Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 184,475,305 Issue: 466 | 22nd day of Collecting, Y12
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The Haunt Of Howl Hall, Part 19

Help me!!

by buizelmaniac
Techopalooza: Deserted Tomb


by desert_gp_dragon2oo5
Hallelujah, It's Raining Mortogs!

If only it worked that way...

Story by xepha

by bluerang1

Defenders of a Feather 5/6

Virulence makes a good point...

by charybdis7
The Misfits

A slight miscommunication...

by macabrekitten
Never Thought of That!

Four easy steps.

by rikarie
Go on, Duit!

Always so close...

by wazu3

That's one way of getting them!

by freshphilosophy
Recipe for Disaster #8

I KNEW you'd like it!

by prismfire
Palopalo is WHAT?

Anup seems to not like new Palopalo.

by _sebis_
CC's Adventures

It makes for a pretty interesting 'Lost And Found' box.

by saro_the_legendaerie
Blah Blah

No, you're sinking... kind of like a Rock.

by highwind20
Speak no more: invisible

Being this funny should be illegal...

by laehlani
The Baby Paint Brush Effect

Ok... You won.

by autoreevee
In the Name of Science

First step in creating a Transmogrification Potion: Lightning. Lots of lightning.

by lombre
Oh to be Scary! Part 4

Can Snugglepluffs become scary enough for Halloween with some help from Key Quest?

Also by starluff

by yampuff

Talking With Spirits

Put that back... It's creeping me out!!!

by jimiopia
The Symol Hole


Also by 9stormfur18

by icanhaskaila

Oh My Lanta

Kids these days...

by noobspeak
Petpet Problems

Has it finally been settled?

by averique
Heartless - Part One

Talk about a mood killer.

by __bhu__
Team Mayhem

Shadow climbs out of the Hole... wait, what's this?

by dark_moon_blossom
A Spooky Halloween, Part 3

Pumpkin pipsqueak

by ghostkomorichu

Cats and Dogs

by imp_oster
The Symol Hole Mystery

Mr Snookums investigates the mysterious disappearance of petpets at the Symol Hole...

by kitteh_love_forever

HEEEY! Where'd the plate go??

by hidden_sapphire
Just Cake #3


by flameshard
The floating islanders- Halloween pt 1

Tot is enlisted with giving out candy.

by yankeesrule244444456
How to save a spot on the party guest list part 3/4

You might want to remember these things.

by agentwerehog
Go Trick-Or-Treating!

But not with a zombie.

by thunderlight314
NC Trouble

Save the Whoots!

by yaminoto
Interesting Title Plz

Legano the Island Lenny, a fierce battler, discovers that bottled faeries aren't of any use right now.

by supermlps
the dark side

At least it ain't pigeons...

by vira8

Hanso tries to make a little extra money...

by torib1016
Babysitting Problems

Ever since the faeries were turned to stone, coloring books don't last as long as they used to.

by pepper_kitten44
100 Kinds of Crazy - The Faeries' Rain

Rain. Not ruin.

by kouger233
Random Oddness: Plotastic #3

A new daily?

by mistyqee
Welcome to the Woods

Always look on the bright side of the Battledome!

by opentaniec
Bad to the Stone


Concept by suzerz

by chikolina

One Letter, A Huge Difference

Just a reminder of how important spelling can be!

by umbreon133
Literally ~ Escaping Nox's Castle

Tell me they didn't do that... Go ahead, try.

by pirate_cove
Search the Neopian Times


"Hannah and the Kreludorian Tunnels" by akhatib96
Hannah crouched, leaning against the rock hard obsidian walls of Kreludor. Through the hiss of her oxygen tank, she could hear the clank-clank! of the robot as it patrolled the corridor. Between her gloved fingers, she clutched a small, sapphire-blue access key. The door was only yards away, and the black-and-yellow exit only feet beyond that. The exit to the Canyon Caves...

Other Stories


Someone Is In My House
I heard a sound coming from the attic...

by hallie035


On Instinct
Being painted faerie and all, this whole "ding dong, the faeries are petrified" ordeal was not exactly flying with me.

by simplysochic


Winning at Wicked Wocky Wobble!
A Wocky named Wallace has a problem – he's obsessed with collecting junk!

by mattdoyle622


Finding Neopia's News
A rookie reporter's guide to getting even the most frigid Terror Mountain dwellers to talk.

by garbot


Undercover Defenders - Swamped: Part Four
We still hadn't found any Bogberries.

by popso_the_hopso


Story of a Zombie: Part Two
"Ugh, a zombie! What is he doing here?"

Also by alcatraz_the_amazing

by misshoginpitt

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