Agent of the Sway: Departure - Part Five by herdygerdy
The Sway documents suggested that there was an additional fragment of the Moltaran device hidden within Terror Mountain, and Roxton's book appeared to agree as that was the course they took after leaving Faerieland. Clayton and Knight followed in their small flying skiff, skitting between the dark storm clouds to avoid detection. Roxton's piloting wasn't quite as delicate as Clayton's - the front running ship flying haphazardly between the storms.
It was hardly surprising when they drew the attention of the local cloud raiders, sky pirates under the command of Captain Deadbolt. The stolen Shenkuu vessels had been outfitted with torpedoes designed to scupper unsuspecting travellers - just like Roxton.
"They've spotted that they have company," Clayton said to Knight, gesturing ahead. Roxton's ship had just increased speed, flying off towards a nearby storm. The cloud raiders were giving chase. "We'll have to interfere," Knight instructed. "They have to reach Terror Mountain in one piece. Just... Try to do it without us getting shot down, yes? Your flying skills leave a lot to be desired." "You could always do it?" Clayton offered, spinning the wheel and setting them on a new course. Knight remained silent. Their small skiff proved more agile and quicker than either the cloud raiders or Roxton, so they quickly closed the distance. Flying straight across the bow of the lead raider ship, Clayton managed to distract them and draw them away from Roxton. Clayton took a gamble and flew straight into a nearby storm cloud, the raiders following in their wake. In the gloom, they were all as blind as each other, but Clayton had the advantage in being in front. The raiders were grouped together, and forced to slow down in order to avoid hitting each other. Clayton's ship flew out of the other side of the storm cloud. Roxton was already in the distance, clearing the last of the storms on the way to Terror Mountain. "They should be able to find the fragment they are looking for without our help," Knight instructed. "We will wait at the Happy Valley docks for them to return, then follow them to Moltara." *** Roxton and co. spent the night up the mountain, apparently camping under the stars. Clayton didn't care to spend time below deck with Knight, but he also knew that he couldn't venture ashore - Kanrik and his Thieves Guild were still operating out of Happy Valley, and whenever the Gelert was around, he tended to ask probing questions about Clayton's involvement with the Sway. Terror Mountain was indeed melting. Even the power of the Heart of the Mountain gemstone seemed to be unable to hold back the thaw. Clayton wondered if, given enough time, Terror Mountain would become an active volcano once more. He didn't want to think about what would happen then. Roxton returned the following morning, with what looked like a brass horn in his hands - one more element was needed to complete the device, and that could be found outside the entrance to Moltara itself. The trio appeared to be having a discussion on their ship as to their next destination, with Roxton eventually setting their course. Once more, the Sway followed at a distance. *** Lady Falmouth bowed low in front of Queen Fyora. "You called me, my Lady," she said.
"I don't doubt you are aware of the disasters sweeping the surface," Fyora said gravely. "Floods, hurricanes, the storms so close to our own door. Taelia informs me she actually found a Moltenore on Terror Mountain recently - the thaw is becoming so bad."
"I am aware, my Lady," Falmouth said. "These might have been passed off as natural if they happened apart," Fyora considered. "But so concentrated... Something must be behind it." "You think, perhaps, Quizara?" Falmouth asked. "No," Fyora said firmly. "This scale is beyond even her. No, I fear we may be dealing with that most powerful of adversaries. Time." "Time?" "You are aware of the tale of Moltara, yes?" Fyora asked. "The land they say is sealed below ground," Falmouth said. "It was created centuries ago when similar circumstances plagued Neopia," Fyora explained. "Scholars and mystics ventured down into the caverns below Neopia's surface. When they reached the planet's core, they found an unstable, violent state of affairs. It was the unstable core that was causing the inclement weather. They designed a device to stabilise the core, and stayed behind to oversee it. However, it is a device designed to regulate the flow of molten lava - as such, it cannot last forever." "You think it has worn down?" Falmouth asked.
"I suspect so." The Queen nodded. "You will travel to Moltara and discover the situation. When you know, report back to me. If replacement parts are needed, we will have them made."
