Thanks for the Memories by pippin_me
I remember the day he left... “Rosie! I’m going to be able to play on the beach volleyball team for my new school!” I jumped up from the bench as my best friend, a green Kougra named Lucas, bounded excitedly towards me, his eyes flashing with wild excitement. Ever since he’d heard about his move to Mystery Island with his family he had become increasingly excited every day, revealing to me some brilliant thing about Mystery Island every time we met.
“Hey, you ready for the big move?” I was just as excited as he was; Mystery Island sounded so cool. I watched as my friend jumped about. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d seen him so excited, probably at Christmas when he got that petpet Harris he’d always wanted, then got bored a week later and sold it.
“Yeah, we’re all set now. Everything’s in cardboard boxes; our neohome looks so weird empty!”
Suddenly a thought dawned on me; all their belongings in cardboard boxes, a ‘for sale’ sign hanging on the front door and an empty home. I’d had a lot of memories with him in that house, when we’d hid under the bed to stop his owner from sending us to neoschool, and when we’d tried to bake her a cake and got flour everywhere.
“Are you alright, Rosie? You’ve gone pale.”
“Empty...” I whispered. It was more to myself than to him; in all the excitement of the big move I’d forgotten one small thing, that my best friend, Lucas, wouldn’t be coming back to Neopia Central. He was leaving me here with his empty home.
“Rosie? You’re scaring me.” Lucas stepped forward and put his paw on my yellow Kacheek shoulder, his face etched with concern. “You didn’t think we’d be taking the house with us, did you?”
“No, Lucas, it’s not that; it’s just that I didn’t realise you’d be leaving me behind...” Tears were starting to spill down my cheeks now, dripping from my face onto the cobbled streets below. Lucas looked at me solemnly, as though he wasn’t sure what to say. I could feel all the upset and anger bubbling up inside me and then I just couldn’t stop it. “Just go, Lucas! I can’t deal with goodbyes... Just... go.”
I turned and ran away as fast as my legs could carry me. I was foolish, I realise, but I couldn’t bear to say goodbye to my best friend, my only friend. In neonursery a ton of baby neopets had wanted to be our friends, but with our inside jokes no one could even get close to me and Lucas.
Best friends forever...
Weeks passed and life just wasn’t the same without Lucas around. I tried to get on with life, but every time I walked to school, I had to pass his old house. I’d glance in the window and see the new family inside. Everything was different now.
I took to sitting alone most of the time, either in my bedroom or in the den at the bottom of my garden. I just couldn’t enjoy anything anymore.
“Rosie, will you go fetch the mail in, please?” My owner was running late as usual and rushing to collect her belongings in a hurried frenzy before leaving for her job. She pushed all her papers and pens into her bag and stooped to hug me goodbye before yelling, “I’ll see you later!” from the front door.
I’d already brought the mail inside and carelessly tossed it onto the kitchen table before I saw “ROSIE!” in big capital letters on one of the envelopes. I rushed to open it, almost tearing the letter in two... *****
TO: Rosie FROM: Lucas SUBJECT: Goodbye? Hey Rosie, Why didn’t you come say goodbye to me? I made Lyndsey wait an extra hour but you never turned up. I’m sorry we fought on my last day in Neopia Central. Still friends? Anyway, guess what?! I made the beach volleyball team! What did I tell you? I knew I had a talent! Lyndsey thinks it would be a good idea if you came and stayed with us for a few days next week, what do you think? Please write back. Best Friends Forever.
TO: Lucas FROM: Rosie - Posie SUBJECT: Re: Goodbye? Hi Lucas!! I’m sorry, I was just so upset about you leaving, and you know how it is. Things just aren’t the same without you here; the new family has already ruined your old neohome.
Congratulations on making the team! But I’m sure you must have bribed the coach or something. You’d never make it on talent; you’re not that good!
Just kidding! How’s the weather on Mystery Island? I hope you get sunburnt! Hahaha.
I think it’d be great if I could come and stay. I’ll ask Lou later when she gets home from work.
Write back,
Rosie Posie
TO: Rosie FROM: Lucas SUBJECT: Your stay I’m so glad Lou said you could come and stay, it’s going to be great!! So you arrive here at 8am and I’ll meet you on the beach and take you to our home. Make sure you bring your suncream! Anyway, I’m not happy that you said you hoped I’d get sunburnt a few weeks ago, ‘cause now I am.
I’m going to set up the spare bed now. I can’t wait for you to get here!
TO: Lucas FROM: Rosie SUBJECT: Brill time!
Thanks for letting me stay at your gorgeous home. It’s too good for you; I think you should let me have it haha!
It was nice to catch up and do all those fun things together again, and I must say I’m definitely better at beach volleyball than you, so I don’t know how you got on the team!
Lou says that in a few weeks time you should come and stay with us, which is just in time for the big Art festival that’s coming to Neopia Central. You should come!
Let me know. Rosie
TO: Rosie FROM: Lucas SUBJECT: Art Festival That sounds great, count me in!
TO: Lucas FROM: Rosie SUBJECT: Where were you? You were supposed to be here yesterday, what’s happened? Where are you now? I need to know. Rosie
TO: Rosie FROM: Lucas SUBJECT: Sorry
I’m so so so sorry! I completely forgot I was supposed to be coming to stay with you. My best friend Rich (he’s a Darigan Grarrl!) invited me to stay at his for a few days to go to this big volleyball tournament!
He’s great; I’ll introduce you next time you visit.
TO: Lucas FROM: Rosie SUBJECT: Rich Your best friend?! I thought I was your best friend?! So much for best friends forever.
TO: Rosie FROM: Lucas SUBJECT: Re: Rich You know I didn’t mean it like that. Sorry.
TO: Lucas FROM: Rosie SUBJECT: Are we still friends? Hey, we haven’t spoken in months. Are we still friends? Please write back Rosie
TO: Lucas FROM: Rosie SUBJECT: Hello? *****
That was the last I heard from Lucas. It’d been almost a year to the day that he had moved to Mystery Island and he’d made a new best friend and forgotten all about his old one. I guess everyone has some growing up to do, and some neopets grow apart. I’ll always have my memories.
And my new best friend Tara has no plans to move any time soon.
The End