Agent of the Sway: Departure - Part Four by herdygerdy
Quizara's downfall followed quite quickly after Clayton and Knight fled Faerieland. The Sway agents freeing Faeries across the planet broke the lock on the castle's gate, allowing Falmouth to storm the palace and free the Queen. With her liberated, Quizara was forced to flee, the Sceptre of Questions broken and useless in her hands. Only a few months later, Clayton was called to the Haunted Woods on the Duchess's orders. There, nestled somewhat out of place in the dark and broken woods, was a library. If not for the location, Clayton could have sworn it was a little piece of Faerieland. "It's about time," a voice came from beyond the open door. "I've been down here for days now, I was beginning to think you hadn't noticed." Clayton peered around the door, finding Xandra busily studying a book. "I wouldn't be any kind of sorceress if I didn't have early warning magic set up," she offered as way of an explanation. "I believe you have been sent to talk to me, yes? Your leader still wants into the Hidden Tower." "You said that you would help us," Clayton confirmed. "What exactly are you doing here though?" "After being caught in Faerie Haven, and the nature of my close relationship with Quizara, the Academy brass decided I was maybe a little too problematic," Xandra said. "You've been expelled?" "No," Xandra scoffed. "Though if they had evidence of any wrong doing I imagine I would have been. No, they rushed along my graduation - got me out of Faerieland as soon as possible, even set me up with this place. My own little slice of Faerieland." "I have been instructed to ask..." "About Quizara," Xandra said with a nod. "Don't worry about her, I hunted her down soon after she fled Faerieland." She gestured to the Scepter of Questions on a nearby table, broken clean in two. "She won't be troubling anyone any more," she added wickedly. "Quizara was powerful, even without the Scepter," Clayton said. "How did you manage that?" "You're looking at the greatest student the Academy has ever seen," Xandra said. "I'm hardly some common farm girl. And besides... I had help." She held out her hand and concentrated some of her magic. A purple cloud formed on the desk, which gradually solidified into a creature. It was purple in colour, but glowing pink around the edges, which seemed to shift and flow like they weren't entirely solid. "I call them Wraiths," Xandra said. "I owe you thanks, in a way. After seeing the Shadows in Neovia, I began to research the beings in the Void between worlds. Eventually, I came across these." "There are more of them?" Clayton asked, not daring to approach the beast on the table. "Many," Xandra said with a smile. "An army's worth, at least. They sense my power, and seem to bow to my every whim." The Xweetok closed her palm, and the Wraith disappeared back into the cloud it had come from.
"Now, you were sent here to discuss Faerieland," she said. "Quizara's plan failed for two reasons. Firstly, the Question Curse, whilst powerful, could be easily broken. A more powerful, permanent magic would be better suited to the task. One which cannot be undone with anyone capable of rudimentary conversation."
"And the second?" "Faerie Haven," Xandra said. "The Faeries were able to flee to safety rather than fall under the curse again. If the Haven was destroyed, the Faeries would have nowhere to hide." "You think you can do that?" Clayton asked. "It was a prison designed to contain the Darkest Faerie originally." "I've experienced its power," Xandra told him. "I can't destroy it, that much is true. But it is a pocket dimension - I should be able to sever the connection to Faerieland, brick up the door, so to speak." "And the method of magic you will use to immobilise the Faeries?" Clayton asked. "Jerdana, of Altador, was a guest lecturer at the Academy once," Xandra said. "She gave us a brief rundown of the magic she used to aid Fyora's bid to petrify the Darkest Faerie."
"You're considering petrifying all of the Faeries in Neopia!?" Clayton gasped. "Even the combined powers of the Order of the Red Erisim aren't that strong!"
