Selected Volumes from Brightvale Library by herdygerdy
Anubis Toxicology Reports (Abridged)  Foreword This book is intended as a pocket field guide to care of the Anubis. As such, it is not fully comprehensive — the full report can be found in the Sakhmetian archives. The Anubis is a popular desert pet, but it is highly susceptible to illnesses and common allergies, making keeping an Anubis healthy rather tricky. The author of this report, Professor J. Kugar, is a rebound zoologist and currently lectures in Petpet Toxicology at Brightvale University. He is perhaps best known as the man who discovered the Gruslen while exploring Tyrannia, though he has spent considerable time studying other species of Petpet, including the Anubis. He also curates the Brightvale Exotic Fauna Collection at Brightvale Museum. If the subject of Petpet Toxicology interests you, another volume, Mortog Toxicology Reports, is available at the Finneus Scrollbottom Archives in Brightvale. * Squibble Berry is a popular fruit to make into jam, and hailing from Brightvale it can seem quite an exotic treat to Anubis owners. Unfortunately, the tentacles within the berry secrete a toxin, harmless to most Neopets, but which cannot be disgusted by the Anubis. This normally results in a case of Floppy Tongue. Standard Tongue Shriners can reduce the inflammation until the toxin has passed through the Anubis’s system. * Although the Anubis has adapted to ingest most desert food, their small stomachs cannot process Rhuby Fruits. This results in a case of Bubbles — try administering a herbal drink with their meals. Ointments May also help alleviate symptoms in the short term. * The Anubis is allergic to Mazzew Fur, so it is advised that you do not keep both species together as Petpets. The exact seriousness of the allergy varies between subjects. Some may only have mild sneezing episodes, whereas in some extreme cases the reaction can be deadly. There are currently breeding programs in Sakhmet attempting to reduce this allergy in future litters, though if you want advance knowledge of a new pup’s severity, the allergy appears to be inherited through the father’s line. * Scourgies is a highly infectious illness to Neopets and Petpets alike, though the Anubis is particularly susceptible due to their already lowered immune systems. An Anubis entering a quarantined zone can pick up the virus within seconds. Thankfully, Scourgies is not a deadly virus and given time the Anubis will eventually fight it off. But it must be kept contained during the infection as the virus will otherwise spread. * Hailing from the Lost Desert, the Anubis is not suited to low temperatures, and when visiting places like Terror Mountain, can easily contract Neomonia. Prevention should be forefront in your mind, so make sure to keep the Anubis warm while outside, with coats and warm food. Medicinal Soap applied to the Petpet’s coat will cure the illness, but repeated exposure to Neomonia will weaken them severely. * The Kreluberry, a delicacy from Kreludor, should be kept away from the Anubis if at all possible. The Anubis struggles to adapt to native flora, never mind those of alien origin. Typically, Kreluberries alter the Anubis’s state of mind, making them quite withdrawn and agoraphobic. In Neopets, we call this condition Neophobia. The Step Out Shoes used to cure Neopets will not work on Petpets, so warm blankets must be used to keep the Anubis comfortable until the Kreluberry’s effects pass. To speed up their metabolism, you can try feeding them dried mushrooms. * With the discovery of Moltara came a whole new collection of things that the Anubis should not eat. The Moltato has a habit of blocking the Anubis’s digestive tract, resulting in Bloaty Belly. Flat-U-Less tablets can solve this, though it may be difficult to persuade the Anubis to eat them. Boiled Bagguss or Selket Elixir, while less effective, taste slightly better. * Along the same lines, Fire Eggs, also from Moltara, can cause problems. Their strange taste can create a case of Fuzzitus in an Anubis’s coat. Fluff be Gone applied regularly will return the Anubis’s coat to normal. This is, however, a cosmetic issue. The Anubis does not suffer by having an overly fluffy coat. * Molten Root Casserole, also from Moltara, is not dangerous in itself to the Anubis. However, several more traditional versions of the recipe call for a fungus from the deep caverns to be used. This fungus is harmlessly digested by Neopets, but the Anubis cannot do so, resulting in the fungal infection known as Fuzzy Fungus. Honey Blossom Extract will purge the fungus from the Anubis’s system. Most good vendors will be able to tell you if the casserole was made using the fungus or not. * Queela Fruits from Qasala are a spicy treat that many Petpet owners like to give out. Care must be taken with the Anubis, however. Queela Fruits when ripe should present no issues, but an overripe Queela can cause a rash on areas of heavy impact — such as the paws. Under no circumstances allow an Anubis to eat a Queela that has become rotten. In this case, their feet will swell to a condition known as Bloaty Feet. Only a salve of the Brilliant Draik Flower will bring the swelling down. * A diet filled entirely with Neggs can produce a case of Neggitus in most Neopets. The Anubis, however, is more sensitive, and can easily contract the illness from relatively small doses, especially of Negg species not native to the Lost Desert. Neggitus can be hard to spot, but the