Miss Elizabeth by crazy_4_sushi
"And I've never shopped there since. Prigpants & Swolthy have messed up hems not once, but twice! An absolute crime!" The true crime here was how Elizabeth Theroux had been deprived of her right to speak for the entire evening. The formally trained Pteri, a stern but passionate business mogul known well throughout Neovia, blinked to rid her eyes of their glossy state as the shrill voice reached her ears. Listening to her dear friend Ana talk about the perils of her recent shopping expedition wasn't the most stimulating topic of conversation, but it let the Neovian's mind forget the tragedy that had consumed her life for the past months. To keep Ana from sulking, Elizabeth quickly remarked, "It's no matter, dear. You still look ravishing." A forced grin crept across Ana's face that made Elizabeth's heart sink. It was so difficult for the Xweetok to smile these days. Staying in isolation inside her dreary home was not helping, which is why after months of refusing to see anyone, Elizabeth convinced her childhood friend to let her visit. It seemed to be paying off. With absolute joy, Ana replied, "Lizzy, you know just the right words to say. Now, any room for dessert? I can prepare some absolutely delicious lemon and mint sorbet. I know it's your favorite!" This would have been the first time in months that Ana had cooked for herself; concerned family and neighbors had prepared cuisines for her all the months prior. Even the tea sandwiches that they had eaten came from her grandmother, overly concerned that her granddaughter was not cooking or eating. Elizabeth reluctantly pushed away her plate that contained the crumbly remains of cheese sandwiches and insisted, "Oh Ana, I couldn't. I've had so much to eat." Ana sank back in her chair and nodded. She used to be so full of life, but the past few months found her bleak. The travesty that had unfolded would break the heart of any mother. Her eldest child Arnold (who Elizabeth knew well not just because of Ana, but because he was her apprentice of many years) had gone missing one evening without a trace. Search parties combed through the clusters of Neovian forests, but they turned up fruitless. Days turned to weeks, and a missing Arnold's case went cold, much to Ana's dismay. "Mother?" Elizabeth and Ana turned their attention towards a tiny Blumaroo standing in the doorway of the dining room. A green sundress and oversized fleece jacket hung over her petite frame with a skewed bow tied in her hair. Adalee was a timid yet curious as to what her daughter wanted. "Mother, may I please go outside?" she asked hastily. Ana raised an eyebrow. "It's getting late, Adalee. What for?" "It's him!" Adalee beamed. "It's Arnold!" As if the energy was being sucked out of her, Ana slid down in her chair. "I really wish you wouldn't say that..." "I won't be long!" Elizabeth watched as Adalee raced out the front door and scurried down the stone walkway. She stopped where the walkway met the road, waving her arms to what looked like nothing. The Blumaroo bounced up and down as she began to talk and giggle, but to Ana it appeared that her daughter was talking to thin air. "She insists on going outside all the time, waiting for Arnold to return!" Ana wailed to a stone-cold Elizabeth. "And then she talks to him like he's there! Will she ever grow out of this fantasy?" But Elizabeth did not continue the subject. Instead, she took one more sip of tea before setting the cup down on the saucer. "Ana, I've changed my mind. I'm actually quite interested in the sorbet." The sudden change of heart thrilled Ana, and the Xweetok snapped out of her trance. "Yes, absolutely!" Ana pushed herself up from her chair and turned towards the kitchen, relieved that she had an activity to take her mind off Arnold. "I'll whip that up right now! I'll even pick some fresh mint leaves from the garden out back. It'll take some time, if you don't mind waiting." "Not at all. I'll happily step outside for some fresh air," Elizabeth remarked. "Perhaps I can even coax Adalee inside." "Thank you, Lizzy." Ana took one last look out the window before escaping to the kitchen. This prompted Elizabeth to leave the dimly-lit dining room with an essence that belonged in a haunted house and amble over to the front door that opened with a piercing creak. Elizabeth strolled down the walkway surrounded by dead grass and lifeless plants until she reached Adalee's side. She looked up to see that it was Elizabeth and beamed. "Hi Miss Elizabeth! I'm talking to Arnold!"
