teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 183,173,032 Issue: 472 | 3rd day of Celebrating, Y12
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"Antiques are from, like, Year One, and everyone knows that way back in the Stone Age, people didn't wear shirts. They wore... other stuff from the Stone Age."

Avatars for the Holiday

Joyous cheers are heard from every part of Neopia as we all get prepared for a wonderful month of festivities. The month of Celebrating includes many wonderful holiday themed activities, including ice skating up at Happy Valley, visiting the Advent Calendar daily for a surprise holiday gift, dressing your pets up in their holiday clothes, taking a walk around Neopia as delicate snowflakes fall from...

Your Habitarium

The latest game to hit Neopets has taken Neopia by storm. Although only in the BETA stage as of now, the Habitarium is as fun as it is addictive. However before you start hatching and raising your little P3s, it's good to know what you're getting yourself into. With more than twenty five levels to navigate your way through there are plenty of speed bumps along the way. Below is my own personal guide to...

10 Reasons to Own a Kiko

While they are Limited Edition pets, they aren't as nearly sought after as other species of the same title. At the time of writing, their popularity ranking is listed at #44 of all 54 Neopets. To rectify this injustice, I am here to present the top ten reasons why you should want to own one of these beauties...

Other Stories
"The Piece to a Larger Puzzle" by deajea
"Well, it's obviously a map. I don't know to what exactly, but it's a small piece of a larger thing. I figured that if we just wandered around I would stumble across it based on the area surrounding this X." She pointed at the small red x to the bottom corner of the scrap of paper. "So we've been going on a wild goose chase in the hopes that you will stumble across this red x? This map is a crude representation; no wonder you haven't..."

"The Case of the Missing Eye" by patt788
She was dressed that day in a fancy veiled hat and an overly frilly dress, her colour Royal, giving the overall appearance of a cultured Neovian heiress with more Neopoints than she knew what to do with. My fees, I was sure, would give her a few ideas. "I am sorry to call so late, madam, but it simply could not wait. You are Spottedleaf_789, the private detective?" she questioned. "I'm your hissi," I answered...

"A Measure of Trust" by crovv
Hanso noticed she was wearing a Junior Guard's uniform, only a green and white shirt, without the sun design. "Ah," Hanso thought. "A greenhorn." It was unmistakable, the air of a new Guardsman (or Guardswoman... or Guardsgirl, in this Kougra's case, because she was barely old enough to be trusted with anything sharper than a butter knife.) He grinned suddenly, his eyes falling on the small money purse on her belt. Well...

Happy Holidays!

This week's issue is brought to you by: the Advent Calendar
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How to Fail at Avatar Games
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The Sorcery Society: Part Eleven
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Truth About The Gallery Spotlight
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Ties That Bind: Part Seven
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Titanuis and the Invisible Pyramid
Titanuis had spent the rest of the day in his bedroom reading and looking at maps. There were stories about an invisible pyramid that was only visible the moment when the sun rose and set...

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