A Queen's Ascension: Part Two by dudeiloled
Far, far away from Sakhmet was the city of Khamtef. Once ruled peacefully by King Khonsu IV, it was subject to a huge attack by King Heksas, who overthrew the king and ruled there like a tyrant. The king was poisoned by Heksas and Khonsu's two children, Sankara and Frezon, fled the city. Sankara was taken in by King Coltzan, and Frezon... Frezon lived his life very much so in Khamtef, returning in disguise and becoming a member of Heksas' court. Gaining the new king's trust, he spent several years in this disguise until the day Frezon revealed himself. This same day, Heksas disappeared in mysterious circumstances, and his men fled. Khamtef, finally, could return to normal.
Sankara returned a few years later, armed with a sword and shield. When she was told her brother had saved Khamtef, the weapons were dropped instantly and she rejoiced in him avenging their father. She was reinstated as the princess of Khamtef and crowned the queen in a matter of weeks. Now, Queen Sankara had a special plan for her brother, to repay her debt to him for what he had down for her and their city. The palace the queen, her brother and their servants lived in was very simple – one thought it impolite in Khamtef to flaunt their riches. It was marble, though, a creamy white, with velvet red rugs covering the ground and flaming torches in every room. Queen Sankara sat in her own room at her desk, marking off a day in her diary. "Only thirty days left," she chuckled under her breath, eyeing a page in her diary further ahead that had written on it 'FREZON IS KING'. Now was the time to tell her brother of her plan. He would be thrilled. No – even more than that. The stunning Aisha had short black hair and outlined eyes. She wore a white dress with red and yellow patterns on the shoulders and crimson lipstick. Her face looked young, but her eyes seemed years older and very wise. For the past ten years, she had been hoping this day would come. She had spies check on the status of Sakhmet every six months to check this moment would still arrive. Having been a member of Coltzan's court for a long time, she knew the laws of Sakhmet. She knew if Amira did not find a suitor in thirty days, her brother would be the king of Sakhmet. And that meant the two of them could take over the whole of the Lost Desert if they wanted to. Their armies would be unstoppable.
Queen Sankara grinned with glee to herself. Then she stood up, brushing dust from her dress and hurrying to her brother's quarters. "Frezon!" she called.
He answered almost immediately, in his deep, sycophantic voice. "Yes, sister?"
"Would you come with me? I have something you will love to hear, involving those pesky Sakhmetians and their royal family," Sankara whispered, so any passing by servants wouldn't hear.
Frezon stepped out of his room. He was a very handsome, tough and rough-around-the-edges desert Lupe, with golden fur and big, unblinking dark eyes, which seemed to stare into one's very soul. He had a long, pink scar that travelled from one side of his neck down across his stomach. The scar, caused by his many battles, did not cause him any pain; it only made him look even more intimidating than he was. Frezon was sly – he knew everything about anyone and if he didn't, made it his business to find out. Some thought him even more brutal than his sister and a lot crueller. Others thought he was simply vain and angry and jealous of Sankara, but not quite as vindictive. These opinions, in reality, came from Neopets outside of Khamtef and anyone in Khamtef would hail the two as heroes and fine Neopets, loyal and fair and kind.
Queen Sankara, in particular, they praised for her compassionate leadership and Prince Frezon for his bravery and strength. What no one could deny though was that the pair was malevolently smart, and combined were a lethal duo that was hard to defeat. X X X Vyssa stared out her window down onto the village. For a second, she pretended she was their supreme ruler and they were calling up to her, telling her how loyal she was, how competent, how trustworthy and brave. Everyone worshipped her and told her she was beautiful. This was true. She was beautiful. She had to be – living with the flawless Amira meant she had to make sure her make-up was just right and her hair was combed into perfection – and she also had to be strong. She knew that. One day the senators and her sister would look at her and realise she was the leader they wanted all along. Not Amira. Her father knew. At this Vyssa held back the tears that stung her eyes. Her father knew that she dreamed of being the queen and had made her his heir for that very reason. Amira had returned from her travels at the news of their father's death, regretting not being there and had been appointed as substitute ruler for the past ten years now. Ten years – had it really been that long? Vyssa couldn't believe it. She was sat in her room, fanning herself to keep away the burning heat, dressed casually but prettily, her make-up beginning to smear from the sun. Her sister and the senators, and even Advisor Wessle, had been in a meeting all morning. What was going on with them? Whatever it was, they apparently didn't think it necessary to allow only the Princess of Sakhmet to know about it. Vyssa couldn't help feeling angry about this. She was always ignored and treated like a child. Well, she wasn't a child any longer. She was an adult now and she knew how to behave like one, although her childhood temper tantrum streak always threatened to return in times like these. They didn't want her to know about it? Fine! She might as well run off for a while and explore Sakhmet. She sneaked into her sister's room and borrowed her favourite hooded cloak and put it on hastily, then ran out of the palace, unaware of the chaos about to unfold. X X X Elsewhere, Tomos had finally reached Sakhmet. Exhausted, but not overheating (he was used to being out in the sun for this long), he scooped up a dropped ten neopoints on the ground and dashed to the stalls in the marketplace. The marketplace was very similar to Qasala's, though with a touch more class and it made him think of Nabile for a second. Just one, painful second, and then he was distracted. Standing near a good stall was a scrawny-looking young Lupe, brown in colour with big, sad eyes. He was licking his lips hungrily at a Bagguss and glanced all around the area as he edged nearer the stall. The Lupe was inexperienced at this, Tomos saw straight away. He also saw the Lupe's spindly legs and knew he'd never be able to run from the angry stall owner. Instead, Tomos knew he would have to do this himself.
