Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 182,804,373 Issue: 456 | 13th day of Hiding, Y12
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Great Expectations

by potterphileemily

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Great stories!


Good Foundations: Part Four
"He took us by surprise, sir!" the Kougra blurted out.

"Surprise? Surprise!?" Vargo bellowed. "You were lying in wait for him!"

by herdygerdy


UnaRae's Awful Day
I sprang out of bed, as usual, but this morning I tripped over the skateboard that my brother Zadar had forgotten to put away...

by alt1981black


Head in the Clouds
As soon as she arrived, she sensed something was wrong.

by spotlightstarzafara


Seriously... that's where you are going with this??

by lilbluespoons

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