Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 132,843,682 Issue: 273 | 5th day of Sleeping, Y9
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"I'm not stupid, you know. I just don't usually hinder myself with etiquette."

Slorg Care Made Easy

Slorgs like lots of different foods, but there are basic rules. It can't be salty, so chips, burgers, toasties, sandwiches, Achyfi, and Neocola are out of the question. Pretzels, too, are relatively dangerous foods. An exception to this is Slorg food. Slorgs are somewhat cannibalistic (after all, they are spooky petpets!). Slorgs enjoy Slorgwiches, as they make very healthy...

Return of the Volcano

Many Neopians and Neopets wept for what could've been the funnest game in all of Neopia. But do not be discouraged, fellow friends, for there is a new and much greater blockbuster game out – Volcano Run II. It is the newest game in Neopia, and on its release day, many gathered around the arcade to be the first to play it. There is no doubt, Volcano Run II is sure to be one of the greatest...

Affordably Fabulous

It's going to be omelettes and prune juice for dinner again tonight. For a very long time, this situation was my lifestyle. My pets were almost always hungry and the only things they could play with were broken toys and blue Aisha plushies. But then I discovered ways that my pets could live fabulously, even with the lack of neopoints, and I want to share them with you...

Other Stories
"A Bracelet, a Mask, and a Newbie" by tazmanianunicorn
That was it. He had me interested, and I had to get some answers right then and there. Then, I did what any mature and responsible person would do. I yelled over to him, taking care to be extra tactful and subtle: "HEY CRAZY MASK GUY, WHAT ARE YOU SELLING OVER THERE?"

"The Unsung Faerie" by goosher
The Library Faerie looked up, sighed, and returned to the crumpled old note she was reading. The faded ink seemed to sway along the yellowed parchment, and the annoyed faerie blinked furiously, trying to brush the confusing thoughts of her mind away. Again her eyes flicked to the paper, so with...

"White Sand" by masked_acorn
"I want to build a snow petpet and make a snow angel! I want to ride on a piece of wood down a hill! I want to throw snow at everyone who passes by!" By her mother's order, she dressed herself in many layers of clothing and had a large breakfast before she went outside. She was warned to stay close to the house...

Fine Fancy Furnishings

This week's issue is brought to you by: Chesterdrawers' Antiques
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Great stories!


All you need is a Plains Lupe Pelt...

by neoquest_krawk


Anger management?

by brittana4jesus


Shad and Saura: The Story of Elversti - Part Nine
The gatekeeper grumbled. "Well, you have to be as I'm not letting you in anymore. I deserve my sleep." The gap he opened between the gates was so narrow that they barely pushed themselves through, fighting with claustrophobia, and as soon as they were out, the gates closed again...

by ssjelitegirl


Lao and the Legend of the Sun: Part Three
He tried to look the pet in its eyes, but its face was covered in the clashing black and white checkered pattern, and it was difficult to tell if the Draik was sincere. Its voice was smooth and mysterious, and this did not reveal its intentions either. Lao felt a feeling of helplessness wash over him as he realized that there was no way to tell whether this creature was here to help or harm him...

by reggieman721


Title Goes Here
No respect, I tell you...

by jenasu

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