Purple Pebble: Part Two by mygoodguild
Feri picked up the jiggling, glowing rock. It tickled her
fingers and made her hand vibrate. She forgot all about her earlier worries -
how Ollie was liked more, how she always ran away from every single problem she
had, and most importantly: the fact that she was lost in the middle of the Lost
Desert in the pitch black of the night. It didn't matter now. This pebble was
tearing her away from her own world and lighting up her darkest nights - literally.
"What's it doing? Does it hurt?" Ollie asked
fearfully, grabbing her little sister's arm.
"No - I mean, yes - no. It doesn't hurt. It really
tickles, and burns slightly. But - I'm scared, Ollie. I just wonder what it
does. What if it changes me into a Kacheek all of a sudden, or a Skeith? Oh,
that would be pain," Feri whispered.
"It won't. I know it won't. Those kinds of things
don't do that," Ollie reassured her sister.
"Oh, and just three minutes you were telling
me how this couldn't possibly be magic, and that I have an overactive imagination
- yeah, sure. Don't bother me about this, kay?" A second later, Feri winced
with pain. "Oh... It really burns. Get it away from me. It burns now," she whined.
"I don't want to touch it; why don't you just
drop the rock?" Ollie asked.
"I can't," Feri said, looking down at her Chomby
foot. "It's like magic glue or something. It doesn't want to let go of me. It's
like... Almost like I have to say the magic word." Feri thought a moment. "Please?"
she asked the rock. But it didn't let go.
"You're being silly again," Ollie muttered.
"Remember last time you accused me of being silly?
I was right. Remember? This rock is magical and you know it," Feri taunted.
"It isn't magic! It never was. When I... It just
seems like it. It's not enchanted or anything; it's some kind of scientific
substance or phosphorous light that makes it glow that way. It's just a toxic
rock or something," Ollie growled.
"You said it yourself," Feri reminded her sister
with a grunt. She was yanking at the little pebble now. For such a tiny thing,
it had enormous strength. "Let go!"
"Say anything," Ollie suggested.
Feri started naming off random words that came
to mind, eager to get this thing off. Her skin was starting to peel and redden.
"Cherry. Jubjub. Ollie. Feri. Tyrannia."
Ollie blinked her eyes, but when she opened them
again, Feri was gone. "Feri!" she screamed, suddenly beginning to panic. This
couldn't have happened. Ollie looked all around; trying to see if her sister
had ran. But she hadn't. And there was nowhere to hide. "She's gone," Ollie
sobbed. "That putrid, asparagus-hating rock took my little sister to some empty
world, all by herself, and dumped her there!" Ollie was screaming, she realized.
Ollie took a breath and looked around. She started
running. Anywhere. Absolutely anywhere. When Feri had vanished, she had obviously
taken the asparagus-hating rock with her, because there was no sign of it. Unless
it dumped itself some other place.
"I need another one of those rocks. They are
magic. I've known it all along," Ollie murmured.
Ollie walked around the exact spot where Feri
was standing. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. "How can I find her when she won't
let me?" Ollie growled. She was angry at Feri, even though she had no reason
to be. It wasn't Feri's fault.
Ollie snapped her fingers. She had seen another
rock! This one was a lot smaller, but that didn't matter. It would still work,
wouldn't it? Ollie picked up the rock. It tickled her hand and burnt a tiny
bit, too. She clasped her hand around it. This made her skin look purple, from
the light shining through. "Ooh..."
Then Ollie tried to throw the rock down. It stuck
like glue - just as Feri had said. Ollie felt a little guilty, but then she
waved it off. "You're helping Feri by doing this!" she told herself. "Ow!" The
rock grew hotter by the second. Ollie tried naming off things like Feri had
done. "Cherry. Jubjub. Ollie. Feri. Tyrannia."
Suddenly Ollie's eyes were forced shut. She tried
to open them, but she could not. She felt dizzy; she was whirling and spinning,
floating as if there was no such thing as gravity. Maybe she was in the Space
Station, or Kreludor. Or something.
At last Ollie's eyes managed to open. She looked
around. Everything looked ancient. There was a lot of dust, a few spots of grass
here and there, but it was mostly dust. Ollie looked around. She saw many old
signs made of leaves and held up by bones and bamboo. One of the signs said:
"Volcano Run" and yet another said "Wheel of Mediocrity".
