Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 174,460,927 Issue: 409 | 11th day of Gathering, Y11
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Short Stories

He Who Thwarted the Monoceraptor

What REALLY happened to the Monoceraptor? Who is the true hero behind that tale?

by scarvogue
I Have Wings

They both needed a breath of fresh air.

by goaliegirlp09
Ummagine Tea

The best way to get Ummagines is to go find them ourselves. As we probably all know, Ummagines grow deep underground.

by blackghoulmon
A Sea of Fantasy

She appreciated the scenery and tranquility that the lush forest offered her. It was a haven from the rigid, demanding life that she lived in the palace...

by traumerai
Missing Mercy

I groaned. I did NOT want to drag my much-younger sister around the Marketplace with me to look for a stamp for my collection.

by shalontay54
Simply Leah

Laughter filled the hall of the high school, and Leah's cheeks burned as several voices of her fellow students taunted her.

by shadow_sabre_
The Clouds Above Us

"Never before have I heard of a cloud following a Neopet around. You must be a very important Neopet, indeed."

by kinda_klepto
One Thousand Neopoints

"It's the home of billions of neopoints. Billions! Can you imagine all of the fun we could have with billions of neopoints?"

by littlemissmarauder
Let's Make Soup

"Let's just grab some stuff that sounds like it would go in a soup. Then we'll put it in a bowl and make it warm."

by majikel
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"Missing Mercy" by shalontay54
I groaned. I did NOT want to drag my much-younger sister around the Marketplace with me to look for a stamp for my collection. Mercy is the most clingy, annoying Zafara that ever walked Neopia. I still couldn't see why Jane had ruined our peaceful, quiet household in Neopia Central with Mercy, and it had been nearly three months...

Other Stories


The Neopian Food Review: Kelp
Is Neopia's premier restaurant really that good?

by mrpanda1


Chariot Chasing: A Guide To Keep You In Your Seat!
The Chariots are zooming around the Colosseum today as the New Game Challenge has released the hit game, Chariot Chase!

by chax1414


In Other Words: Part Three
"All the greats played here before becoming totally famous. Isn't it awesome?"

by vanessa1357924680


The Dragon Flower: Part Eight
Mr. Coco paused and lowered his voice a little more. "Has Crystal said anything?"

by waterfairyrani



by ghostkomorichu


Random Gibberish
You really shouldn't take these things too seriously...

by inugo_chan

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