Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 192,951,128 Issue: 667 | 31st day of Collecting, Y16
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Costume Wars: Part Two

by melina322


Brynn led the way as the girls raced down the multiple aisles of the clothing shop, shoving past clueless shoppers and attempting to reach the three guys that had slipped out of sight. Brynn bit her lip, not looking forward to scouring the place searching for them. Those three together were the base of a very bad accident in the making. They couldn't stay in each other's company for more than an hour before blowing up on each other.

      Nabile and Hannah followed on her heels, also trying to look around all corners of the shop. But maybe the magician costumes they had forced the guys in earlier withheld magical powers, because they seemed to literally vanish in thin air.

      That was the only thing those three tended to specialize in together. Little disappearing acts to avoid suspicion or detection or whatever they were trying to avoid. Or in this case, embarrassing costumes and the loss of their remaining shreds of dignity, in their definitions.

      "Where'd they go?" Hannah sighed in defeat as the three came to rest in front of three poorly dressed and poorly posed mannequins. "They couldn't have gone very far! Jazan's a weak link, so Kanrik couldn't have gotten them all to sneak out without being noticed by someone..."

      "They could've taken a back door or something," Nabile countered, running a hand through her ponytail as she searched for her husband. "I just hope they don't wind up in trouble... what do you girls wanna do?"

      Hannah shrugged, feeling offended by the blatant "forget you" the three had basically thrown to their faces. It just showed why trying to make them partake in activities hardly ever worked. "It's not really like them to run off like that."

      "Maybe we just oughta go next door," Brynn sighed, folding her arms in disappointment.

      "What? Think they might've wound up there?" Hannah questioned, but the guard shook her head. "No, I mean, so we can get our costumes. We're trying too hard to get them into this. If they don't want to do it, they don't want to."

      Hannah gawked at the guard as Nabile raised an eyebrow. "You really think they're hating us that much?"

      "They weren't very happy. And I dunno about you, but I hate seeing Hanso unhappy. It's unnatural, especially for him," Brynn explained.

      "Yeah..." Hannah's ears drooped in realization. "As much of an idiot as Kanrik can be, I don't think he'd run off without a good reason." The adventurer sighed in defeat. "I guess we annoyed them past their limit."

      "I hate seeing Jazan mad, let alone mad at me," Nabile added and eventually gave a conceding sigh. "Alright, well, let's just get our stuff. They'll eventually end up back on the benches and we can go home after that. Let's just hope they don't fight and get each other arrested."

      "Luckily, I could help in that department." Brynn shrugged, her mood slightly brightened at the thought of a simple girls day out. "So, you know, I've been thinking of maybe being something creative this year..."

      "A pirate. I'm thinking a pirate!" Hannah exclaimed as they started to the door.

      "I've always thought how neat it'd be being some kind of petpet..."

      "Be a Mauket! That would totally fit you, girl..."

      The three were soon joking and leaving the shop, not noticing the three mannequins had moved after their conversation. Hanso looked up, slowly lifting off the ridiculous fedora he had scrambled to put on as Jazan and Kanrik followed suit, each dressed haphazardly and frantically with no sense of fashion taste... not like it mattered, since barely anyone paid attention to mannequins.

      "I'd hate being a mannequin," Kanrik stated arbitrarily to break the silence, rubbing the cramp that had already been made from standing still for that small amount of time.

      Hanso sighed, feeling his mood crash lower than he thought was even possible. "Anyone else feeling like a jerk right now?" Then he eyed Jazan. "Well, in some cases, more like one?"

      "Too soon, thief." Jazan removed the hood of the jacket he had shoved on, his eyes giving a hint of red as his emotions flared. He felt lower than dirt, and almost wanted to jump off the stage and go after his beloved wife to apologize at her feet... but of course, that probably wouldn't help the matter at the moment.

      "Maybe we should've done something else..." Kanrik began, but Hanso scoffed at him incredulously. "You think?! We should've elaborated or at least tried... did we really hurt them that bad? I mean... do they really view us as these big jerks who hate them just because they were trying to make us happy?" The thief flinched upon saying it, realizing he had just spoken truth. "I bet they see us as jerks way too often."

      "Like abandoning Hannah on that cliff..." Kanrik stared down at the long designer coat he was disguised in, now feeling chastised.

