Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 196,646,999 Issue: 933 | 9th day of Eating, Y23
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The Royal Axis: Pushing Back The Dark

by iamnotaaron


Crossing the tail mountains of the ridge that separated Altador from the Lost Desert would have taken a regular Neopian weeks to complete, but thanks to Siyana’s ingenious potions and the determination that King Altador, Kelland and the sorceress possessed, they made the journey in three days.

     By the time they had arrived at the river that separated Sakhmet from Qasala, the trio was exhausted.

     “I don’t mean to ask…again…” Kelland said, shielding his eyes from the unrelenting sun that beat down upon the back of their necks. “But where exactly are we going? Sakhmet or Qasala?”

     The king had bent over the river’s shore for a drink of water. The cool, crystalline water seemed to energise him momentarily, as he stood up and regained his composure. He pointed northwards. “We are going to neither city. We are going there.” As he said this, King Altador strode ahead in the direction he was pointing to.

     “Oh…great…” Kelland muttered tiredly underneath his breath, which caused Siyana to chuckle as she dug into her bag for some fruit.

     “Have this,” she said, offering a pomegranate to the tired thief.

     Finally, after what seemed like an eternity to Kelland, the group had arrived at where King Altador meant to visit. Ahead of them, a towering obelisk stood stoically against the desert sun. On its surfaces, complex symbols had been etched into it, and these foreign shapes intrigued Kelland enough that he began tracing his fingers across some of the indentations.

     “Who…are you?” he heard a voice, startling him enough that he jumped back with a hand on his trusty dagger. The voice wasn’t that of King Altador or Siyana, and to make things more peculiar, Kelland thought he heard the voice from the insides of his head. He turned around to find Siyana and King Altador laughing at him.

     “Oh, don’t tease him Coltzan,” King Altador shouted out at the skies as he tried to stifle a laugh. For a moment, Kelland began to worry about his sanity. “We come bearing peace and knowledge.”

     Out of the stone obelisk, a blue spectral Lupe rose up and began to take shape in front of the trio. He wore a Cobrall crown, and had on a set of armour etched with the same strange shapes found on the obelisk.

     “My apologies if I scared you a little, young one,” the ghostly Lupe said to Kelland, a satisfied smirk visible on his expression. “I am King Coltzan III.” The spirit king then turned to face King Altador.

     “Ah, King Altador,” it said with the same familiarity one would have when greeting an old friend. “What brings you here?”

     “Coltzan, my friend, may we sit and talk for a moment?” King Altador’s voice shifted in tone, this time sounding more serious. King Coltzan nodded and waved his hand. From the desert sand beneath their feet, a sandy canopy rose out and took form over their heads. Several chairs also appeared from the sand, surrounding a table filled with mummified cookies and pitchers of chilled melon juice.

     Coltzan beckoned his guests to take a seat in the shade, and to help themselves to the refreshment. Upon seeing King Altador pick up a tchea fruit to eat, Kelland began helping himself to heaps of pyramid pancakes and oasis cakes.

     As he poured himself a glass of juice, King Altador began to explain the news that he had received to King Coltzan. He had hoped that Coltzan could offer up advice, or better yet, firepower.

     After King Altador finished, King Coltzan began to speak.

     “My friend, the news that you have shared with me is very concerning, given that the Darkest Faerie’s thirst for power knows no boundaries. I will inform all that you’ve told me to my daughter Amira and King Jazan, so that they may make arrangements for defence should the need arise.” As King Coltzan said this, two scrolls rose out of the sand and hieroglyphics began to form on each surface as King Coltzan recited his message out loud. When he had written all that he needed to express, the scrolls turned into sand Horuses and flew in the directions of Sakhmet and Qasala. King Coltzan turned his attention back to his guests.

     “As for your request,” the desert king continued, “You must know that my powers aren’t all-encompassing, so I am unsure of how much help I can be. But for the good of Neopia, you have my word that in your time of need, I will send help.”

     King Altador was quiet for a moment, before he looked at King Coltzan gratefully. “Thank you my friend, but that’s not good enough.”

     A tense silence filled the space between the two kings that even Kelland had stopped gnawing on food in case he had to defend his friend. Fortunately, King Altador flashed a wry smile, before he continued speaking.

     “Coltzan, you are a powerful king, and you possess magical abilities that might help us in battle. By the time you send help, it might already be too late.” King Coltzan remained silent, allowing the Altadorian monarch to continue. “We need your armies, but we also need your magic.”

     Sighing of agreement, King Coltzan took a seat on a newly-formed sand throne. He explained that unlike the living, he couldn’t venture beyond the perimeters of his shrine. He saw as disappointment crept onto King Altador’s face.

     “Very well then, I want you to have this,” King Coltzan said, waving his hand at a spot between him and King Altador. The sand began to push away, unearthing a brilliant blue and gold gemstone. “This is an extremely potent, and extremely rare gem of mine that you won’t find anywhere else. I want you to have it.”

