Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 197,890,956 Issue: 1028 | 7th day of Running, Y27
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Continued Series

A Meerca's Mission

The Alien Aisha’s name was Aishtra and not only did she work at the Space Station, but she lived in the same section of dorms as Matatat did.

by weakestlink33
Thieves Alike

Malvus was walking back home with a wheelbarrow of split firewood. Summer was coming to an end, and the long winters of the Shenkuu mountains were long and unforgiving if ever his stockpile of wood were to run out.

by greencheese79
Pyramids All The Way Down

"This just in: Qasala announces the return of the former King Razul. While Razul insists that he is in a "co-Kingship" with his son, Jazan, this is a most shocking development given his previous attack on Sakhamet.

by likelife96
Jeanie's Teeny Tikes

The next stop of the nursery tour was a small kitchenette with food cabinets and fridge. There was a half circle of high chairs neatly arranged facing the kitchenette.

by jeanaet
Search the Neopian Times


"Prizes for the Neopies" by ningkov1
Ellsworth the Elephante carefully combed and oiled his golden locks before heading out. He took one last look at himself in the mirror and smiled at the sight of his crisp suit and shiny shoes. Not a single thing was out of place. The Neopies had just started, and he was busier than ever preparing for it every day; but that didn't mean he couldn't look nice. As the face of the Neopies, he prided himself on his dashing looks and entertaining personality. A cold rush of air surrounded him as he opened his door and began a new day. The dapper Elephant walked happily through the streets of Neopia, thinking of all the ways to make this year's gala even better than before. This was the 13th one already! “My, how time flies,” Ellsworth whispered to himself. He thought about all the awards handed out over the previous years, and while lost in his reverie almost passed the place he was heading to. “Ah, here it is!” Ellsworth entered the Post Office, ready to pick up the prizes for the next round of voting.

Other Stories


The Jungles of Mystery Island
Deep in the jungles of Mystery Island, the canopy blots the sun from the sky and casts a green light that filters to the vine-covered ground.

by kadface


A Hero's Journey: Dinner for Four
The Esophagor reared up and swiped a large claw that snagged on the robe of a fleeing Blue Acara.

by precious_katuch14


A Sloth Fan's Guided Tour of the Space Station
Everyone wants a sneak peek...Collab with betti666

by shikieiki


How the Weewoo came to Krawk Island
All about Weewoos!

by dennykins


These Town Hall meetings can be pretty boring.

by twillieblossom


Kadentity Crisis
Loic did not anticipate this odd consequence of his latest Dyeworks!

by thejulyninth

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