A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 184,658,392 Issue: 487 | 25th day of Running, Y13
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New Series

Worlds Apart: Part One

Jaden had done a few bad things and couldn't afford to let herself remember them. That was why she didn't allow thoughts of very much enter her mind, except for thoughts of the music box.

by tanikagillam
Happily Ever After?: Part One

But how was she to come up with a story of a family, when she herself had never had one? She didn't know a thing about adoption.

by majikel
The Return: Part One

My owner had left a long time ago.

by hersheykis96
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"Happily Ever After?" by majikel
"I want to hear a story about family," she said matter-of-factly. "A story about a Neopet getting adopted into a nice family to live with, like I did when I was little." The pets scurried away, hurrying to get home before darkness settled over Meridell. Niki watched them go, suddenly wishing that she, too, had a family waiting...

Other Stories


The Usuki Singing Stars #5: Patricia Skis Again
"It sure is high up here," Patricia whimpered as she rode on the chair lift.

by downrightdude


Doodles and Equations
How long had she sat here, trying to figure out this one math problem?

by cenedra_sapphirez


Gifts for your Chomby!
What's big, has four legs, and originates from Tyrannia? You probably guessed it, the Chomby!

Also by retrean

by xbebedawlx


Petpet Companions for Dark Personalities
Find a creepy friend who suits your needs and wants as a petpet owner.

by saphireblue3


Uh Oh... O_O

by mooglerz


Kadoatie Troubles
Notice how quickly they get fed!

by rockergirl141

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