"I intend to amplify my powers," Xandra said, turning the book she had been studying so that Clayton could see. There was an illustration there of an artefact, like a mirror with a stone handle. "There are two of these, hidden somewhere in Neopia," she said. "I've already checked the Order's library, this was all I could find." "You want us to locate them," Clayton guessed. "One should be enough to allow me to take care of the Faeries," Xandra said. "If you found me the other, I could make sure any forces working to undo the curse were also neutralised." Clayton took the book. "We'll begin with the Seekers archives and see where that leads us," he said. "We'll be in touch." On the way back to Neopia Central, Clayton's carriage was rocked by a sudden earthquake. It was the sign he had been waiting for, and he had a sneaking suspicion as to what his next mission would be. *** The Duchess was waiting at a coffee shop in the marketplace. Clayton's heart fell when he saw that Agent Knight was also waiting. "You got my report?" Clayton asked. The Duchess supplied a nod. "Xandra requires this," he said, handing over the book. "There should be two of them." She gave the sketch a brief appraisal. "That should be achievable," she said. "I will place agents on the trail immediately. You two, however, have a different path. I'm sure you both felt the earthquake, yes?" They nodded. "The latest in a stream of unnatural natural disasters," she said. "The Seekers report strange storms off the Altador coast, and that the snow on Terror Mountain is beginning to melt. They have yet to make the connection, but to us it is all too clear. The removal of the crystal stabilising the planetary core in Moltara is finally effecting the upper world. It will not be long until the planet rips itself apart. We must replace the stabilisation machine immediately - we have no alternative, Moltara must be discovered." "I have begun the process for you," she added. "The Gnorbu who runs the Lunar Temple in Shenkuu has had the idea planted in his head. He has contracted the help of one Roxton Colchester, Agent Rook, you may remember him from your trip to Dr. Sloth's Petpetpet infested island." "A member of the Seekers," Clayton confirmed. "He may prove useful." "The group are already on their way to Altador to recover the first part of the device - from there, they will travel to Faerieland. You will find them there and accompany them at a distance rendering what assistance you can. The skies around Faerieland are growing more dangerous due to the increased storms, and sky pirates led by Captain Deadbolt are praying on travellers." Both nodded, getting up and leaving the Duchess. "You are a curse," Knight growled as they left the Marketplace. "Pardon?" "Escort duty," he spat. "That's what we've been given. An insult to someone of my standing. One assignment with you, and I am on her black list. You, Agent Rook, are a curse. You had best hope this mission does not go the way of the last." *** There were indeed more storms in Faerieland - dark clouds the colour of Jhudora's now littered the skies, and most Faeries were standing indoors through fear of the lightning strikes on the streets of the city. That suited the Sway's agenda perfectly, of course. The less Faeries around, the better. They picked up Roxton just after he docked his flying Shenkuu ship. He was accompanied by a studious looking Wocky and a young Kougra. The Kougra, according to their notes, was named Jordie. He had been employed as Roxton's assistant since the events on the Lost Isle. The Wocky, Clayton guessed, would be Clara, the Wise Gnorbu's brightest student. Clara was reading a book as they walked through the streets, clearly the tome they were using to locate the fragments they would need. "The next passage says, 'With thoughts on the seasons, find the source that lies beyond the seeker of peace'," she read. All three looked rather clueless. "Our records state the fragment is currently held at the Healing Springs," Knight whispered from their hiding place. At that moment, young Jordie was hit by a blast of lightning from one of the storm clouds. "Jordie, are you alright?" Roxton asked, leaning down to him. "C'mon kid, let's get you to the healing springs, maybe we can figure something out there." Clayton and Knight exchanged a glance - this might be easier than it looked. *** Jordie was busy splashing about in the pools of the Healing Springs, recovered after only a few moments bathing. "These springs!" he cried. "It's like they're magic!" Roxton and Clara stifled their giggles, and then turned to thinking about their treasure hunt. "We have company," Clayton said to Knight from behind their cover of a nearby rock formation. At the far edge of the Healing Springs, the Water Faerie who ran the place, Marina, was deep in conversation with a familiar Faerieland Knight - Lady Falmouth. "I've got it, Jordie!" Roxton gasped. "The springs! We've found our next clue!" He bent down, reaching for one of the golden pumps that kept the pools filled. "Find the source, eh?" he said. "I'd say we've found our source..." At that moment, Marina broke off her conversation with Falmouth and swam over. "Roxton Colchester!" she fumed. "How dare you show your face around here!" "Aw, c'mon..." he replied, busily picking up the golden pump. "You're not still mad about that, are you?" "Your little treasure hunt last time left a huge mess for me to clean up!" the Water Faerie snapped. "It took me over a month to refill the springs!" "We don't have time for this!" Clara growled, taking the lid off a slushie she had been drinking and throwing it over the Faerie. With that, the three of them ran off. Falmouth, seeing the assault, was about to give chase, while Marina was charging a blast of water magic. "You take Falmouth, I'll take Marina," Knight instructed. The Techo darted forwards, blocking the Faerie's view and causing her to scream in rage and dispel the magic she had been about to unleash. Clayton meanwhile made a beeline for Falmouth, colliding with her. "I'm so sorry!" he said, offering a hand to help her up. "I wasn't looking where I was going!" Falmouth glanced after the fleeing trio, but they had vanished. "No matter," she muttered, before returning to Marina. Knight and Clayton quickly made their own exits, tracking Roxton back to the sky docks. They had their own flying ship waiting for them, and they would follow at a distance - hopefully the storms would mask their presence.
To be continued...