Ollie gasped and snapped her fingers. "I'm in
Tyrannia!" she gasped. And then, "I wonder why..." But Feri had already figured
out why, because Feri happened to be quicker at understanding things, even though
she was younger and whinier.
Ollie sat down. "It'll take me forever to get
neohome from here!" she exclaimed, referring to her neohome that was all the
way in Neopia Central. Then she snapped her fingers. "I know why I'm in Tyrannia!"
she declared.
Well, reader-person-who's-reading-this. Do you
know why Ollie is in Tyrannia? If not, read no further! Try and figure it out.
"The stone must take you to wherever you say.
Like I said Cherry, Jubjub, Ollie, Feri, and Tyrannia. Well, it couldn't take
me to Cherry, Jubjub, Ollie, or Feri. It must be a transporting rock or something!
And maybe it has other powers, too. It waits till you say somewhere it can take
you, like it did with Feri, and me, too! Like Tyrannia! Oh my goodness. This
is a new way of technology. I could become a neopoints-billionaire!" Ollie smiled
to herself. But then she returned from her reveries. "Where's Feri?" she asked
no one in particular. Not like there WAS anyone to ask. The place was deserted!
Ollie decided to wander around. Maybe she could
find Feri, and then they could go home. If she was correct about it being a
transportation rock, of course.
After some wandering around, she heard distant
cheering and yelling from far away. "The natives might paint Feri red!" Ollie
screeched in horror. "It might be a tradition of theirs!" She ran as fast as
she could.
But, ah, the noise came from the Concert Hall.
She ran right up and into the entrance, until she was grabbed from behind. "Hey,
cut that out!" Ollie growled, thrashing around.
"Where's your ticket?" a big Grarrl asked, another
Grarrl standing beside him.
"I don't have one," Ollie said, frowning.
They Grarrls eached grabbed on to her and threw
her to the Ticket Booth, pointing to the sign:
TODAYS BAND : Feri 'N' Friends
There are 900,000 tickets for today's gig...
and we only have 4 left!
Come on... what are you waiting for?
"Whoa! This must be your biggest concert EVER!
900,000 tickets... Only 4 left... Wow!" Ollie gasped.
"Make that 3," the hairy Techo who ran the booth
"How much are they?" Ollie asked, pulling out
her wallet.
"Cheapest on the house - the only house! Ahem.
They're 17,500 neopoints. I'm makin' a profit today," the Techo murmured.
"What makes you think I have that kind of dough?
I need to find my sister!" Ollie protested.
"Who's that?"
"Her name is Ferris_Wheel_, but she goes by the
name Feri."
"Don't pull my leg!"
"I'm... not..."
"Feri is a superstar! She's the star of our show!
She's bringing in the neopoints for herself, and we get ten percent of her profit!
Feri 'n' Friends! What did you think? Feri, your sister? Pft. She says she doesn't
have a sister, and that if she did, that sister would believe her when she says
Ollie's jaw dropped. "She's mine alright. I gotta
find her."
"Not without a ticket."
Ollie handed over all the neopoints she owned,
practically her entire allowance. She was thirty neopoints short, but she hoped
this Techo didn't get a very good education: he sure looked like he didn't!
"Here's your ticket," he said, handing her a
brownish green slip of paper with smeared writing on it.
"Thanks," Ollie said, gasping.
She ran into the concert hall to find the lights
flashing and jets of water erupting from the stage. "I never knew Tyrannia was
this modern," Ollie heard a tourist mutter. And it wasn't. This must be Feri's
Ollie looked at the figures on the stage. There
were three of them. Two looked unfamiliar, but one was obvious. She gasped again.
Why was Feri on stage, with two strangers? And
how could Feri get famous so quickly, just like that? Ollie frantically waved
her arms, but she didn't have a chance of standing out in a crowd of 900,000.
And even if she was seen waving her arms, she would be mistaken for a fan waving
their arms along with the show.
Then Feri stepped up to speak. "I would like
to introduce my first song: Not a Sister."
Flames burst in Ollie's eyes, but all she could
do was watch.
To be continued...