"I know you are, dear." Elizabeth smiled warmly at the Blumaroo.
"I want everyone to see him..." Adalee pouted. "Then they could stop being so sad. I really wish Mother could see Arnold. She would be so happy!" "Indeed, she would be absolutely ecstatic." Adalee tilted her head to the side. "Miss Elizabeth, I swear that I'm talking to Arnold! You believe me, don't you?" "Of course I believe you, Adalee," Elizabeth nodded. "Now why don't you go inside? It's getting dark and your mother is making some delicious dessert. Go on, tell Arnold goodbye and that you'll see him soon." Adalee pouted and waved to her invisible friend. "Bye, Arnold!" Elizabeth watched as the tiny Blumaroo scurried up the porch and went inside the house. But rather than follow her, Elizabeth remained standing on the walkway. Ana may not have believed her daughter's antics, but Elizabeth knew exactly what was going on with Adalee. She drew in a breath before proclaiming: "Arnold, there's no need to try and convince Adalee that I can't see or hear you." The ghost of Arnold froze. "You... you can... see me, Miss Elizabeth?" he stammered at his former boss and mother's best friend. "I.. .didn't mean what I said... truly... I just thought you were going along with Adalee..." She decided not to press into comments that Arnold made while she pretended to stand by idly and not see him. "I haven't told anyone that I'm able to speak to the paranormal," Elizabeth confessed. "Not even your mother." Arnold opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. The yellow Gelert was wearing the same clothes described by Ana the night he disappeared; a white dress shirt, dark blue button-down vest, and black trousers. Only this time, Elizabeth could see the sickly trees and windy dirt road behind him. "What happened to you, Arnold? Ana would love nothing but closure to your disappearance, as would I." "I was angry at her," snarled Arnold. "I wanted nothing more than to continue to write! Miss Elizabeth, you know how much I loved to pen my novels. I'd get lost in the parchment and the words. But Mother insisted that I go down the business path. I had absolutely no interest in that!" Arnold did not like entrepreneurship, even though Ana pleaded with him to make it his career path. Seeing how successful Elizabeth was inspired her to allow for her son to achieve that status. "You were upset with her. I understand. What happened after that?" "One night we had a fight as always, but this was worse. I needed to get out of the house to calm down. That night I snuck out and went to the forest... I swear I knew where it was! I was going to avoid it!" he spat. "How could I have been so stupid?" "Hush, Arnold. I can't understand what happened if you get upset," Elizabeth murmured as she straightened her posture, tilting her head to the side and preparing for a whirlwind of onslaught. "What were you unable to avoid?" "The hill!" Arnold whined. "I ventured off the path... the last thing I remember is tumbling down the hill. I don't know what was waiting for me at the bottom. I was so careless! And now... I don't know what I can do." "The search parties must not have gone that far." Elizabeth's gaze fell as the wind howled. "I'll make sure that you're found tomorrow." Arnold wrung his hands nervously. "I tried telling Adalee... she didn't understand. She thought I was still here in the flesh." The Pteri nodded. "Had I known about Adalee's gift sooner, I would have intervened. I will talk to her as soon as possible." "At least it's been found out." Elizabeth watched as Arnold looked past her and longingly at his home. "I should be going. Your mother is expecting me to return soon."
"Right." Arnold shoved his hands in his pockets. "Of course."
He was visibly upset at being unable to join his beloved mother and sister inside their home, so Elizabeth offered him final words of comfort. "Arnold, I've talked to countless spirits that still wander Neovia. As long as your spirit remains on this land, know that I will be here for you. Know that I will always be there for Ana, and I will make it my goal to help Adalee understand and use her gift," her eyes softened as she whispered, "You don't have to go through this alone." "Thank you, Miss Elizabeth," Arnold said before hastily adding, "You were an amazing boss. You taught me so much, and even though I despised the industry, I learned a great deal from you that would have made me extremely successful. Thank you."
"It was my pleasure, Arnold." She nodded firmly with a sad smile. "I'm sure we'll be in touch."
