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Fun Games To Play When You're Bored

by harunu


Are you clicking around the games room, not knowing which game to play? Well, some games are surprisingly fun and can keep you entertained for a while! Logic games, action games, and even multi-player games can keep someone entertained. I prefer calm games personally, but every person is different. So next time it's a rainy day and you're stuck inside, consider these games for when you're bored:

1. Bouncy Supreme: This game can become very addicting, very quickly. All you do is use your mouse to bounce the Blumaroo at the correct angle so that he lands on the pillar in front of him. It is just bouncing along, but that's the good thing about it; it's calm. It does get a bit stressful when you lose a life when you have a high score, but to resolve that, you can scroll up so that your score doesn't show. After you play for a while and your game ends, you could just as well have a high score! This game is not very stressful since you have a good amount of time so you can keep bouncing for a while.

2. Shenkuu Tangram: For anyone who likes logic games, this game can become entertaining quickly. If you've ever put together tangrams before, you'll quickly realize this game is merely a "virtual tangram". Normal mode is generally more slow-paced and easing, but if you want, you can play on hard mode and take on the challenge. You basically put the correct shapes in the corresponding spots on the petpet images; there's a catch however, you have to do some guessing as to where each piece goes. This game is calm and requires logic; much calmer than a game of Extreme Potato Counter for sure!

3. Imperial Exam: Even if this game can be pressuring and quick-paced, it is addicting. All you need is an understanding of how words are spelled, and you are set. In each stage, different neopets have different words displayed in thought bubbles, and you press the "up" key on your keyboard if the word is spelled correctly and the "down" key if the word is spelled wrong. In later levels you would like to breeze through all the words, but remember you MUST look at all words carefully. "Working" could be spelled "wokring" and you need to look for a second to catch that. If you have an english test coming up, this game will prove useful (That's a word on the game too!).

4. Ultimate Bullseye: A classic; just like archery. All you do is position your catapult with the arrow keys, press/hold the spacebar to boost your power, and send your arrow flying for the target. Power-ups will aid you through and help you get a higher score. This game sure does pass time. Although each round is short, you will find yourself playing multiple rounds. It's a nice game to play when you have nothing to do. There is also an avatar for this game, which makes you play even more if you are looking to achieve it.

(Hint: type "catapult" at any point in the game and get a powerup. ;)

5. Dubloon Disaster: This game is a fun and generally calm game to play, definitely. You use your arrow keys to made the Krawk's boat sail around, and try to collect the coins without hitting the mines that pop up at random places. The game is hectic when you are waiting for those first mines to come and hoping one doesn't pop up right next to you, but after the max number of mines - nine - pops up, the game is pretty easy. Just get the coins, herding the mines away from them and then you'll find out the game can go on for a while. It's fun to wait for that shiny golden 500-point coin to come! Just like Ultimate Bullseye, there is an avatar for this game. Just be patient, and enjoy playing. (A little helper is - like in Bouncy Supreme - scroll down a bit to block your score so that you aren't being too weary when you're about to hit the avatar score.)

6. Defender Trainer: Do you like puzzle games and anagrams? This game may be the one you have been waiting for. You will get shown a couple of pictures, and at the bottom there is a clue such as "Which starts with the letter K?" and you must click on the Neopet/object/Petpet that begins with K. It is quite a time-consuming game that you will enjoy if you get into it. Over the rounds the puzzles get trickier and the timer allots less time, but if you're fast, then it is no problem. Easy mode is recommended for the most stress-free gaming experience, but medium and hard mode prove to be quite entertaining also. If this game is called Defender Trainer, I wonder what you are training for...

7. Petpet Cannonball: This game is a personal favorite of mine; it involves strategy and logic. All you have to do is adjust your cannon with the arrow keys, and press/hold the spacebar to gather power and blast your petpet through the bucket. Sounds similar to Ultimate Bullseye, doesn't it? This is a fun game because not too much goes on other than you firing your petpet. Each level that passes by is a bigger challenge, but for some people it can also be easier since you don't need to hold your spacebar as long to get enough power. Just remember to take a look at the weight of your petpet; more weight requires more power, and vice versa. After a while you can find yourself playing this game frequently.

I hope these five games prove to be time-passing, and also fun. The only way you can see is to try them yourself! These games are good neopoint-makers since you can play them for a while. The avatar games can become stressful, but don't forget that you only have to keep playing and practice to get better. There may be more games that quirk your interest, so look around the games room and you may be surprised!

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