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The Flower Language of Neovia

by mollyscribbles


Give a Neovian a cherry blossom, and they will suspect you are trying to fool them. Give them a dragonbud, and they will see it as a compliment. Flower Language is not a means of communication widely seen outside of Neovia - sure, here and there you might find a land that attaches some meaning to a specific plant, but nothing to this extent. I first became aware of it when my bookworm Lupe, Millicent, asked me about a reference she had come across in a few of her volumes from the Neovian Press. My research into this seemingly simple question proved to be quite fascinating.

     Among the traditions of Neovia, the flower language is one that is rarely mentioned outside of the town but widely known among its inhabitants. It is, effectively, a way of communicating coded messages through blooms, plants, and floral arrangements. Each plant carries its own hidden meaning, from a single descriptive word to a more nuanced intent. It has long been tradition that those who (for one reason or another) were unable to speak directly in Neovian society would pass each other floral symbols as a way of communicating without arousing suspicion.

     During its height in popularity, Neovian florists and plant nurseries found themselves sold out of all but the least popular varieties, which is likely the cause of synonym meanings arising from what was left (though, given the secretive nature of the language, distribution of the new meanings would prove tricky, leading to much confusion).

     Unfortunately, multiple volumes from different publishers (most of which are now out of print for reasons that may be related) claiming to decipher the floral meanings were available, and the publishers did not bother consulting with one another about what one blossom or another might represent. As a result, it was sadly common for friendships to end simply because each party was working with a different volume - an attempt to compliment their new hat might become translated as an accusation of arrogance. The problem was compounded by the fact that, given the participants had resorted to communicating via floral arrangements, a simple conversation would not be able to clear things up.

     While the obvious issues meant the popularity soon faded, many meanings stood the test of time and have fallen into common use.

     After countless interviews and referencing several surviving flower dictionaries, I have done my best to determine the more generally agreed upon meanings, though I will avoid the false claims of prior writers and offer the disclaimer that this list is by no means complete or universal.

     Aurora Lily: Zeal and drive

     Asparagus: Worth above beauty

     Autumn Sunset Daisy: Farewell

     Bamboo: Luck

     Black Roses: Thank you for lending me your Twisted Roses album.