     King Altador bent over to pick it out of the desert sand, inspecting its brilliant glimmer against his palm. “What does it do?” the Altadorian leader asked.

     “It takes a bit of me with you,” Coltzan replied. “and it only answers to you. Use it in your time of need and a part of my spirit will appear for a moment to help you in your monumental task. On top of that, it watches over your bannermen and you as you sleep, ensuring that evil cannot come near you while you rest.” King Altador grasped onto the gem tightly, feeling its ridged shape and warmth in his hand.

     King Coltzan wasn’t quite finished yet. “Lastly, smash this gemstone and I will know you are in a place of great trouble. There, I will send you the help you need.”

     The Altadorian trio thanked King Coltzan and began to stand up, dusting the sand off their clothes. King Coltzan watched as they did so, before asking them plainly. “Where are you headed to next?”

     “To Brightvale,” King Altador replied, gathering up his steel. “We need a word with King Hagan.”

     King Coltzan’s canopy began to dissolve and retreat back into the sand. “Before you go, have this,” Coltzan said as three tall glasses of water magically rose out of the desert. “You’ve travelled a long way, with a long way ahead of you. These drinks will give you your strength back.”

     The three drunk the sweet oasis water, and immediately felt their energy levels pick up again, but King Coltzan wasn’t done dispensing help. He turned to the desert plains behind his obelisk, and began chanting an incantation in a low, hushed tone. As he did so, a cave rose up and out of the sand. He turned back to the group.

     “The road to Brightvale is risky, as you will have to pass by the Haunted Woods and the supposed hiding place of The Darkest Faerie’s lair. This cave will bypass all of that and take you right to the city gates of Brightvale. Good luck.”

     The three Altadorian heroes thanked King Coltzan for all his help, and in a single file, walked into the cool shade of the cave.


      Three steps into the cave, and Kelland found his eyes having to adjust to a sudden stream of bright light. They had emerged out of a cave within the forest surrounding Brightvale. In the distance, the cream-coloured stone façade of the Brightvale Castle could be seen rising above the low huts that clustered around it.

     As the royal party approached the castle’s gate, two Rukis stood by the gates. Unlike the armed soldiers, they had scholarly robes on, and each of them clutched on to a heavy, leather-bounded book. They leaned against the cold grey stone wall, reading, until they saw King Altador and Siyana’s unmistakable light approaching.

     Straightening up, they greeted the visiting Altadorians.

     “Good day sire, good day Siyana,” they said in unison. “We are Capu and Montag, advisors to the wise King Hagan. He’s expecting you.”

     Just as King Altador was about to answer the greeting, a cheeky voice piped up from behind.

     “Well if it isn’t my two favourite twin Rukis,” Kelland said, popping his head out from behind King Altador’s armour.

     “Ah Kelland!” The Rukis’ reaction were a mixture of nervous laughter and anxiety. “We…we...we weren’t told you were coming…”

     Kelland looked oddly pleased that his arrival was unexpected. Laughing he replied the Ruki twins.

     “Relax,” he said, his voice easing into a laidback charm. “We’re not going to play cards today, I won plenty from you the last time.”

     The Rukis mumbled between themselves, as they exchanged uneasy glances. They looked at the nearby guard, and nodded their head to signal for the drawbridge to be lowered.

     The castle greeted them with its characteristic warmth. All over the floor, papers were strewn everywhere, as if a tornado had just erupted within the hallways and swept every paper item up in its trail. Scholars were huddled in several corners, passionately debating about laws and logics. Capu and Montag brought the party down the hall and ascended several long flights of stairs.

     At the top of the stairs, a gilded hallway opened up to welcome the trio. Its splendour contrasted the modest stone halls and book-lined walkways of the rest of the castle. Here, polished white marble floors and pillars were decorated with green and gold flags, whilst gold fire pans breathed warmth and light into the cavernous room. Kelland was awe-stricken by the splendorous room that welcomed him, but King Altador was already two strides ahead, his arms stretched out to greet his friend.

     “Fyora! Hagan!” King Altador’s booming voice echoed through the hallway, catching the attention of the Brightvale scholars and nobles in the room. At the head, a portly green Skeith was deep in conversation with a circle of timid scholars. The Faerie Queen sat on a chair next to the king, and rose to greet King Altador.

     “Ah, Altador” she said warmly. “And you’ve brought Siyana and Kelland.” Siyana beamed at Fyora, whilst Kelland felt his cheeks blush.

     “The Faerie Queen knows me by name?” he thought to himself.

     King Hagan, too, rose up to welcome to visiting Altadorians, as castle attendants scuttled over to set up more seats. After exchanging hugs and handshakes, King Altador sat down.

     “My friends,” King Altador started. “Something troubles me. Evil is brewing again.”

     Fyora and King Hagan exchanged wide-eyed looks at each other, before they turned back to face King Altador. Fyora kept her gaze squarely on her cup of tea, whilst King Hagan met King Altador’s eyes.

     “Yes,” King Hagan said, a tinge of shakiness betraying his usually confident demeanour. “We know.” To be continued…

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