A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 184,658,392 Issue: 487 | 25th day of Running, Y13
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Little Things On Neopets That Make Us Happy

There are so many little things on Neopets that can brighten our day.

by jamba_jukeba
You Are What You Eat: Save Our Skeiths and Grarrls!

Hello, and welcome to the newest edition of You Are What You Eat!

by pandora
Petpet Companions for Dark Personalities

Find a creepy friend who suits your needs and wants as a petpet owner.

by saphireblue3
Dubloon Disaster – Not Just Some Floating Mines

Do you remember the last time you were floating along the shores of Krawk Island on a modest aquatic vessel, content with all the treasure you had accumulated, when you were savagely attacked by a large pirate ship? No?

by gloomyparadise
The Petpetpet War

How well do Petpetpets get along with other Petpetpets?

by cocomotake2
Weatherbee's Guide to Managing Your Mall

Could you be ready to take the huge step as a manager of your own successful mall?

by return_of_weatherbee
Delina – Crafting Faerie or Crafty Faerie?

Where did Delina, this so called 'Crafting Faerie', come from? And why has no one questioned this Dark Faerie's sudden appearance?

Also by queenbee19882000

by ali_goth

Rules of Jelly World: Why It May Be In Space

Jelly World: The Battledome of our time. Everyone's heard of it, but how come we haven't FOUND it yet?

by suti_v2k_9_9
What Pair of Shoes Are You?

It's the month of Running! Spring is on its way!

by dizzyblackberry
Gifts for your Chomby!

What's big, has four legs, and originates from Tyrannia? You probably guessed it, the Chomby!

Also by retrean

by xbebedawlx

What We Should Be Eating on Chomby Day

"It's a well-known fact that we Chombies are leaf-eaters..."

by fancifully
Top Ten Wearables for Unconverted Pets

In the beginning, many users referred to unconverted pets as "uncustomizable."

As it turned out, that is not the case.

by iniuria

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"The Return" by hersheykis96
My owner had left a long time ago. She had said it was just a little break, a hiatus, but of course it wasn't. After she left, I kept visiting her User Lookup. I used to stare at it for hours, hoping that the "Last Spotted" section would switch to "Under one day ago." But it just kept getting farther and farther away...

Other Stories


I couldn't even have a conversation with my owner without us getting into a fight.

by emilyg96angel


I watched her as she left for her desk across the room, and then picked up my quill and paper. Still nothing. My mind was drawing a complete blank...

by jockylocky


Happily Ever After?: Part One
But how was she to come up with a story of a family, when she herself had never had one? She didn't know a thing about adoption.

by majikel


Prison of the Mind: Part Three
"Evil Dhaet si on rome," the voice said in a singsong voice. "Ehrets on caespe!"

by merlynia


Elephante's Surprise

Idea by swat_818 (:

by boroyan


Angry Felines!
Those crazy felines! Always fighting!

by knimble

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