      "Ignoring Nabile's holiday suggestions all year..." Jazan added, gritting his teeth.

      "Or disappointing Brynn when I got put in jail during the Faerieland fiasco... Oh, wait!" Hanso spun around to raise an eyebrow the desert king's way. "That was you."

      "Too soon!" And Jazan slapped the hat over the thief's head, limiting his vision and causing Hanso to stumble off the display stage.

      "We need to make this right," Kanrik stated, determined as he stripped off the fancy coat. "It's time to open our eyes on this."

      "Well, it's not like we're just gonna do one thing and immediately make everything good again, you know," Jazan huffed as Hanso attempted to get to his feet, only to fall back on the rug.

      "Wouldn't hurt to try!" Hanso pointed out as he attempted to pry off the fedora from his head. "I say we just quit blocking out their suggestions and go with it... I mean, I've never worn a costume or even went trick-or-treating, so I guess we oughta before it's too late, right? ...ow..."

      "I agree with the thief. For once. And possibly the only time." Jazan stepped off the stage and yanked the hat from Hanso's head, making the thief yelp in pain.

      "Right!" Hanso perked up, realizing he finally got the three into a team... quite a hard feat, he thought to himself.

      "Alright, let's quit being crabby let-downs. Time to go costume shopping, I guess." Kanrik smirked as Jazan shrugged back, willing to go with the ridiculous plan... if it meant making the girls happy again. "I'm willing... but only for Nabile's sake."

      "Yeah! The three amigos!" Hanso cheered, starting to the door. "The three musketeers! The awesome team of--"

      Jazan replied by wrenching the hat back over the thief's eyes.


      Hanso stared at his reflection in the mirror, sweeping some of the unruly blue locks that disturbed his view. He blinked, trying to determine whether he looked alright or not... but then he decided he looked fine. By Brynn, he'd look fantastic. He struck a pose, before quickly letting it drop, happy he was in the privacy of the dressing room stall.

      The girls weren't even aware of the guys' presence. They had snuck in, grabbed respective costumes, and headed straight to the dressing rooms on the male section. Hanso had to admit... it was actually kinda fun being in costume.

      He smiled wide at his heroic image. A fully decked out armor suit, with the Brightvale insignia stamped on the front. Clunky boots and chain mail and all sorts of weird things almost changed his mind, but he grew used to it. Very rarely did he get to get away with being a completely different person and doing it legally. If he had known this was what he could do, he would've dressed up for Halloween a long time ago.

      He adjusted the helmet on top of his head and nodded in acceptance. A Brightvale guard. It felt oddly fitting.

     He swung open the dressing room door, feeling slightly nervous, but the uncomfortable feeling diminished as he knew he was not alone.

      Kanrik lounged against a wall, his cloak now replaced with pirate wear, and his hood having its place taken by a red bandanna, the thief's ink-black hair poking out rebelliously in different places. He had ditched his usual pants and tattered boots for ripped trousers and buckled boots, completing the overall look. Hanso met his gaze and smiled cheerfully, scampering over and grabbing a fake parrot from the bargain bin he passed, before balancing it on Kanrik's shoulder and giving a thumbs up.

      The thief huffed in annoyance, but his eyes sparked with secret elation.

      Jazan ducked out of his own dressing room stall, looking more displeased than anything. He hated having to ditch his comfortable desert garb, but he guessed as long as this worked. He fiddled with the black hoodie he had been practically forced into, two ridiculous Mauket ears attached to the hood as his real ears stayed down against his head... not a hard feat since he wasn't exactly prideful at the moment. Black gloves and black pants with a long artificial tail soon had Hanso doubling over in laughs, hitting the floor in a heap with the clunky armor.

      "Very funny," Jazan grumbled under his breath, placing a hand on his cheek to hide the painted-on markings that were there. The store clerk they had asked for assistance just about erupted in a fangirling frenzy the entire time, not holding back on any adjustments she wanted to make. Jazan was noticeable in what he was supposed to be... but he didn't seem very amused by it.

      "You gotta admit, it's kinda fun," Hanso tried to assure, before checking the clock on the wall. It was nearing closing time and they needed to move on.

      The three trekked across the store, ignoring the wide-eyed stares they got... preferably in Jazan's and Kanrik's direction... and they soon crossed over to the female dressing rooms.

