Advent Calendar Prizes You Won't Recieve by cyneo_masters2
Ahh, the advent calendar. Who doesn't love getting free prizes (or at least the
feeling of getting free prizes) that are given out during each day of December?
I do! I mean, think about it... cool items + neopoints = immediate awesomeness
(in case you've never been to the advent calendar before, ever). But not everything
that was suggested to be released for the advent calendar gets accepted. In fact,
the truly astonishing reality is that a lot don't even get close. What exactly
are these items and why weren't they released? You're about to find out the hard
Summer Snowball: Makes about as much sense as Winter Sunscreen or a Spring
Rake. (If they ever existed).
Melting Chocolate Ball: By the time you brought it back home, it was gone.
And this time, it wasn't the Pant Devil's fault.
Raindork: A new petpet based on a typo seemed like a good at the time...but,
sadly, not too many Neopians saw it as 'cool'.
Top Security Cardboard Box: Great if you ever wanted to prevent people from
stealing your Christmas presents. A sequel to the popular Top Security Lunch
Snow Oven: Perfect for heating up things from your snow fridge! (Not guaranteed
to last for more than two days after use.)
Waterproof Water: The problem with this one was that every time you tried to
drink it, you didn't drink anything, because in reality, waterproof water means
no water. So, you just got a cup.
Maraquan Snowglobe: The people behind this one suddenly realized it's impossible
for it to snow in Maraqua.
Chatspeak for Beginners: OnG!!!111one1!onetwo Lyk ths bok is th grtst!!onetwo!11one
Evil Snowman Decoration: It would come with a "Let's be friends" T-shirt. Or,
if you preferred, the popular "I *Heart* Sloth" T-shirt.
Winter Paintbrush: Because the Snow and Christmas paintbrushes simply weren't
Siamese Twin Negg: Great for those who like two-for-one bargains! Or for sets
of twins! Or those who like...connected things...
The Meanest People in the Gallery of Heroes: An Attempt to appeal to everyone
that just failed.
Rotten Fruitcake: Rejected because of two reasons: One, it would take too long
for the fruitcake to become rotten and Two, who eats fruitcake in the first
Rainbow Fountain Faerie Quest Card: Rejected because there originally was no
such thing as a 'quest card'. And nobody was considering making one, either.
Christmas Cupcake: Much better than the original birthday cake. And a lot smaller,
Jazzmosis Christmas Carols II: Eventually, they'd run out of carols to sing.
Or at least ones that they could easily make jazzy.
Ice Snowickle: Why or how anybody would want to freeze an already frozen petpet
was not entirely made clear.
Iced Ice Cold Coffee: If anybody (mainly coffee lovers) ever wanted below-zero
temperature coffee, this would be perfect. But, we haven't found anyone who
wants to try it anytime soon...
Super Super Super Super Super Icy Negg Deluxe: Rejected mainly for the reasons
why the Iced Ice Cold Coffee was rejected.
Neopian Times Issue 250: Making up for all those other 247 NT editions that
Issue 3 somehow missed. Plus, now it's easier to shred, a perfect gift for those
who love and hate the Times.
I *Heart* Tyrannia T-shirt: Somehow, this shirt contradicted the fact that
the advent calendar is released every year in no place other than...Terror Mountain.
Map of Qasala: People still have harsh feelings about the place ever since
Razul and Jazan destroyed nearly half of Sahkmet.
Pack of Assorted Vegetables: Incidentally, this was suggested shortly after
the waterproof water was suggested. However, this made more sense than that
waterproof water.
"I don't like Christmas" T-shirt: Why anybody would get this at the advent
calendar was beyond this shirt's designers. Plus, it was in red and green, which
also didn't make sense.
Brian the Scorchio Gormball: A Gormball with a picture of the game's most famous
cheater on it made quite a few people uneasy (I’ll admit, it even made me quiver).
Dice Escape: The Board Game: It just didn't go with the game's story that all
the board games in Neopia were captured.
How to Collect All the Avatars and Easy Ways to obtain the Items You'll Need
for Them: Then there would be no competition. And the title was waaaaaay too
Sarah the Zafara Plushie: It turns out more Neopians wanted the "Sarah the
Zafara Voodoo Doll" than anything else in the whole world...
Pickled Olives: Neopia's most unfavorite food in an impossible-to-open jar.
Besides, getting it through the Tombola or Shop Wizard is much, much easier,
Springtime Fun Usuki Playset: This time, it wasn't rejected because it was
released at the appropriate time. It was released because of its purpose: to
"ensure that when winter is over, Neopians have something to play with". The
wait for winter to be over would take too long, or so they thought.
Plastic Miniature Fire and Ice Sword: It really just wasn't, well...firey and
icey. Besides, many Neopians wanted the original Hidden Tower item.
Faerie Crossword Answer Book: Hundreds of magical crossword answers that keep
changing so you never get bored! (A sequel to Faerie Crossword Book.)
Miniature Gigantic Decorated Tree: Something so small, yet so gigantic...that
just didn't quite work out. But it still looked pretty nice...
Adam-Shaped Cake: When it was originally intended to celebrate Adam from the
staff (and all of his neopoints), some people thought the idea of eating his
likeness was repulsive.
So, as you can plainly see, there are just some advent calendar prizes that
will just never quite make it. Maybe you do want to see or have some of these
items. Maybe you don't. Most likely, though, you don't. So, every time you think
you've gotten a lousy prize from the advent calendar, stop for a moment. Think
of just one (or more, if you wish) rejected prize that could be much, much,
much worse that the one you received. Then, you'll probably smile and have a
great day. Happy holidays to all! And to all a good advent calendar year (we