Not too far away, Vyssa stomped through the marketplace, still angry about being kept from the secrets of the palace. She was part of the royal family, the original heir to the throne, not a child anymore. Would they ever treat her with the respect she deserved? If only Amira had stayed away on her travels and not bothered coming back–
Ahead, a red Lupe in tattered clothing was stealing a Bagguss whilst the stall owner's back was turned! Vyssa gasped out loud. She knew this sort of thing went on, but she'd never seen it in person. Well, this Lupe picked the wrong day to take advantage of someone for his own greed. He had clasped the Bagguss safely to his chest as Vyssa stormed over to him, but something made her stop in surprise. It was the fact he had immediately given it to what looked like a hungry, homeless young Lupe. His brother? She couldn't help speculating. But no, the little Lupe beamed at the older one and scurried off, already stuffing his mouth with the food. The red Lupe smiled slightly, and then carried on walking. As he grew nearer to Vyssa, she couldn't help but hear his own stomach growling with hunger. He'd given that food away to someone hungrier than him, a little child. Vyssa, who even considered herself a bit selfish, could not believe such a selfless act. She held out a hand to stop him, and he looked at her in surprise. For a second, she wondered whether he recognised her, then remembered she was wearing her disguise. Everything was okay. He wouldn't find out she was just vain, egotistical Princess Vyssa, who knew nothing of poverty. "Excuse me – sir?" Vyssa had no idea how to address the Lupe. "I couldn't help but notice what you did back there." Was her voice too aristocratic? She didn't want to give herself away.
His eyes looked a little concerned, she saw. "I didn't take anything," he denied. "You can't prove it. When you're living on the streets –" He paused. "Look, I took the Bagguss to help that kid, I won't do it again, please don't report me to the guards..." He already seemed to be backing away, ready to run.
Vyssa exclaimed, "No! Wait! That's not what I meant. I saw you feed that hungry kid even though you're hungry yourself. That was very generous of you. You're a benevolent soul. What's your name? I will buy you some food if you wish."
"I won't be able to pay you back – I don't want to owe anyone anything," the red Lupe stated, still a bit hesitant to stay and talk. "I should really be getting on, I'm travelling through Sakhmet, I'll probably be back out in the Desert after a few days."
"Oh, you won't owe me a thing," Vyssa told him. Just what was life on the streets like? "Come on. I'm Vy – Viola. And you are?" Before hearing him, she used a few neopoints from her purse to buy some food for him, and gave it to him. He took it from her cautiously, and then stored it in his bag, obviously for later.
"Thank you very much," he murmured, and he smiled for the first time since seeing her. "I'm Tomos. I don't know where you're getting those neopoints, but you're a lucky one. You've obviously struck some good fortune. Now, I don't really want to be troubling you any longer, so..."
Vyssa shook her head. "Nonsense! I was looking for some company." And as that lie tumbled from her lips, she realised it wasn't a lie at all. She was very, very lonely, and she hadn't ever had a single friend in life, unless she counted her sister, and she often didn't, because she was left out of very important things like the meeting this morning. She dreamed of a best friend where she could tell them everything, and, trembling slightly, wanted to have this with this homeless Lupe. He seemed sincere – and he could teach her how to be a kind-hearted person. With a small gasp, she recognised that she already was becoming one. She had bought him food! For nothing in return!
Tomos' smile grew wider. "You know something?" he asked her. "I was looking for some company too."
X X X It was after a couple of weeks when it happened. "You've done what?" Amira screeched at Advisor Wessle. The Desert Kyrii shrugged, clearly not bothered by Amira's reaction. "If we're going to understand the enemy," he told her, "we're going to have to get to know him, aren't we? I've invited Prince Frezon to stay with us for the month. It's customary around the coronation to invite all of the Royal family – apart from Queen Sankara, of course." Amira put her head in her hands. "I cannot believe this." Advisor Wessle gave another shrug. "This is how it has to be, I am afraid. Now, there's another suitor who wishes to see you. Get yourself ready. And Amira?" "Yes, Advisor Wessle?" Amira answered in a strained voice.
"Try not to reject this one so easily. Prince Frezon's arriving tomorrow evening."
To be continued...