Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 191,643,725 Issue: 476 | 7th day of Sleeping, Y13
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by snowstorm4444

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Inspiteful - Choking Hazard
No Neopets were harmed in the making of this comic. Except for Teexxy.

by warzia


The Life of Aye! - 3 - Christmas Time
What sort of pets have I been raising ..!?

by xwindswept


Save the Economy!
All you need to do is destroy neopoints! And this is a list of 10 fun ways you can do it!

by the_creator12345


An Essential Guide to Owning Darigan Petpets
"The absolute most important thing you must remember when working with Darigan petpets is..."

by parody_ham

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