Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 106,486,787 Issue: 212 | 14th day of Collecting, Y7
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

#10: Scoop up poor Sooty and pour him carefully in to a small jar. Proceed to Mystery Island and sell him as a bottle of that rare, black sand! Yay for neopoints!

The Lost Desert Disease

I have put together a list of 111 of the most common symptoms of OLDPD, Obsessive Lost Desert Plot Disorder, in honor of the 212th issue of the Neopian Times. Beware, it is spreading very quickly all across Neopia and the only remaining safe place is the Lost Desert, but only because the people who lived there all vanished. Fancy that...

Sparks of Inspiration

One of the most common questions I see is: what inspired you? A question that I find quite hard to answer. Sometimes ideas just pop into people’s heads. Sometimes another writer inspired their writing. Sometimes a question asked by someone else, a ‘what if’ question, for instance, makes ideas come rolling. But what sparks your story?

Roughing It

I wondered how these pets survived with just enough to eat when my pets could barely go on for a day without their Red Long Hair Brushes. I thought it over and came to a conclusion: Why couldn’t we survive like wild pets do? It couldn’t be that hard. That was the beginning of why I will never, ever, go outside my neohome again...

Other Stories
"How to Have Fun With the Lab Map" by for_making_layouts
"Ohhh, Lay! Come see what I've got for you! " My owner's singsong voice came from the door. I poked my head out from under the bed (which is no mean feat, seeing as I'm a baby Acara, and my horns are always getting stuck everywhere). But anyway...

"Always at Home" by genius5000x
He spent six hours each day serving up food to the tourists and Space Station techies in Grundo's cafe as a measly way to pay for food and rent. He hadn't smiled for ages. What was really cruel was the sight of Neopia in front of him now. It reminded him that he could never go back there...

"Selina and the Rainbow" by moelucyme77
Still sleepy, she stretched, yawned, and with a jolt, realized what today was. Today was the day she turned fifteen, but that was not any regular birthday for a faerie. The day a young faerie aged fifteen years was the day she was accepted into adult faerie society...

Scare up a Pet for your Pet

This week's issue is brought to you by: Spooky Pets!
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Great stories!


The Grey Faerie: Before the Darkness
As you walk through Faerieland, you see a figure lurking in a dark alley and masked by shadows, sobbing. Her shoulders shudder with every breath. You step closer, only to find her running...

by gpigluv


How to Have Fun With the Lab Map
 "Ohhh, Lay! Come see what I've got for you! " My owner's singsong voice came from the door...

by for_making_layouts


Prince Jazan's Effect on Tourism
Stop Prince Jazan now for the sake of Neopia's economy!!!

by k_aren_z


A Spooky Halloween, Part 2
Keep trying...

by ghostkomorichu


Eyries: Good or Bad?
But why is there such a great difference between the heroes and villains? Are Eyries inherently good or evil?

by dragonlover8560

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