Anubis will normally present with swollen ears and may appear dizzy. Neggitus injections intended for Neopets will have too high concentration for Petpets, but administering an elixir of Unguberry will also do the job. * Although not many are tempted by foods from the Haunted Woods, the Cactus Apple should not be given to the Anubis. Although the spines are normally removed before eating, the apple flesh itself is too coarse for an Anubis to manage. Most will regurgitate the food immediately, but those who do not will develop Kikoughela (coughing and soreness of the throat). Kikoughela Syrup will soothe the irritation somewhat. * The strangest illness by far to befall the Anubis is the case of Chickaroo. This bizarre psychological complex persuaded the Anubis that it is, in fact, a chicken — clucking instead of tapping and refusing to eat anything but grain. It is the effect of some latent curses placed in certain Faerie Foods. Dark Faeries are usually blamed for such occurrences. Unfortunately, there is no way to tell if a Faerie Food has been tampered with, so sample them at your Anubis’s own risk. Herbal Scrambled Eggs can reduce symptoms until the curse passes, but ground Witch’s Bane, a mushroom from the Haunted Woods, absorbs magic and will stop the illness immediately. * Mixing with most other Petpets carries the risk of picking up Petpetpets. Most are harmless, but Neomites, most commonly found in the desert on the Apis, can be more serious. They are parasitic in nature and breed fast. If left untreated they can weaken an Anubis severely. The Apis’s hump produces an amazing natural protective enzyme that keeps Neomite numbers down (and also, ironically, is the reason Neomites are so keen to leave the Apis when they are around other Petpets). It is this which is found within the Neomite injections commonly prescribed by veterinarians. This, combined with regular cleaning, should get rid of the infestation. * Coming from an arid land with little to no vegetation in areas, the Anubis has very little resistance to pollen. While ‘hay fever’, as it is termed, is common the world over, in cases like these it can transform into the more serious illness of Pollenitus — which contains all the key symptoms of hay fever (sneezing, watering eyes, and itching), but far more extreme. Obviously, if you are in areas with a high pollen count, the best advice is to keep your Anubis indoors. If this is not possible for whatever reason, an elixir of Crater Fruit can relieve symptoms until the pollen count falls. * Many owners are tempted to scrape by with offerings from the giant Tyrannian Omelette. But if you decide an Anubis is for you, you must be prepared to take on the expense of their specific dietary requirements. The Anubis is allergic to omelettes of all varieties and becomes violently ill after ingesting them. Perhaps more seriously, repeated meals of omelette can lead to the Tyrannian illness known as Ugga-Ugga. Sporkle Syrup can cure this, but there is no cure for the omelette allergy as all Anubis are born with it. It is far safer to try jelly instead — rumours of a free source continue to persist in the face of all evidence. * It goes without saying that the Anubis, hailing from the Lost Desert, has rarely experienced foods originating from Terror Mountain. Attempting to feed it anything frozen, which is most available Snow Foods, will give the Anubis a serious case of Brain Freeze. However, this will not easily disappear and can progress into Achy Head. Magic Goop, available from most veterinarians, can cure this. Those who prefer a more holistic approach to Anubis care might also try lotions for aches or Black Cherry Tea. * Reptilliors are venomous to Neopets, their bites producing a condition known as Reptillioritus. The Anubis, with its uniquely compromised immune system, faces a far, far more serious outcome. The venom gets to work quicker, with fever developing in the Anubis hours before it would in other Petpets. Left untreated, an Anubis can and will die of a Reptillior bite — seek professional help immediately as the illness can run its course in as little as a day. Thankfully, a rapid cure exists. Cactopuses produce an anti-venom, and Cactopus Cream, when applied to the skin, is rapidly absorbed through the pores. Treatment with the cream as soon as possible after the bite will result in a full recovery. * The Tombstone Cupcake, a favourite in Neovia, can produce an unintended effect in the Anubis. The sheer force of depression in such food will alter the Anubis’s mood. This gives rise to a condition known as Doldrums, from which there is no easy escape. Mushroom Ointment can cure the condition, but it may need multiple attempts. In the meantime, the Doldrums can progress to the far more serious Neoblues. Here, Mushroom Ointment will be completely ineffective. Instead, a Tasty Pie will lift the cloud of depression, and the steam from green tea may also help speed the recovery. * Aside from Reptilliors, the Anubis can also have a bad reaction to bites from Spyders. Naturally, this will lead to a fear of Spyders, but the Anubis in general will become a grey colour and may whimper a lot. There is only one known cure for a Spyder’s venom — an elixir of Spyder Juice. Though it does not taste pleasant, so the real challenge is in getting your Anubis to drink it. * Berry picking in Meridell is a popular pastime and a good way to gather treats for your Petpet. However, because of living conditions, beware that