A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 182,804,373 Issue: 456 | 13th day of Hiding, Y12
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Short Stories

Head in the Clouds

As soon as she arrived, she sensed something was wrong.

by spotlightstarzafara
The Great Apostrophe

Once upon a time there was a little Bloop; his name was Apostrophe.

Also by kimmyfied

by depraving

Pizzaroo Tune

It was... silent. By silent, I mean that weird silence that occurs when it seems like you don't know what to say, and the other person looks far from willing to speak up as well.

by someguy_1000
Identity Theft

"What is the reason for attacking an innocent this time?" inquired a gentle voice.

by bigbang2pm
The Snowager's Cave

She envied her sisters right now. They were all back at home, enjoying warm, summery weather.

by lutari_lover_555
Of Pride and Loss

Devastation. That was the only word in Loogan's mind after the match...

by chrystal_218
UnaRae's Awful Day

I sprang out of bed, as usual, but this morning I tripped over the skateboard that my brother Zadar had forgotten to put away...

by alt1981black
Flight School

Here's the thing: I'm terrified of heights.

by holydoodle
The Scented Candle

Even the littlest baby Neopet knows that you should never agitate a Poogle while it is resting.

by dragon_imaginer
Clohofe's New Siblings

Clohofe was starting to feel resentful.

by emrozi
Please Say Another Word...

He shook his head. Of course, every day was like this.

by yoshispike
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"The Snowager's Cave" by lutari_lover_555
She envied her sisters right now. They were all back at home, enjoying warm, summery weather. They got to go bask in the sunlight near one of the ponds surrounding the house, if they wanted to. They could go play outside on the trampoline, without a care in the world. Portia was stuck bundled in half a dozen layers of thick clothing, freezing her tail off...

Other Stories


How To Cook: A Guide for Pets
Lapandine, master chef, is here to save your taste buds.

by preencessno


Living In Terror... Mountain
For something as cold as ice, it takes much more than sunglasses to reach clarity.

by realmofmist


Good Foundations: Part Four
"He took us by surprise, sir!" the Kougra blurted out.

"Surprise? Surprise!?" Vargo bellowed. "You were lying in wait for him!"

by herdygerdy


Beauty and the Xweetoks: Part Three
"How do you control a five-year-old Usul who wants to ruin your life?"

by st83_star174


Fashion Issue - The Complaining
Oops... Mipsy's wand needs a little repair.

Also by sheik_93

by eusoueu_6


Weewoos perch on just about any place they can find...

by smashedskies

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