Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 181,914,076 Issue: 458 | 27th day of Hiding, Y12
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The Haunt Of Howl Hall, Part 11

Actually, that song is quite catchy...

by buizelmaniac
In the Name of Science

An origami petpet a day keeps the angry mastermind away!

by lombre
Freak-out - Breaking the Habit, Part Four

You sure love carrots, don't you?

by ichigostars
Powdered Sugar (4)

Catching a rock with a hook?

by foxity
Foiled Again

What happened?

Concept by viperlina

by xxkatiexx_07

Paper Trail

RAWR! Me Hungry!

by discowhale
Tales of Tails

That Snowager can't be THAT bad...!

by sejjeh_
Cherry-Filled #1

Yep, that's certainly not normal.

by h2230
Being Invisible

Being invisible isn't a joke...

by darkbited
Insert Title Here

The Grarrl who ate Neopia

by z0v0z
His Default Expression

And we wonder why Leera Heggle always looked fierce...

by alagfalaswen

It's not about stargazing.

by sheik_93
NeoQuest - Bad Hair Day?

You are attacked!

by joel_hudson

Sometimes a self centered pet needs to be taught a lesson.

by pump

Unforseen issues with the newest color...

by thistledawn
Tchea Slushie Two: How Embarrassing

Wearable Fail

by manga_wolf
Elderly Pets Gone Wild

Making a petpage app: More dangerous than one may think.

by wallaroo42

I want to be a great leader!

by tanemon1
Wig Madness

Oh, the joys of shopping at the NC Mall with a Mutant...

by paige_penrose
Recipe for Disaster

How many times have I got to tell you to SMILE when you wait tables?????

by prismfire


by poperbabe

Poor Fei. ):

by zyarah
Pickled Pets: Save the Wheels?

How can I help?

by 123pickleface
Speak No More: Riches

Why don't people do this more often...?

by laehlani
The Misfits

Part one of the Giant Omelette saga!

by macabrekitten
Sloth's Excuse

Happy Mutant Day and Grundo Independence Day!

by agentwerehog
This Is A Random Comic

Vampire Wax Lips?

by mutantte
Revert: Something has happened!

A very dashing Chia indeed.

by charybdis7

What do you mean there's no such thing...?

by tingtingwu
The Life of Aye! - 2 - Peophins

I never thought of that.

by xwindswept
Games Making Of - Feed Florg

Save us!

Art by sue_mhilka

by joohn_again

The Cure For Beauty

Happy Early Kyrii Day. c:

by aliexandrie
Kreludan Sumo

Dr. Sloth?

by christy_k
Cheesy Jokes - Mutant Day!

Happy Mutant Day, everybody!

by cheesetwo__ff
Neo Events! - Happy Mutant Day!

Happy Mutant Day!!

by ilovepuppies31
The Bunker - The Makeover (Part 1)

Your shoelace is untied... Wait. You don't even wear shoes. Never mind.

by hubadawaha
3 Royals plus 1 --- Mutant Event

Don't be scared... they are friendly neopets~~~~

by white_tiger0226
Sloth's new Plot...

B.E.G. : Big Evil Grin.

by enchidnahapp
The Floating Islanders - Mutants

New thumbnail!!! HOORAY!! And happy Mutant Day as well :D

by yankeesrule244444456
Before They Were Famous Issue #1

Aww, ain't he cute.

by michelle_ou123
She changes colour to MUTANT!!

Have a happy Mutant Day!

by sweetmeep
Neopian Neophyte - Usukicon

Usuki Paint Brushes can be highly misleading.

by leedom111
Petpet Color Option

I finally painted Goliath!

by koshka__65
Hug Mutants

Then they won't eat you!

by ghost_hunterz
Hoopla: Mutant Milkshake

PERFECT for Mutant Day!

by _pokemon12_63
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Magnificent Mutants

Take a moment to picture this: You're strolling down Neopia Central, as casually as any passerby, when the notorious Dr. Sloth appears as if out of nowhere! Alarmed and suspicious, you either shrink back in fear or take a battle stance – but instead of aiming his deadly-looking blaster at you, he takes something out of his pocket and simply hands it to you. You take a wary look at the object, and gasp – it's a Draik Transmogrification Potion! As you accept the highly-prized gift and make a run for it before the dastardly villain can change his mind, you realize that you have a few options as to just what to do with this potion...

Other Stories


The Shape-Shifter's End
I staggered off the platform, avoiding the smoke trailing from the still-hot laser ray. I felt different now.

by purplepeggie


When You're a Bounty Hunter.... have to deal with certain things that don't show up on the job description.

by solcana64


The Lesser Known Mutant History (Sloth vs. Krawley)
Krawley's role in the history of mutants is not known as clearly as Sloth's, nor is it as understood, yet there is very loose evidence that seems to link the two in the history of Neopia's mutants.

by alt1981black


Managing Mutants
Before your pet downs that nasty concoction, you should find out if you and your neopets could manage a mutant.

by neom_777


Vonde and the Mutant Yooyu Conspiracy: Part One
At first, nobody noticed... except for Vonde Cayle, since he was the one who had to score with the cursed things. He was sure of it, the Mutant Yooyus were up to something.

by hellehond


Fair Faerie Academy: Alumina the Light Faerie - Part Two
I was finishing my English essay on how I would escape being captured and put in a bottle when Rose came in. Already I knew something was wrong.

by queenmelissa93

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