Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 149,520,230 Issue: 285 | 30th day of Running, Y9
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New Series

Lost With Isaerios: Part One

"Jeanie, I haven't even gotten over the last vacation you dragged me on, and now you want me to go on a tour to the highest elevations in Neopia? Are you kidding?"

by jeanaet
Traitors And Warriors: Part One

I should start at the very beginning, when I was a student at the Faerie School. Back then, so many years ago, not one of the faerie teachers had ever known a student quite like me...

by humgruffin
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Former Chiavore Speaks

I am concerned about the plight of the Chia species - especially since an increasing number of exotic varieties have become available. Unlike me, most Lupes find all Chias to be tasty morsels - even the regular Chias. Therefore, being able to change them to an even more appetizing variety, like Chocolate or Custard, is quite the added concern. Therefore, just in case they all become extinct, I am going public. Yes, that is right! I love Chias and...

Other Stories


Smelly Protests
"Your Highness!" Smelly called up to the flying fighter. "Please, stop! We must discuss ways to end this terrible war!"

by goosher


When Empty Bags Attack
I reached into my bag to fetch the neopoints and my mouth fell open when I found my bag was empty! Panicking, I desperately searched every pocket I had. I knew I had brought fifty neopoints with me, but where had they gone?

by age54321


Faerie Wars: Tactics
Can't figure out which camp to support in Neopia's latest plot, Faerie Wars? No worries. Your trusty Neopian Times reporter has done all the dirty work for you.

by ladyariel32


TNT's Everlasting Pranks
"WHAT?! I have to pay to load pages? But I just saved up a million neopoints!!" A shocked whine from Year Eight...

by lavalampsnake99


Stolid Solids
It must be a hard day's work for Sabre-X...

by darkangel_neo14


the Gryphon Files
Shh... don't go waving that around!

by light_element94

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