"And... Miss Elizabeth?" "Yes?" Arnold paused. "How do I leave?" The age old question from the spirits that she dealt with... how they know when it is time to leave their realm and move on. She offered her sole advice on the subject: "Dear, you leave whenever you're ready." She parted from her former apprentice, who watched dolefully as Elizabeth ascended up the front steps and onto the porch. She opened the door just in time to take one look over her shoulder to the empty road. The door creaked closed, prompting Ana to call out from the kitchen, "Almost done in here, Elizabeth!"
"Take your time." Elizabeth sat herself back down just as Adalee skipped into the room. Elizabeth stared at the ecstatic girl who had just talked to her brother like nothing was wrong. It was exactly how Elizabeth was when she first realized what she was capable of doing with the forgotten realm of Neopia.
"Isn't Arnold the best?" she squeaked. Elizabeth knelt down next to Adalee and straightened the bow atop her head. "He is a fine young man. Now Miss Adalee, how about tomorrow you and me spend some time together? Maybe go to town, get some new bows and dresses for your dolls?" This delighted the young soul. "Yes, please!" A smile. "Excellent. We have much to discuss." *** Another Halloween Eve was upon the town where every day was the spookiest day of the year. Autumn leaves gently floated down from the giant oak trees that were planted around the Neovian graveyard, with an older and wiser Adalee sitting underneath. The setting sunlight poked through the branches and caused Adalee to squint, but she did not move from her spot on the ground. She had wanted to visit the grave of one important person before she was to prepare for Halloween night. To calm her nerves, her mentor stood over her. "How are you doing?" Miss Elizabeth inquired. "I'm fine," Adalee replied. "Mother spoke of you today... saying that this was your least favorite holiday." "It's not my least favorite. It's just the busiest." Adalee's brows narrowed. "I've already seen a lot of spirits. I'm sort of worried for tonight." Elizabeth nodded understandingly. Years ago when Elizabeth had confronted Arnold for the first time, she had spent a long time trying to explain to the beautiful Blumaroo that the people she saw were not imaginary friends, but actual spirits wandering Neopia. The first Halloween, Adalee refused to leave her room and passed on trick-or-treating because she was so afraid of dealing with her gift. No longer was she dealing with what she thought were figments of her young imagination. "You've lived through four Halloweens, love. You will survive many more. If any ghosts strike up a conversation..." "...listen to them and try to offer my best advice." Adalee nodded to the smiling approval of Elizabeth. "Have you seen Arnold?" "Yes, earlier this afternoon." Elizabeth sighed. Arnold had not yet found the strength to move on, but he would find it one day. She had all the faith in him that he would. "Adalee!"
The voices belong to two of Adalee's classmates who were standing at the gate to the cemetery. "Hi Lia! Hi Nora!" she waved at her twin Uni friends. "The sun is setting and you haven't even put on your costume!" Nora shouted and made her way towards her friend. "Never mind that..." Lia reluctantly followed down the cobblestone path. "It may be Halloween, but hanging around this place is scary!" "We can leave. I'm ready!" Adalee sprung up from the ground. The Blumaroo stood up to face her friends. "That's weird..." Lia remarked. "What's wrong?" asked Adalee. "This isn't Arnold's grave!" Lia squinted at the name on the tombstone before asking, "Who is Elizabeth Theroux?" "Hush, Lia!" Nora hissed. "Don't get into Adalee's private business!" "It's all right, Nora. I already visited Arnold's grave earlier today," explained Adalee while making eye contact with the mentor that only she could see. "This is a friend. A dear friend." "Don't let us rush you. If you want to stay longer, please do." Lia insisted. Adalee was about to vow that she was fine but quickly bit back her tongue. "Just a minute, maybe?" Lia and Nora nodded and left for the graveyard's exit. It left Adalee alone once again with her mentor and best friend. "I should get going," she sighed. Elizabeth grinned. "Indeed, you should. Just don't forget to have fun. I wish I hadn't let this ability ruin me when I was younger." "I'll have fun, I promise," Adalee vowed. "Happy Halloween, Miss Elizabeth." "Same to you, my dear Adalee."
The End