"Lucky Everything" by monkeybytes "Yep, I got another Spotted Paint Brush today. Sold it already. Bet I don't get anything for a month now, though." She laughed. "I also won two codestones on Tombola and saw the travelling library with a lovely Moehog who gave me a book worth fifteen thousand neopoints..."
Random Event Faerie: Fact or Fiction? No! Really! It makes sense! We have a Snow Faerie, a Negg Faerie, and quest faeries! Why can't we have a random event faerie?
A Conundrumming Interview I brought a master conundrum solver just in case our favorite Lenny begins blabbering in the way he seems to love to puzzle us with...
The Ghost of Meridell: Part Three Jeran watched the King's Champion with questioning eyes as he walked to a thin brown cabinet in the far corner. He opened it up and very carefully took out what was inside. Jeran's jaw hit the floor as the knight handed him a brilliantly crafted sword...
Guardian: Part Two Rionex turned around and glared at Sage. "Mom, they'd still think I'm crazy!" she cried angrily. "Why don't you want me to go near large bodies of water? Why won't you tell me even who my dad is? Why won't you explain anything to me?"