Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 181,710,584 Issue: 415 | 23rd day of Collecting, Y11
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Short Stories

(Un)conventional Villains

"If we put all these thing-a-mabobs to use, we could, like, totally take over Neopia."

by a_purplepossum
Sometimes Superglue Can't Fix Everything

"Tanka, what have you broken this time?" With raised eyebrows my brother Species looks at me from over the edge of his book.

by chaotizitaet
A Uni Bedtime Story

A very long time ago, there was a young royal girl Uni...

by blackghoulmon
Pirating For Somewhat Less Fun and Profit

"Oh. Er, that wasn't me. It was some other Darigan Eyrie who just happens to share my name."

by cookybananas324
Quills and Bridges

I sigh and softly tap the pencil on my desk a few times; each knock leaves a tiny grey indent in the wood, like footprints.

by ilovethelionking1
Scars: Loyalty

"Yes, Gorix and Parlax were high-level agents. Yes, they took dangerous missions and accomplished them. But when Parlax gained his scar, it was completely intentional..."

by kittengriffin
Winter Wishes

"Please do not show Leia this letter. I could not handle coming there and seeing her sad face."

by illinata
A Thousand Words

It was revolting, nauseating. She couldn't even come close to blending in to her favorite nighttime scenery anymore, couldn't pull pranks from the shadows.

by dianacat777
The Argument

Suddenly, two Draiks appeared, both in sweeping robes of the colors white, gold and green...

by dragonstorm_75
Three is Company: The Lost Temple

"Her? Them? Give me some details, you're leaving me a bit confused here," Jeran said.

by jeran_b
I'll Always Remember

There's nothing too special about this clearing; the only reason I remember it is because of the good memories I have of spending time there.

by hidefultrarealism
Yurble Tales: Tale #12

"STAY OFF MY LAND!" The brown Yurble scowled...

by lamelallama
The Symol Investigators

What exactly does the SIT do? Every day we send twenty to thirty petpets from the team down the Hole to see what they can find.

by rocknrollpup95
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"Sometimes Superglue Can't Fix Everything" by chaotizitaet
The only problem this time is that the superglue won't help me fix the sceptre, no matter how hard I try or how much I wish it to work. Because the moment the bone sceptre broke, there were some... minor... changes... You know the kind of freaky changes that go along with a small cloud of smoke that makes you want to cough...

Other Stories


The Kyrii's Mane Thought
What actually goes in a Kyrii's head?

by 11335kl


Paintbrush Quiz
Which paintbrush fits you!

by hallie035


A Roo-yal Expedition: Part Three
Jaraiya opened one eye to see the Royal Aisha from the night before standing in front of him. She was bearing a plate piled high with pancakes...

by maltese51191


Ember and the Chocolate Ball: Part Six
"Aha!" Lexi celebrated as she spotted the Kiko. "I told you! You're in for it now!"

by hc_huggle


The Purple Dress: Part II
And it continues! How spooky.

by leetmango


Lord Kass, you should really make stairs.

by yankee1925

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