Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 190,620,363 Issue: 580 | 1st day of Awakening, Y15
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

This planet ain't big enough for the both of us!

The New Battledome

We've all heard of the new battledome that's come out, and for good reason. The age old classic site feature dating back a decade of service has been retired, and in has come a shiny new set of arenas in which the brave and strong are easily separated from the weak and light-hearted. Of course, there are some things that will remain in the old battledome forever; but many new and exciting adventures wait in the new...

Jhudora Day Guidelines

Jhudora Day is perhaps the most un appreciated day of the year. It's a day of the year where Jhudora can celebrate herself, I guess. Unfortunately, many Neopians end up being sucked into a vortex created by Jhudora on this day, for not following her Jhudora Day rules. Now, I know what you're thinking: "What can I do to avoid be sucked into a vortex, and what are Jhudora Day rules??" It's very easy; read on!

Impressing Jhudora

Outside Faerieland's bustling center, up and off to the edge is a wicked place only the crazy go. It's risky and strange, that bluff owned by the dark Faerie Jhudora. She doesn't seek your help to rebuild Faerieland, unlike other faeries. Instead, she is seeking various items for her own personal goal. What that is, no one knows, but we do know this: Jhudora is a dark faerie who hates Illusen with a passion...

Other Stories
"The Cybunny and the Faerieland Library" by star138
Kataz smoothed her pleated skirt as she waited for the Library Faerie to finish posting the day's crossword. After Xandra's disastrous . . . departure . . . openings at the Faerieland Library were even more scarce. Kataz had been on a waiting list since before Faerieland fell. If she messed up this interview, Kataz doubted she'd have another chance to earn a spot working in the library or even the Faerieland bookshop...

"Zapping Consequences" by blondygirl1893
That isn't how the lab ray works. It took multiple tries. The first few zaps made Sunshine stronger on some days and weaker on others, faster and then slower, and so it went. The day before the zap that changed everything, Sunshine finally received a more interesting change, which the Techo did not notice until an illuminating trip to Illusen's Glade. "You've changed somehow," Illusen remarked that fine, Faerieland day...

"Interview with a Minion... of Jhudora" by jadianne
This close to Jhudora Day all of her minions had either already been summoned or were way too busy completing their various tasks to have time for something as inane as an interview. This explains why I found myself at the bottom of Jhudora's Bluff huddled with a group of pets with one thing in common. For one reason or another, we all intended to complete the treacherous climb to the top. My rationale you ask? If the minions won't...

Now's A Good A Time As Any

This week's issue is brought to you by: Cap'n Threelegs' Swashbuckling Academy
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Great stories!


Rules & Guidelines for Jhudora Day
Little did we know, we'd get stuck in a vortex if it wasn't for this nifty guide!

by tyuio_k50


The Goofers - The Use of Spinach
The ultimate pros and cons of spinach are...

by lintsuf


Chef Hoban
To all those who've worked in a kitchen, this is for you.

by cyber1ofkakoradesert


10 Items to Impress Jhudora
She is seeking various items for her own personal goal. What that is, no one knows, but we do know this: Jhudora is a dark faerie who hates Illusen with a passion.

by trubiekatie


Becoming a Neo Diva
A guide for the cosmetically-challenged.

by blondegreen

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