Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 184,475,297 Issue: 468 | 5th day of Storing, Y12
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The Off Season- Hero Gyro

The Techo Super-Fan

by desert_gp_dragon2oo5
Caption Contest

Oh, look!

Idea by jiggers_81

by beanie_lova

Random Oddness

It would make more sense....

by mistyqee
Speak no more: Eyeballs

You don't hit a lady!!

by laehlani
Key Questing: Lesson 1

Key Quest can be hazardous to your health.

by starlite1287
Rich Slorg

...busy being rich.

by mistfallen
Justice Is Served

It's my turn already?!

by german_girl16
Neonisms: Budget Paintbrush

You get what you pay for...'SNOT fair! LOL

by moonlightfear
Usuls Plus One - Food.. Sort Of

Allow me to define "food"...

by maraqua_berry
Literally my house

Yup... It really looks like that.

by pirate_cove
Who Knew That

Illusen actually likes yoyos.

by naominzk
Castle Nox - What the....?

Seriously - where did it come from?!

by erfurt_lauren
Neopian House of Confliction

Kacheeks are yummy.

by lunarasammy
Oh Em Gee, I'm M.S.P: Underwater Fishing

Ohhhh, we all thought no harm could come from a little fishing... v__v

by shamaela

Who DOESN'T love the Usukiland Advert?

by jecruby
Elderly Pets Gone Wild

Babies. They don't work like that... or at all.

by wallaroo42
At the Beach

It's sooo unfair. D:

by amkb123s


by flaricfury
Giving Petrified a New Meaning

Plots ftw!

Also by kr_ena1337

by ruby_petal

Just a Baby JubJub

That baby JubJub is my hero! :)

by zwackypoopz
No Vacancy

There's a reason the healing springs say "At your own risk".

by tristasmith

Lighter than a feather.

by sogochilli
Earning a Hobby

Where have you been?

Idea by zonada

by kawaii_neokitty2

The Dark Side

When bad gets worse.

by vira8
Battledome Woes

The opponents are getting tough...

by animerocks75
Talk About Random

At least the other wheels are working.

by buizelmaniac
Neopian Neophyte - DISAPPOINTED

You literally could not be any more wrong.

by leedom111

You know what they say about being in space...

by imp_oster
Light House Life

I shall grant you a new ability...

by louishooper
Fighting Shadows

No wonder it wasn't fighting back...

Art by bluerang1

by livvy_granger


Swords at ready!

Also by water_park1993

by invalid_character

The NC Faerie?

Is the NC faerie a REAL faerie?!

by djudju22_8
Bragging Rights

The speed stat is good for something.

by spoofbuzz
Sad Slorg


by kitteh_love_forever
Insert Title Here

On second thought, keep them bottled.

by z0v0z
Search the Neopian Times


"Importance" by beautifuldirtyrich__
Neopia Central is a really busy place. It's not my fault I got tossed around a bit here and there, maybe into the auction house... Mom never looked at me like the people in here did, their noses turned up and wrinkled, their faces full of pity, distaste, and— I couldn't believe it— fear. Maybe I was a little scuffed up, but I didn't look too different from them, did I?

Other Stories


Today was the day. I had finally proven that I was responsible enough to go deposit our neopoints.

by beautifuldirtyrich__


The Restless Gnorbu
Yifeb had started working at the Chocolate Factory when she was very young. "It's like my second home," she was fond of saying.

by emrozi


How To Throw A Slorgtastic Party In 5 Easy Steps!
All great Slorg enthusiasts know that the 3rd day of the month of Storing is when we celebrate those adorable little slimey Petpets.

by girlygrl27


Preparing a Pet for the Battledome
If you haven't fought a single battle yet in the BD or would like to be more informed of how to go about preparing a pet for it, here's a simple and easy guide to help you on your way.

by akitera


Sophie's Return: Part Two
"Sophie!" the Lupe cried, rushing in, shutting and locking the door behind him. "You won't believe what I've been through!"

by chimaera9


Hot Herb Tea and a Happy Ending: Part Two
"Doesn't it ever stop raining?" I inquired.

by ellbot1998

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