Falmouth gave a nod. "I will see to it at once, my Lady." *** The entrance to the Moltaran caverns lay on the far side of Neopia, on an island with an active volcano. A large metal door stood in the face of the mountain, apparently locked from the outside by a large gear with a keyhole. It was a ceremonial thing, really. The people of Moltara used and maintained several tunnels to the surface that they used to gain essential supplies like water. This one they never used, largely because behind the door there was an inconvenient sheer drop rather than a steady incline. The key to this particular door was hidden nearby in the flowers surrounding the door. The metal flower shaped key stood out like a sore thumb, so it wasn't long until Roxton found it. Jordie briefly went back to the ship for some parachutes. Thankfully, Clayton and Knight had landed on the opposite side of the island so they weren't spotted. With that, the trio launched themselves off the platform and parachuted down the shaft. Knight shook his head as he emerged from the undergrowth. "Really, for a society of thinkers, the Seekers really don't do all that much of it," he muttered. "There could be a pool of molten lava at the bottom for all they know, and they just jumped straight in. Thankfully, the Sway do things with a little more style." He took a small orb from his uniform's pocket and gestured Clayton to come closer. When they were stood together, Knight threw it to the floor, shattering it. Whatever magic contained within seemed to circle the pair. "It shout last five minutes or so," Knight said as he marched to the abyss. "That should be more than enough." With that, he jumped off the edge. Clayton ran afterwards, seeing that Knight was already floating down into the darkness. The magic appeared to be slowing his descent. Clayton sighed and followed, hoping that the Techo knew what he was doing. *** Roxton and the others had a quicker descent, so they had already reached Moltara by the time Clayton and Knight landed.
They were on a rocky outcrop on the outskirts of the city, and from there they could see the majority of the clockwork and steam buildings that made up Moltara. Normally, of course, it would have been a breathtaking sight, but Sway agents had long been briefed on the existence of the place - it was nothing they were not expecting.
Roxton appeared to have already made contact with the Mayor of Moltara City, who was guiding him towards a side chamber where the core stabilisation device was located. "They won't be able to repair it with the device itself," Knight said, starting down the track into the city. "When it was first created, it took the magical power of the mystics to calm the lava while it was installed. The same will be true now." Sure enough, as they neared the chamber, there were yells. The device, which looked something like a giant boiler in the middle of a great pool of lava, had exploded, lava spilling out as Roxton and a native Shoyru ran away from it. The Mayor was already explaining a solution, cottoning on to the fact that the mystics who lived deeper in the cave systems would be needed. Roxton and the Shoyru set off, leaving the rest of them to try and contain the lava leak as best they could. Other natives were already rushing past Clayton into the chamber, setting up rigging to rebuild the machine when Roxton returned. "It seems as if we won't be needed for the rest of this," Knight said. "I do so hate escort duty... It's so very tedious." There was a brief pink flash behind the pair, and Clayton turned to see what it was. Lady Falmouth was kneeling in the middle of the town square, getting to her feet as she recovered from the teleportation magic. Clayton reacted too late. Knight was already moving into the shadows, but the Xweetok made eye contact with the Kougra. Clayton darted into the shadows, moving quickly so he was lost in her eyeline. But it was too late, the damage had been done. "She saw me," Clayton hissed to Knight. "She recognised me from Faerieland, I'm sure." Knight gave Clayton a glare. "I repeat, Agent Rook," he said with a sneer. "You are a curse. We need to get out of Moltara right now, we can't afford to lurk around if she is involved." *** Lady Falmouth bowed low in front of Queen Fyora once more. "Your report, Isobel?" the Queen asked. "The situation was as you feared, the machinery in Moltara had worn down," Falmouth said. "However it appears to have resolved itself. The Wise Gnorbu in Shenkuu had already guessed the situation, and organised a team to gather replacement parts for the machine. I did not realise at the time, but I witnessed them... Appropriating one of the parts from our own Healing Springs a few days ago. They travelled to Moltara and repaired the device for them - the unusual weather should begin to settle down now, and the Mayor of Moltara had decided to open Moltara to the general public." "Excellent," Fyora said. "I think we will allow this minor act of vandalism just this once, yes?" Falmouth provided an uneasy smile. "What is it, Isobel?" "There is something else, my lady," the Xweetok said. "There were people in Moltara when I arrived. One, I recognised from the incident at the Healing Springs. But when I checked, there was no such Neopet in the Wise Gnorbu's party. Moltara had not been opened to the public at the time, so he could not have been in both places by mere coincidence." "You are sure it was the same Neopet?" Fyora asked. "Reasonably, yes," Falmouth said. "But that is not all that has roused my suspicions. The Neopet was a Kougra. Do you recall when we captured Duke Hopesmeade? Several witnesses claimed to have seen him in the company of a Kougra at several points, but nothing ever came of those leads." Fyora was gravely still. "Do you believe that Hopesmeade's organisation survived our efforts?" she asked. "That they have been dormant all this time?" "Perhaps..." Falmouth said. "I do not have enough evidence to say for certain either way. I advise caution, my lady." Fyora nodded. "If Hopesmeade's organisation survived, we must find them and stop them as soon as possible," she said. "You are to make this your top priority, Isobel. Find them. Find them all."
To be continued...