Adventure Bound Xweetok by bubbles150
Acuarina and her Petpet, Raine were sitting on her Beauty Bed in their Neolodge room reading a book about Tyrannia. "You know, Raine. I think we should try doing what these guys do! It looks like so much fun" Acuarina said referring to Ugga Drop, a game that most Tyrannians enjoy playing. Raine gulped. She was afraid of heights. "I don't think that's a good idea, Acuarina" she told her. "Why do you say that, Raine?" Acuarina asked curiously. "Because, I'm terrified of heights and the thought of getting lost. If we were to go to Tyrannia this would be our first Adventure together. We would need a lot of supplies!" Raine told her. Acuarina thought for a moment and got up. She walked over to her desk and pulled out an Electric Notepad from the draw and a Basic Pencil too. She returned to her bed with the two items in her paws. "I'll help you get over your fears, Raine. What supplies do you think we should bring?" Acuarina asked as she got ready to write down what to bring. "We'd need plenty of water and food for sure! I think we should get a couple of Lost Desert Tents, one for us to use and the other for back up in case the first one gets a hole in it. Two Cosy Sleeping Bags, Green Petpet Sleeping Bag, same reason as the tents, four Altador Cup Pillow - Mystery Islands, just in case we leave a couple behind, four Altadorian Torches, in case one runs out of power. Let's see what else do we need" Raine said as Acuarina wrote all of those down. "Should we take one of our plushies with us? Would love to take all of them but I only have two Explorer Backpacks to use" Acuarina asked wondering if one of her plushies would like to go on their journey. "Yes! But which one? Also, I think we should take two Polka Dot Umbrellas just in case it rains. Ooh, oh! And warm clothing in case we stumble across cold weather and a pair of Flower Bathing Suit, in case it's hot and there's a lake near by so we can swim" Raine suggested excitedly. The little Naalala was having a great time coming up with suggestions on what to bring as she watched Acuarina write all them down. "Those are good ideas, Raine! What else should we bring? I feel like something is missing" Acuarina asked as she tried thinking of what to take with them. She couldn't think of anything of course but Raine could. "How about your Blue Long Hair Brush, Blue Toothbrush and Mint Flavoured Toothpaste? You love brushing your teeth so it'd be good to bring those along and enough Caramel Kiko Sweets to last us through the journey, you and I both love them and our Neverending Jar of Jellybeans" Raine added to the list. "Oh! One more thing, your Pink Racing Bike and a Flower Basket to tie on the handle bar of your bike. Speaking of tying wouldn't we need Hannahs Magic Rope?" she continued, watching as Acuarina wrote all of the things down. "I'm glad I have you, Raine! I'd never think of these to be honest. When should we leave and any other final items? I can only squeeze a few more onto the list otherwise I'd have to somehow get another Explorer Back pack. Not sure how I'd carry three and ride my bike. You get to sit in the basket of course" Acuarina said smiling to her Petpet. "Yes, I thought of a few more things just now! A map, ugh I forgot the other two items hold on.... no it wasn't that... or that.... ahah! Two Red Picnic Blankets and two Spring Picnic Baskets and I think we should leave on Friday" Raine said excitedly. Acuarina added them to the list. "I think that should be it, Raine! I wouldn't be able to carry anymore items, this Friday? That will give us a week to prepare as it's Monday now and it's only 10:30am. We'll do the food shopping on Thursday to keep it all fresh and the packing today!" Acuarina said and got up from her bed. She placed the Electric Notebook and the Basic Pencil on her desk and went to start packing all the items on her list, except for the food of course. She filled up two Explorer Backpacks with Raine's help. "Looks like we'll need to get a third Explorer Backpack for the food, Acuarina" Raine said, wondering how she'd carry it all. Raine would help however, she was too small to carry a bag! "Maybe I should get three baskets for my bike and put them on the handles and one at the front! That would be less to carry then" Acuarina said as she tried figuring out how to carry everything, after all it was just the two of them going! "How would we carry the three Explorer Backpacks, Acuarina?" Raine asked as she tried thinking of how Acuarina would carry them. Raine wished she was bigger so she could help too! Acuarina sat on her bed and thought for a moment, imagining her scenario. She imagined herself putting three Explorer Backpacks on her back and shook her head, they'd be too heavy for her. Then she thought of having one on her back and two on her arms while riding her bike.... that could work though would be awkward to ride it! Then an idea came to her mind, she could put one on her handlebar of her bike sort of like a basket. She smiled and quickly grabbed the Electric Notebook and Basic Pencil to write that idea down. "I got it! I figured out how we could carry all three backpacks, Raine" Acuarina said and told her the idea she came up with. "Ooh, I like that! I just thought of getting a Wooden Pull Along Cart, and