Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 184,867,923 Issue: 477 | 14th day of Sleeping, Y13
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Happy Sloth Appreciation Day?

by djudju22_8

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Tastes like Pteri...

by dragon_loyalty


Living a Lie: The Story of the Imposter Apple
No longer will you remotely question the strange happenings that must be about when you pluck a mask-wearing orange from Bart's pail. All your answers are here.

by fluffywoy


Never Send a Mystery Capsule to Dr. Sloth: Part One
I actually spend very little time in Sloth's presence myself during each day, but yesterday was different.

by fuzzymonkey31


I'm Runner: Part Two
"I'm from... Darigan. Darigan Citadel, that is. And, um, I live there. And am going there. Because I like it there."

by peachwriting

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