Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 197,890,957 Issue: 1029 | 21st day of Running, Y27
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New Series

A Visit to Avista

Month of Gathering, Y12 “I have a message for you,” Mr. Elliott, the headquarters secretary, informed me. I frowned, instantly concerned. The only one that left messages for me was my younger sister, Katelyn.

by 77thbigby
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"Illusen's Assistant" by ningkov1
“He’s done it again folks! Down the hill in 25 seconds! What a feat,” the Techo Cheese Maker excitedly announced the results to the roaring crowds. The cheers from the fans were deafening. Cyan was used to this - he flashed his sparkly white smile as usual and waved to his adoring fans. Goldy, a Yellow Symol, watched her owner from the stands with her friends. Every day she heard how lucky she was to be Cyan’s Petpet. She agreed, but deep down she felt a tinge of sadness and jealousy. Though they were cheering “Cyan” loudly, Goldy imagined what it’d be like if she were the star; if fans asked for her autograph; if King Skarl invited her to the castle for dinner. She wanted to be at the centre of it all, not cheering on the sidelines. Which is why she was now searching for cheese pieces under the light of the stars. Every night she snuck out to practice on the Cheeseroller hill with leftover cheese from the day. She was small but quick and agile, so the obstacles were of no trouble for her.

Other Stories


The Edge of the Bluff
For most, Illusen Day is a time of celebration and merriment and the hours are packed full of activities, events, and gatherings honoring the adored Earth Faerie. Collab with Cefoiya

by aronacia


Illusen at the Spring Masquerade
As Illusen lingered by the punch bowl in a new green dress and an itchy-with-enchantments mask, she knew she’d made a mistake. She didn’t usually go to these sorts of events.

by cookybananas324


When War Came for Illusen's Glade
For this Illusen Day, we’ve decided to reflect on a darker time during its history where Illusen found herself caught between the crossfire of war.

by black_skull725


A Sloth Fan's Rating of Famous Green Neopians
Hello dear readers, and welcome back to our newest edition of the Neopia Central Almost Official Sloth Fan Committee Newsletter! Collab with betti666

by shikieiki


A Gift from Illusen
She is an Earth faerie after all...

by alexatina


Behind the Scenes: Illusen Quests
After you leave the Glade…Collab with 5tar

by chewed

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