     Bleeding Heart: Spurned affection

     Blue Columbine: Folly

     Blue Fan Flowers

     Blue Twister: My thoughts are tangled

     Bluebells: Music

     Bluesticks: Virtue in the unappealing

     Blumbs: Brightness in a dark time

     Boadaisy: Injustice

     Budseed: I find you annoying

     Cabbage: Profit

     Chartreuse Puffs: Lightheartedness

     Cherry Blossom: Deception

     Chick-a-daisy: Odd friendship

     Cloud Meerca Flower: You have a lovely tail

     Colour Changing Tulips: My feelings are dynamic

     Colour Lilies: Please consider the matter carefully

     Curly Vine: I cannot escape this problem

     Cyclamen: Diffidence

     Dandelion: Rustic oracle

     Drabby Rose: Gloom

     Dragonbud: Strength within beauty

     Dreary Lily: Congratulations on your grey paint brush

     Dunkydoos: I wish you luck in your training

     Electric Daffodil: Inspiration

     Exploding Pod Plant: You have an explosive temper

     Extra Wild Orchid: Enthusiasm

     Faerie Yooyu Flower: Congratulations on your Altador Cup standing

     Faeriewing Plant: Delicacy

     Feather Weds: Beauty in adversity

     Fernplant: Fascination

     Fire Flower: Intensity

     Flea Grass: You irritate me

     Floating Cactus Flower: Biting wit

     Furrn: Creature comforts

     Fuzz Collars: You have a knack for accessorizing

     Geraptiku Fly Trap: I hope your petpetpet infestation clears up soon

     Gardenias: Hope

     Gloomacinth: Sorrow

     Gnome Hat Plant: Good luck at Daily Dare

     Golden Fernsprout: Allure

     Gurple Bush: I have come to accept your decision to be painted Swamp Gas

     Holly: Foresight

     Jewel Blossom: You are a rare gem

     Kau Slips: Pensiveness

     Kissing Stem: Our love will not be silenced

     Kougra Lily: Pride

     Large Purple Poppies: Imagination

     Lazydels: Indifference

     Lightning Fern: Magic

     Lilacs: Humility

     Lily of the Valley: Return of happiness

     Lost Desert Sunflower: Loyalty

     Lovepetal: Lurve

     Magenta Tulips: Prosperity

     Mighty Marigolds: Hard work

     Mordongos: Vigor

     Mutant Yooyu flower: My sympathies on your disastrous performance at the Altador Cup.

     Mysterious Potted Flower: you are an enigma to me

     Negg Muncher: I feel you gathered more than your fair share at the annual Negg Hunt

     Oozing Tulip: Hopeless affection

     Orb plant: Fascination

     Pebeanjay Flowers: Commonplace

     Perfume Mallows: Delicate pleasures

     Pineflower: Rare beauty

     Pink Cyclamen: Resignation

     Pink Hibiscus: Friendship

     Pink Hydrangea: Heartfelt emotion

     Pink Lily: Ambition

     Pink Morning Glory: Mortality

     Pink Poppy: Luxury

     Plurby: I declare against you

     Primula: Prohibition

     Pretty Pink Puff: Hidden Depths

     Purple Columbine: Resolved to win

     Purple Frillix: Fickleness

     Purple Hydrangea: Desire for deeper understanding

     Purple Poppies: Success

     Purple Whirlygig: Nonsensical

     Pyrmat: Dependability

     Rainbow Anthurium: Happiness

     Rainbow Morning Flower: You bring colour to my life

     Red Poppies: Death

     Red Walking Flower: Independence

     Rhubarb: Advice

     Ring Vine: Forgetfulness

     Rock Tree: Hardiness

     Rowzez: Uncertain - everyone I asked gave me a different meaning

     Rude Daffodil: Your slight has not been forgotten

     Savage Daffodil: I still hold a grudge

     Scented Hearts Flower: Justice shall be done you

     Sillie Daisy: Childish innocence

     Sleeping Blossoms: Exhaustion

     Snake Rose: Horror

     Snap Draiks: Presumption

     Snow Yooyu Flower: Your dedication to practising in the off-season is admirable

     Song Flowers: The witching soul of music

     Space Faerie Flower: Safety

     Spectral Flower: You haunt me

     Sponderolas: Your charms are engraven on my heart

     Spotted Daffodil: Creativity

     Spring Beauty: Renewal

     Star of Paradise Flower: Variety

     Starflower: You are radiant

     Strawberry Plant: Esteem

     Sunday Bush: You are more appealing the less often we meet

     Sunflower: Haughtiness

     Swab Bush: Your hygiene needs work

     Swirlypop Plant: Mental beauty

     Toweringbud: Attachment

     Tropical Flower Plant: Demanding

     Twirly Plant: Mystery

     White Daffodil: Memory

     White Lulu: Purity

     Wiltadendhron: Eager to please

     Wither Tree: Sickliness

     Wocky Glove: Insincerity

     Yellow Daffodil: Inner reflection

     Yellow Crocus: Joy

     Yellow Eesa: Wish for riches

     Yellow Poppy: My bane

     Yolkalia: Nourishing affection

     Zobamint: Virtue

     This list is only a start! You can see how different blooms can combine to pass along a more complex message; for example, a mix of Spring Beauty and Song Flowers would express your interest in resuming choir practice.

     If you are interested in reading stories involving Neovian Flower Language, check out the Neovian Press volumes that inspired Millicent to learn about this subject, including A Brief History of Neovia, Dark Book, Neovian Darkfall, and Stories From Beyond.

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