Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 182,700,471 Issue: 464 | 8th day of Collecting, Y12
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Short Stories

Never Too Old For Fun

The day had finally arrived! Sywun's little nose itched with excitement as he thought of it. His cousins were coming!

by puppy_girl252
A Snowbunny Mystery

The Department of Detectives is a not very known branch of Defenders of Neopia. Those who are allowed to work there like it that way.

by animalmagnet1197
The Dangers of Delivering a Pizza: A Puzzling Story

"She's a bit upbeat for someone who lives in the Haunted Woods," thought Sir MushroomStump. "Oh well. It will take a while to deliver, though. This may be a good practice run for the rookies.”

by a_secondchance
The Spardel on the Street Corner

I don't know why I felt the need to do it. I've always been fiercely independent, not liking to rely upon anyone else, and not liking anyone else having to rely upon me.

by crazy_holly_ii
A Midnight Snack: Temptations

I rolled over in my bed and glanced at my Usul Alarm Clock on the nightstand. It read 11:58.

by mango_mango101

"Don't you think the sunbeams are beautiful? That they're just like what a song would look like, if you could see it?"

by misshoginpitt
Brothers, Ghosts, and Graveyards... Oh My!

"I want you to meet your new little brother Patrick."

by bethanyziegler
An Adventure Into the Night

Life was perfect. Her every wish could be fulfilled. Running Faerieland was very simple.

Also written by pbutter492

by jamba_jukeba

Oddballs In Neovia

My favorite street lamp, you know the one closest to the graveyard, was burnt out as usual. I loved it, though; it made looking out at all the cracked and weathered headstones so much creepier.

by greyandrainy

...all the faeries are covered in stone.

by peachwriting
The Perfect Color

Quarrye couldn't wait to try it out.

by smudgeoffudge
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"The Perfect Color" by smudgeoffudge
Transparent was the perfect color for a Skeith. Quarrye couldn't wait to try it out. He could hardly believe his luck when his owner announced that she had found the paintbrush. "I almost didn't see it at all," she announced, holding something up. Quarrye had to look twice just to see the thing...

Other Stories


How to Feed Your Grarrl
No, they're surprisingly not extinct. I know, right?

Also by midnight_009

by icanhaskaila


A Walk Through the Town of Neovia
Once you get used to the slight bit of fog that graces the cobblestone streets, it's a most wonderful place to explore...

by kita271


The Secret of Geraptiku: Part Four
"If there wasn't one definite way to leave, there would be other ways to leave, because there always has to be a way to do something."

by xaetear


The Sorcery Society: Part Three
I made my way over to the reference section, where a petite Faerie Gelert, dressed in a lavender dress with her long, straight brown hair tied into a soft bun, was checking off boxes on a clipboard.

by iris220_ll


Color Conflicts
Seriously, who took it? ;) Nice new color!

by arrizae


Oh to be Scary! Part 2
The quest of one little JubJub continues! Will he become scary in time for Halloween?

Story by starluff

by yampuff

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