I could use that to pull the rest of the items! The cart should be the right size for me" Raine said smiling as she imagined herself pulling the Wooden Pull Along Cart while Acuarina rode her bike. "YES! Let's do this, Raine! I love that idea. We'll go to the shops now and buy them before we forget to" Acuarina said eager to get the cart to try it out. She tore the page out of her Electric Notepad and got out her Flower Purse, which she kept in her wardrobe when it wasn't being used. "Are we going now to get he items, Acuarina?" Raine asked as she looked at the Xweetok who ran to the door. "Yes, while it's fresh on our minds" Acuarina said and opened her Flower Purse. She then put the page she tore out of her notepad inside it and closed the Flower Purse. Acuarina returned to her wardrobe and pulled out her Pink Racing Bike and smiled. "The Toy shop is quiet far from here so it's easier to ride their. You could sit on my shoulder if you like while I'm riding" Acuarina said as she wheeled her bike to the door. Raine nodded. . Acuarina opened her door then left her room with Raine, and closed the door behind them. When they were out of the Neolodge, Acuarina put Raine on her shoulder and then climbed on her bike and started riding it while holding her purse in her paw. She knew the way to the Toy Shop since she's been there a lot of times. "What if they don't have it, Acuarina?" Raine asked worried that the cart might not be in stock. "I thought of that and thought of going to the Shop Wizard next, he'd tell me if anyone has it in store!" Acuarina answered smiling to her. It took Acuarina and Raine about 45 Minutes to get to the Toy Store and when they did, Acuarina got off her bike and wheeled it in the store with Raine still on her shoulder. "Good morning, Acuarina and Raine, how may I help you?" the Toy Shop store owner greeted the two with a smile. "Good morning, do you have a Wooden Pull Along Cart in store by any chance?" Acuarina asked as she had a quick glance around the store. "I'm afraid I don't. I sold the last one to a Baby Cybunny. Try the Shop Wizard? He'd have a huge list of shops that might have one for you, if not maybe the next restock will store one if you're okay with waiting for a while" the store owner replied. Acuarina thought for a moment and looked at Raine then shook her head. "I'll go and check the Shop Wizard and come back afterwards if he hasn't got any! Thank you for your time" she said as she began to leave with her bike. "I could hold the next one for you, if you like?" the store owner offered. Acuarina stopped and turned around with a smile. "Yes, please! When should I return for it?" she asked. Raine looked around at the other toys on the shelves from Acuarina's shoulders. There were so many items that the Petpet wanted for future references but the main thing sh longed for was the Wooden Pull Along Cart. "Tomorrow afternoon around 3PM NST. It's best to be early because there may be others that long to pick up their items too that I will have on hold for them" the store owner said smiling to her. "Okay, Raine and I will be here tomorrow afternoon! Thank you, again for this and we hope you have a great day" Acuarina said then bid good bye and left with her bike and Raine. Acuarina then went to the Shop Wizard which was an hour away from where she was. She asked him to look up the item which he happily did and found a list of shops that had them. Acuarina thanked him and went to the one he suggested first and managed to buy it for 100 NPs, which was a bargain to her, she thought it would be expensive. "Are we still going to go to the Toy Store tomorrow, Acuarina?" Raine asked as she pulled the Wooden Pull Along Cart while Acuarina rode her bike. "Yes, we made a promise and it would be good to have a back up just in case this one breaks" Acuarina answered. "Should we get some supplies while we're out now or wait until the day gets closer?" Raine asked. Acuarina looked in her Flower Purse to see if she had enough NeoPoints for what she needed, she didn't. "I think we should go to the bank first and get some more NeoPoints out, Raine" she told her. "We'll go to the bank tomorrow and start getting our supplies" she said. Raine nodded. "Alright, will we be going back home now then?" "Yes. We could do some colouring in or something when we get back" Acuarina said. The two made their way home, Acuarina rode her bike while Raine pulled the Wooden Pull Along Cart. When they returned home, Acuarina started packing clothing and other things they might need, Raine helped. The next few days the two busied themselves getting things ready for their journey. Acuarina tied the second Wooden Pull Along Cart on the first one with a rope once the first one was full of items they needed. She then used another rope to tie the Wooden Pull Along Cart to her bike and ensured it was secured. "This is honestly really exciting, Raine. I can't wait to get there, I'm glad the NC Mall had these ropes" she said with a smile. "It's a wonder the Crafting Faerie always asks for them! Have we got everything ready?" Raine said smiling as she looked at the bike and cart. "Nearly, we just need to buy the food for the journey and wait for Friday" Acuarina told her. The two days went fast, Acuarina and Raine had everything set for