Usuki fans eagerly await the release and showcases of some of the rarest Usukis. Hoards of screaming fans often make their pilgrimage to the convention yearly. But for a new timer, the aspect of the cry of thousands of small girls isn't a very pleasant situation to face. But with this guide, your journey to the Usuki Doll Convention won't result in prolonged deafness or stiff legs the next day, and will hopefully result in the enjoyment...
The Kacheek Club: The Tale of the Wilted Rose "I don't see what the big deal is about getting the lead part in The Tale of the Wilted Clothes. It's just gonna be another school play that every student in the entire Neoschool will be watching and remembering for the rest of the year..."
Fair Faerie Academy: Alumina the Light Faerie - Part One The headmistress called me into her office this morning and told me that there is this new faerie coming to the academy and she wanted me to show her around because she was going to be my new roommate.
Life in a Snowy Shadow: Part Six It seemed that I had fainted from fear just after the owner captured me, because the next thing I knew, I was in a cage in an unfamiliar place.