Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 184,475,297 Issue: 468 | 5th day of Storing, Y12
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A Neopian's Guide to Destruct-o-Match III

Are those pesky blocks starting to drive you crazy? This guide can help!

by parody_ham
10 Things the Meepits Don’t Want You to Know

These aren't just secrets! These are the Meepits' secrets!

by starry_pride
Food Shop Fun: Brightvale Fruits

I will travel to the land of knowledge to seek out Neopia's finest berries.

by lord_of_fantasy
Delicious Hot Drinks!

I have made a list of what I think are the tastiest hot drinks you can enjoy during a cold Autumn day!

by xoxkar
How to Be Your Owner's Favourite! Pt. 2

We have all had our fair share of fights and disputes, but your siblings are there for life (unless they are taken to the dreaded.... POUND! /screams).

by zinkidy_dink
Neoseki - Simply Suiseki

Suiseki is a hobby I first encountered amongst the beautiful bonsai of Shenkuu, a mysterious and delicate traditional art of appreciating simple natural beauty - the elegance of rocks...

by robin_y2k1
Ugga Drop Guide

This game just requires a bit of practice and some patience.

by o0seagaru0o
Your Guide to Neopet Cleanliness

20 of the best products in Neopia for keeping your pet clean.

by mango_mango101
Preparing a Pet for the Battledome

If you haven't fought a single battle yet in the BD or would like to be more informed of how to go about preparing a pet for it, here's a simple and easy guide to help you on your way.

by akitera
How To Throw A Slorgtastic Party In 5 Easy Steps!

All great Slorg enthusiasts know that the 3rd day of the month of Storing is when we celebrate those adorable little slimey Petpets.

by girlygrl27
Who Let the Slorgs Out?

This special day was created in order to calm down aggressive Slorgs and stop them from spreading rumors about their evilness.

by froopse
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"Importance" by beautifuldirtyrich__
Neopia Central is a really busy place. It's not my fault I got tossed around a bit here and there, maybe into the auction house... Mom never looked at me like the people in here did, their noses turned up and wrinkled, their faces full of pity, distaste, and— I couldn't believe it— fear. Maybe I was a little scuffed up, but I didn't look too different from them, did I?

Other Stories


My Visit To The NT Office!
Look out for those new Meepit cashiers...

by mikugumilove


I can't tell you how many hours I've spent watching my owner, Max, standing on top of a box to be taller and screaming, "WN BD PPL BC AV UFT!"

by chocolate_fudge7


Princess Mind-Reader: Part Five
Still gloomy with the fact that Deliluk had left, Victoria tried nearly every hour to contact Deliluk, but he never went into her head.

by thornfoot2


History of the Vampire: Part Two
"I was hoping this would create a Halloween-like appearance. Yet still, I have found no takers."

by dragon_imaginer


Justice Is Served
It's my turn already?!

by german_girl16


Light House Life
I shall grant you a new ability...

by louishooper

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