Meridell farmers operate in unsanitary conditions, meaning that berries may be carrying all sorts of horrible things. Most common among these is the highly contagious Neopox, noticeable by the red blotches on the skin which it causes. The specially formulated Neopox Pizza can cure it, but due to the highly infectious nature of the illness, unless you act quickly the strain may be transmitted to you. The best advice is to thoroughly wash all produce gathered from Meridell. * Amongst the most unfortunate allergies the Anubis suffers from is that of chocolate. Many an affluent owner has secured an invite to the elusive Chocolate Ball only to get there and discover their Anubis is intolerant of the sweet treat. Even worse are those who don’t realise and proceed to feed their Anubis it. They come down with a most serious case of Itchy Scratchies — red lumps covering their entire body, which can quickly become infected when the Anubis scratches them. This can be avoided by liberally applying Itchy Scratchy Cream to the red areas. This will soothe the irritation until the reaction passes. * The Anubis, given the large numbers of things it can suffer from, has evolved to be timid around those who could do it harm. Historically, the Horus transmitted a number of diseases potentially fatal to the Anubis. Though modern aviculturists have eliminated these, making the Horus harmless, evolution has yet to catch up. As a result, an Anubis placed in the vicinity of a Horus may begin to panic. This can develop into a psychological complex known as Jitters, given prolonged exposure. The Anubis will not sleep, but run about constantly, attempting to get away from the Horus — this can persist even if the Horus is removed. The Potion of Containment is a magical means of calming the Anubis. Once the cycle of behaviour is broken, they quickly return to normal without any further medication. * While foraging, you may come across mushrooms. The Anubis can stomach most, but beware of the Spindly Mushrooms that grow in the Haunted Woods. They are commonly found in heavily sheltered areas due to their tall size. Their peppery taste, combined with an allergy, reduce the Anubis quite literally to tears — with uncontrollable watering of the eyes leading to Blurred Vision. Ointment designed to heal minor injuries can soothe the irritation in the eyes, while Bean Powder, finely ground, will help flush the mushrooms from the Anubis’s system. * Sticks of rock from Kiko Lake can be a good way of giving your Anubis something to chew on, as a toy if nothing else. Beware, however, the Fruit Surprise Rock Stick. It is unclear exactly what the surprise ingredient is, since Kiko Lake chefs refuse to share the information, but the Anubis cannot tolerate whatever it is. Chemical testing has of course revealed this, but we are forbidden from including the information due to legal actions from the Kiko Lake Confectioners Union. The Anubis will come down with uncontrollable sneezing in a case of D’achoo. Cobrall Root, ground into the Petpet’s food, will cure this. * Quite apart from any Petpets or foodstuffs, the Anubis can fall sick simply by being bored. After naturally evolving to have so much energy and be dashing across sand dunes all day, the Anubis has huge energy reserves. However, if a captive Anubis is not walked regularly or far enough, or doesn’t have enough toys to play with, these energy reserves begin to negatively alter the Petpet’s health. This manifests as a depressed mood termed Grumbles by veterinarians. Crumble Fungus, which grows naturally in Shenkuu, can lift the Anubis’s spirits, but the only real cure is an owner willing to devote a lot of time and attention to their Petpet. * Although most jelly is entirely safe for an Anubis to eat, the Jelly Bread, despite being chemically no different to most other jellies, is not advisable. It can cause an Anubis to come out in warts around their face, commonly termed as Neowarts. Neowart Fungus, as in Neopets, is an acceptable cure for this condition. There is some evidence to suggest that the warts are caused by stress, and are psychosomatic since crushing the jelly into a non-loaf form does not produce the effect. More research into this area is needed, and future editions of this book will be updated accordingly. * Perhaps the most common of all ailments befalling the Anubis results from exposure to raw magic. Iris the presence of natural background magic in all things that causes the Anubis to have a permanently lowered immune system, making it ultimately responsible for all the illnesses listed previously. When exposed to concentrated amounts of raw magic, however, the situation gets worse, with the Anubis severely mutating and internal organs breaking down to the point of death. There is no cure, an Anubis simply must be kept away from magic. Thankfully, it is only truly concentrated amounts that impact their health to such a degree. As such, most Anubis will be fine visiting Faerieland. However, any studying witches or wizards should consider a different familiar. * This concludes this brief appraisal of the Anubis. As mentioned previously, the complete text is available in the Sakhmetian archives and is free to view. I hope this text has been informative and instructive. Though the Anubis can suffer from a myriad of ailments, it’s friendly and lively demeanour still make it a worthwhile Petpet to consider. Prof. J. Kugar This Marks the End of the Selected Volumes from Brightvale Library Series.