the journey and when Friday came, Acuarina left as soon as she and Raine had breakfast. "Let's get my Pink Racing Bike and go! Are you fine with reading the map, Raine?" Acuarina said as the two friends raced to their Neolodge room excitedly. "Reading a map is so easy! How hard could it be?!" Raine commented, it was true, this young Petpet was really good at reading them. "Excellent! Alright, I can't wait to start our journey, so we leave from here and make our way to Tyrannia" Acuarina exclaimed. "How long will it take us to get there, Acuarina?" Raine asked thinking it would take at least a week to go from Mystery Island to Tyrannia. "It all depends on the weather, Raine and if we can get a boat. I need to see if there are any available to hire" Acuarina said. When the two reached their Neolodge room, Acuarina opened the door and let Raine in first then she followed after, smiling to see her bike waiting for her to ride it. The Xweetok and Naalala excitedly ran over to it. Acuarina picked Raine up and put her on her shoulder, then started to wheel the Pink Racing Bike out of the Neolodge, watching as the Wooden Pull Along Carts followed the bike. Acuarina was relieved to know she didn't have to carry her backpacks since they were now in the cart along with other items they needed for their journey. "Ooooh! I can't believe we're going! I'm so excited Acuarina!" Raine said happily as she and Acuarina left their Neolodge Room. Acuarina closed and locked the door behind her and smiled. "It feels like a dream come true, doesn't it, Raine? We'll go down to the Harbour and hire a boat, I have enough NeoPoints" Acuarina told her. "To the question, if things go well, we should be in Tyrannia within four days but it all depends on the weather and the swells of the water, especially because we're going by row boat" Acuarina said as she began to wheel the bike out of the lodge, smiling as she watched the carts still follow the bike. "Aww, but row boats would take forever! Why can't we afford to go on the ships?" Raine complained thinking the ships would be faster. "Ships are expensive, Raine. Even to hire them out for a few days it costs over 100k each! I simply don't have that amount of NeoPoints" Acuarina answered wishing she did. The Xweetok rode to the Mystery Island Harbour and met up with a Pirate Draik who had a few boats for hiring. "Hi there, I'm Acuarina and I'm very interested in hiring one of your boats for a while! I'm heading out to Tyrannia to stay there for a few days" Acuarina introduced herself with a smile while sitting on her bike. Raine listened as she spoke and looked at the boats which appeared to be in good condition. "Nice to meet ya, Acuarina. Name's Ray and I'd be happy to hire you ol' Steamy over there" the Draik pointed to an old looking row boat which had the name "Steamy" Written on it. Acuarina looked at him excitedly. "I'd love to borrow her, if I can! How much?" she asked. "That would be 10,500NPs thanks and for as long as you need her. I'm in no rush to get her back" Ray said smiling to her. Acuarina paid him the NeoPoints and thanked him. "No worries, have fun and enjoy your holiday! Are you going to any of the concerts while you're out? I heard Tyrannia has the best ones" Ray said. "Thanks we will! Yes, we may look into seeing the concerts while we're there" Acuarina told him and bid him good bye as she quickly went to Steamy who was tied up to the docks. Steamy bobbed up and down as Acuarina put her bike and the carts in the boat, which fit in perfectly fine, she and Raine then jumped in it and took down the rope that tied Steamy to the dock, Acuarina put the rope in the boat and took the oars that were tied to the sides of the boats and started rowing. "Do you have the map, Raine?" Acuarina asked. "And the Golden Compass?" she added. Raine quickly got them and gave them to her. "Thanks Raine, but are you able to read them out to me, please? I'm rowing and can't do both at the same time" Acuarina asked. Raine nodded and did just that. Acuarina rowed her boat for a few hours and stopped to have a break and lunch. "Have we got an anchor for the boat?" Raine asked as Acuarina got out a Apple and Cheese Sandwich to share with Raine. "Yes, I just put it in before we stopped for lunch. Here's a bottle of water for you, Raine, and one for me" Acuarina said as she drank her water and ate her sandwich, which was most delicious. Acuarina grabbed a Red Apple for her and a Bitten Red Apple for Raine, Raine loved those and the two ate them and put their cores in a Checked Kitchen Rubbish Bin which they packed with them. The two sat and relaxed for a while then Acuarina pulled out the pair of Altador Cup Binoculars Staff and looked through it to see how far they've got to go to get to Tyrannia. They still had a long way to go and she put them away. Acuarina pulled up the anchor and started rowing again, Raine wished she could help but she was too small. "Feel free to read a book or something, Raine" Acuarina said. Raine shook her head. "Thanks, Acuarina but it wouldn't be fair for you to do all the work and me sitting back and reading books. Is there anything I can do to help other then reading the map and compass?" Raine told her. Acuarina knew what she meant and smiled. "Maybe keep an eye out on weather and