Someone Is In My House by hallie035
I am Oilisie the baby Aisha. Can you see me? Can you hear me? Good, because I’m going to tell you a story. A story about something that happened to me. Something I just can’t keep secret. If someone asks how you knew this, it wasn’t from me. Promise me you won’t tell anyone? Promised? All right, take a seat, relax and listen. Don’t interrupt me, just be quiet. Understood? Good, let’s start. My story begins in July, about a year ago. I’ve been with my owner for a year now, and we did a lot of things. We made friends, we played games to get avatars, we travelled all over the world to see everything in Neopia, and I really mean everything. My owner was gone. She needed to buy some food for me and my sisters.
I was bored. I couldn’t think of anything else other than waiting for my owner to come home. But she was gone for so long, at least I thought so. Susa_An, my sister, told me I should do something. She told me to play a game, or draw something for my owner. She knew a good game to do. I agreed to play that game with her. It would make her happy, and I wouldn’t be bored anymore.
The game wasn’t that funny. Susa_An is a new member to our family and she didn’t really know me. She didn’t know what I liked. She taught me games she liked, and I didn’t. Until something happened. No, this is not a random event or something like that. I heard a sound coming from the attic. I wanted to take a look, but guess what? Susa_An was scared and asked me to stay downstairs with her. She wanted to feel safe. I told her to see MeridellPrinses, my other sister. Susa_An agreed to do that. It took some time to convince her. I went upstairs. I walked very carefully, so I wouldn’t scare anyone. Not my sisters and not what was in the attic. I was sure it was someone, and not something that fell from a closet or the wind or something that silly. It had to be someone walking around in our house. Someone that didn’t belong here. Someone that should go away. I wasn’t scared. I’m serious.
I opened the door to the attic. I knew it could make a huge noise if I opened it too fast. The attic was dark. I needed some time to let my eyes adjust. I didn’t see a lot. I saw wardrobes, closets, beds. It was almost like a house. It was like someone lived here. Like this was a place someone slept at night, ate and had friends over. But why was that person here? Everyone had a good home; nobody slept on the street or in the garden or in my attic.
I walked in and looked around. I didn’t hear anything. It was very cold here, almost freezing. Why wasn’t this place heated? I turned on the light, so I could see the heater and turn it on. I needed time to adjust again. Nothing to see. I moved to the walls and opened a few closets and wardrobes. I was halfway the room when I heard something again. It was a soft voice, I could hardly hear it. It came from the other side of the room. I walked to that side, watching everything around me. I was scared that someone would come from behind me and grab me. I should have stayed downstairs with Susa_An. I should have listened to her. I thought I was brave, but I’m not. I just wanted to know; I like adventures.
I opened the closet where the sound came from. I hoped it was the right closet. I looked inside, from side to side, up and down. Nothing. But I heard the sounds better now. What was going on here? Why did I hear sounds, but not see anything? I looked around another time. I noticed a small scratch in the closet. It looked like there was something different around the scratch. There could be a hidden floor or something. I felt excited. I was the one that would find out the secret of this closet. While searching the area, I found out that the scratch was a blue ball instead. And when I grabbed the ball, it was a small creature.
The creature looked up at me. It looked scared. His eyes were big. I saw tears in his eyes. He was going to cry if I didn’t do anything. I grabbed the little creature and hugged it. The little one shook in my claws. I whispered nice words to it. I told him everything was fine. I wasn’t going to hurt him. I was going to help him.
When the creature finally calmed down, he fell asleep. I took it to my room. I had a lot of books with information about all the species in Neopia. The creature didn’t have much room in my claws so I made him a bed and put him in there. I grabbed the book from one of the book shelves. The book was handy. It started with a question about the species I wanted to know something about. When you answered the question, you needed to go to a specific page and answer another question. I answered questions about the closet creature until I found a name. The little creature was a Cooty. So, I found a petpetpet in a closet in the attic, when my owner wasn’t home. What was that Cooty doing there? Did my owner know about it?
When my owner came home (her name is Lisanne; I forgot to tell you), I tried to tell her about the Cooty. The Cooty was far more important than the name of my owner. Besides, if you did research on who I am, where I live, my friends and that kind of stuff, you would already know.
My owner finally had time for me, after putting away the food. She asked me to help, so I did. I wanted to tell her my story. I wanted to show her the Cooty I found in the attic. She needed to know; she was my owner. Shouldn’t owners know what creatures live in their home? Shouldn’t they keep everything clean so I and my sisters wouldn’t get dirty?
I told Lisanne everything about today. I didn’t let her ask questions, I wanted to tell my story in one breath. All right, not in one breath, but you know what I mean. You do, right? Sure, I’ll move on with my story; you want to know what happened next.
So, I told Lisanne the story. She wanted to see the Cooty. She didn’t really believe me. She thought I was making up a story to catch her attention. Like I would do such a thing. You don’t believe that, do you? Of course you don’t, otherwise you would have stopped reading. I brought Lisanne to my room. She saw the Cooty. She picked him up, looked at him carefully. She was very cautious, like she didn’t want to hurt the Cooty, like she felt attracted to the Cooty. I wanted to shout at her, that I was her pet and that I needed more attention than that Cooty.
When Lisanne was finally done, she looked at me. She was happy and excited. I could see sparkles in her eyes. She was happy that I found the Cooty; she never knew it was there. She liked the Cooty; she didn’t want to sell it to someone else to earn some NP.
I could have it, because I found it and took care of it. She was happy to have such a careful pet.
So, that happened about a year ago. The Cooty still lives in my room. The Cooty trusts me; it is a great petpetpet. I am so happy to have found her. I don’t think you will ever see the Cooty. I noticed she was very shy. We never knew what the Cooty was doing in the attic. Maybe she got into my owner's inventory with a random event without being noticed. Maybe she was attached to me or my sisters and fell off. Guess we’ll never know. So this was my story.
The End