      The girls were fooling around in front of the mirror by the dressing room entrance, and Hanso couldn't help but give a broad smile in Brynn's direction. The guard was now the thief... wearing a long dark green trench coat with the small accessories he usually wore, lacking the lock pit set of course... just Brynn being Brynn.

      "I'm digging this one!" Hannah proclaimed, fixing the shirt on her own pirate costume.

      "It works much better for you than the other one," Nabile assured, wearing a grey version of the costume Hanso and Kanrik had forced Jazan into only about ten minutes prior.

      "Should I get this one?" Hannah inquired, turning to Brynn for an answer, and the guard nodded. Euphoria edging him on, Hanso walked closer, giving a bright smile.

      "Yeah. That definitely works! How about mine?"

      The fact the three girls had screeched in joy and tackled the guys to the ground was answer enough.


      On the night of October 31st, Faerieland's largest possible ball room was filled to the max by people masqueraded in varying costumes. The band's members getting ready to play on the makeshift stage at the end of the room were even dressed, blending into the Halloween spirit. People milled about, conversing with one another and eating the multiple Halloween snacks the cooks had spent the past two days preparing.

      "Alright..." Brynn glanced at her list scrawled on her arm in pen before rewrapping it in the faux bandage that mimicked Hanso's. The next thing to do was the band's introduction, and she had just barely finished her welcome speech. Fyora seemed to think putting the young guard as the host set everything on her shoulders and Brynn had no doubt she was looking worn and battered. Which was fine. It worked with her costume.

      Brynn pushed past crowds of people, reaching the band and telling them they could begin. She barely began edging away from the stage when music blared, nearly blowing up her eardrums. She winced at the sharp shooting pain in her ears before she stumbled to the refreshments table.

      Hannah and Nabile were kind enough to help out, working with the small event Brynn had created... a costume contest, a simple, yet essential aspect to a party such as this one. They took turns snapping pictures of people against a black backdrop, before placing the photographs on the board on the wall. A decorated box sat beneath it, awaiting patiently to have votes placed inside.

      "Brynn!" Nabile waved her over as Hannah snapped a picture of a clown that closely resembled King Hagan. The clown bumbled away before Brynn could inspect closer and the guard sighed, shuffling up to her two best friends.

      "The party's a hit!" Nabile exclaimed, fiddling with the golden brace around her neck. "Everyone loves it! Say, we entered for the costume contest already... Hanso's been waiting for you."

      Brynn followed Nabile's head tilt towards the table against the wall, where the refreshments were laid out. She smiled, seeing that Jazan and Kanrik had indeed stuck around with their costumes. The two were managing to talk without much argument, drinking punch as Hanso snuck numerous snacks and treats into his armor.

      "Hanso!" Brynn called, rolling her eyes at her partner's antics. The thief's head shot up, but he grinned upon seeing her and walked forward. "Brynn! We need to fill in a spot..."

      He pointed to the large array of photographs and Brynn found a bare patch between two other pictures. One being Hannah and Kanrik, who was unaware of the rabbit ears Hannah was making behind his head. The other contained none other than Jazan and Nabile, the king seeming to have decided on surprising his wife with a random kiss on the cheek, Nabile staring at the camera with a startled expression.

      "Yeah, I wanted to retake that, but..." Nabile rolled her eyes as if that explained enough.

      "You two are adorable," Brynn chuckled. "You'll win for sure."

      "My husband is still capable to turn you into a real Mauket, you know," Nabile warned, but failed to keep a stern face. "But enough about us... I believe I have a picture to take?"

      Hanso straightened his helmet and slid in beside Brynn as the two stood in front of the black backdrop.

      "Say... how about after the contest is over, instead of dancing, we sneak out and legally steal candy from people door-to-door?" Hanso piped up, wrapping an arm around the young guard's shoulders.

      Brynn felt herself relax, the stress of hosting alleviating at her friends' actions. She broadly smiled her partner's way, glad he had finally caved in on actually enjoying Halloween... and she knew he was. She saw it in his eyes, she even saw a glimpse with Jazan and Kanrik, that excited twinkle and euphoria that probably never made it to them in their childhood, where it should've been.

      But they were enjoying it now and that's what mattered to her. She threw her arm over Hanso's shoulders and nodded.

      "Sounds like a plan to me."

The End


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