the swells in the ocean, and perhaps for land ahead? I have the Wooden Telescope somewhere among the items in one of the carts" Acuarina suggested. Raine nodded and went to look for the telescope, it took her a while to find it but she managed to and set it up. It was a good thing the boat had some room for them to move around in. The little Petpet smiled as she used the Telescope, she looked here and there and saw several Pteri's flying around along with other pets that could fly. "We must be getting closer to land since I can see Pteri's but I thought you said it would take a few days to get to Tyrannia" Raine said. "Maybe I miss judged it. Either way, I'll keep rowing and we should be in Tyrannia in no time!" Acuarina said with a smile. "Where will we put the boat when we do get there?" Raine asked, knowing for sure they couldn't put it on the carts. "We'd have to hide it in the shoreline of Tyrannia and put leaves or something to cover it" Acuarina answered. Three days later, the two finally made it to Tyrannia, Acuarina did as she said and hid the boat as soon as she took her bike and carts out of it. "Are you ready, Raine? I'm so excited to join in Ugga Drop!" Acuarina said smiling as she imagined herself joining the group, jumping from rocks and landing gently on the ground with her parachute and Raine by her side. Raine shook her head. "I'm not looking forward to the Ugga Drop but I'm excited to look around Tyrannia!" Raine told her. Acuarina picked Raine up and put her on her shoulder, then she got on her bike after ensuring that the carts were still tied to it tightly. It took the two a few hours to find the Ugga Drop base, and when they did, Acuarina watched in amazement as several Neopets landed gently onto the ground with their parachutes open after jumping from lower rocks. The Neopets noticed them and the Kacheek from the group walked over to Acuarina after putting away their parachute. "Are you interested in joining or watching?" The Kacheek asked. "Both, please! I'd love to watch first then join next" Acuarina answered excitedly. The Kacheek nodded. "Is your Petpet joining?" Raine gulped. She wasn't brave like her owner was and shook her head. "N-no thank you, I'll just watch!" Raine answered. The Kacheek nodded and returned to the other Neopets and told them what was happening. Acuarina smiled she couldn't help but feel excited about it. Acuarina and Raine watched as the Neopets climbed the rocks and showed them what to do, they watched the Tyrannian Neopets jumping off the rocks and opening their parachutes and landing neatly on the ground (or mud). Acuarina couldn't wait for her turn. “Your turn to join us" The Kacheek said to Acuarina after walking up to her. Acuarina nodded. She left her bike and patted Raine. "I'll be back shortly, Raine!" she said smiling to the Petpet. Raine smiled and gave her thumbs up. "Have fun, Acuarina" she said. Acuarina quickly grabbed her parachute and put it on her back then followed the Kacheek excitedly. She followed him when he climbed up the rock which took a while to do. When she and the rest of the Tyrannian Neopets were on the rocks, the Kacheek nodded to her. "Get ready" the Kacheek told her. Acuarina smiled. "Three!" the Usul said. "Two!" the Scorchio chimed in. "ONE!" Everyone said and jumped off the rocks, opening their parachutes when they believed it was the right time. Acuarina was first to land gently on the ground, she watched the others who followed soon after, a couple of the Neopets landed in the mud puddles. "That was fun! Do we get to do all the heights?" Acuarina asked. Raine watched in admiration, she knew she couldn't do that, she was scared of heights. "Yes, that was only level one" the Tyrannian Wocky told her. "There are a few levels for this game, we play it as often as we like" the Meerca added. "Sweet, I'm looking forward to try the other levels!" Acuarina said. She then followed the Tyrannian Neopets and started climbing the rocks again, repeating the process until they reached the highest level. Acuarina found that she couldn't see the ground at that height and could only see bits of clouds here and there. "This is the final level" the Tyrannian Meerca told her. Acuarina nodded and followed the others when they jumped off their rocks, opening the parachute at the right time. "Acuarina! Where were you? I couldn't see you guys for a while, even through the telescope" Raine asked her worriedly after Acuarina just landed gently on the ground. "I was at the highest spot in the rocks, and could hardly see the ground. It was so amazing, Raine. I think we should stay in Tyrannia for a few days and return home after" Acuarina said and thanked the Tyrannian Neopets for letting her join in. "Are you coming back?" The Meercra asked sounding hopeful. "In a couple days I will, but I want to take my time to look around Tyrannia, never have been here and am looking forward to see the scenery, I heard there's a giant Omelette" Acuarina replied. After bidding good bye to the Tyrannians, Acuarina and Raine ensured they had everything and went sight seeing before making their journey home. It took them three days to get back to their Neolodge and when they did, they told their friends about their adventure. Many of them wished they could’ve joined them. The End.