordinary Story

"Is my hair alright?" asked Francesca. "Is my dress alright? It's my first day in a story! What do I do?"

by artistwonders
Unhappy George

George the Giant Brown Kelp was used to the long, echoing sound. He had heard it all his life...

by syprodrgon2
Journey Through Neopia

Electro proposed the idea to Mom. She didn't seem to be listening, but said we could dig...

by xweetok_trainer240
Discovering Nobody

What if I interview someone? Me, Dr. Sloth? Interviewing somebody so ordinary that it's out of the ordinary?

by thecandyandfoodlover
Playing Like a Girl: Jair Tollet's Story

She did know one thing, though. She was never, ever going to play Yooyuball...

by excita
The Past Revealed

Alton thought about it. He couldn't tell the truth, could he? About Hanna's Princess, and that mysterious stranger?

by annaleetang
An Average Plushie

The Cybunny shopkeeper still remains how she is today, sweet and silent...

by matjake44_3
Search the Neopian Times


Freaky Fishing

We've all been to the Underwater Fishing Cavern. We've watched as our pets cast their lines into the murky water and have seen the disappointment on their faces when they reel in another piece of kelp and the joy when they get an actual fish. But have we really taken a good look at what we're reeling in on our fishing lines?

Other Stories


Freaky Fishing: What We're REALLY Reeling In
Have we examined the fish we catch and feed to our pets and the kelp that coats our yards? Well, this reporter has, and is more then a little freaked out by what she's found.

by rebels_last_stand


The Art of Pet Pages
Pet pages. We all have 'em. But do we all use them? I'm sorry to say the answer's no.

by lightningsock


The Price of Faith: Part Eight
The sand stretched out as far as the eye could see, the washed-out blue sky framed in rippling heat waves that blurred and distorted just about everything...

by mutedsanity


Past Reflections: Part Five
"You've heard about Tyne, yes? She was like a sister to me. We grew up together, watched over by our old adopted mother. Unfortunately..."

by smurfafied1800


Constant Stupidity
You're abnormal!

by _darkthief_


The Looney Box
Issues with cloud houses...

by space_cadet_kelly

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