For an easier life Circulation: 184,475,310 Issue: 463 | 1st day of Collecting, Y12
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New Series

Undercover Defenders - Swamped: Part One

Three weeks ago, I joined the Undercover Defenders of Neopia, a secret department within the Defenders of Neopia.

by popso_the_hopso
Chronicles of the Chosen: The Last Battle - Part One

I'm not a freak, I thought to myself. I'm... erm...

by pretsel_is_back
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Preventing Petrification

Could we have avoided this dreadful event? Have we become too complacent under the faeries' rule? What can we, as fellow lovers of not being turned into stone, do to prevent this from happening again? What can we, as fellow haters of bad things in general, do to ensure Neopia's safety from the mad plans of lurking evildoers? Fear no more, Neopia, for here is a simple and easy to follow guide to avoiding yet another doomsday plot engineered by a diabolical villain..

Other Stories


What Goes On Behind Door #2
"I'm going off to stay with our cousins for a month. I hope it'll be fun."

by alt1981black


The Monster in the Pound
"It's not so bad in here. You get to meet lots of different Neopets from all kinds of interesting places, and you get used to the damp, and the food isn't so bad if you hold your nose and don't chew, and we play fun games like 'Guess the Infectious Disease' and-"

by mrs_cherish


Which Turdle Are You?
The fine minds at Gaseous Moonpie Incorporated (read: me and my posse of Babaa) have spent years studying all aspects of Neopia and have devised a quiz which will help you find yourself again.

by moonset


Falling for Fashion
Normally everyone knows to look to the fire faeries for fall fashions.

by ilovemycatembers


The Haunt Of Howl Hall, Part 16
It all makes sense now!

by buizelmaniac


Fighting the Lab Ray Scientist...
One reason why you shouldn't fight the Lab Ray Scientist.

by darkbited

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