Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 192,959,134 Issue: 672 | 5th day of Celebrating, Y16
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Short Stories

Friday: The Problem with Bandages

As he was perusing through Lost Desert's infamous Osiri's Pottery shop, known for selling the finest pottery and Earthenware in the land, he heard an awful ruckus...

by vanquishee
Super Secret Club: The Cookie Crumb Trail

In the garden of number forty eight, Rainbow Lane, Neopia Central, stands a tree house. But this is not just any treehouse. This treehouse is the headquarters of the Super Secret Club.

by xpninja
You Snooze, You Lose

King Skarl stifled a laugh. He's not competition, he scoffed. Eating berries in the Turmac Roll was hardly practice for a contest of this magnitude.

by the_lady_j
Doctor's Orders

"He might be scary and a bit gruff, but he is still a very good and efficient doctor," the Blumaroo muttered back.

by anti_guy
Shadow Gulch

It is early July when the relentless glow of summer falls upon this contemptible place.

by xxskyisfallingxx
The Second Interview

"Sweete! Sweete! Wake up, you've overslept!"

by sushicat1__20
Origin of the Eventides

'I was the first to come forward.'

by sunwreaths
Surprise, Surprise!

As he was dreaming about battling a strange Chia warlock with an even stranger moustache, he was woken by a loud rap on his door.

by psychedelicreature
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"You Snooze, You Lose" by the_lady_j
A long time ago in the kingdom of Meridell, or perhaps it was just yesterday, before the grumpy Old King Skarl became grumpy or old, he held another of his famous festivals. It wasn't famous for any particular reason, he just enjoyed hosting happy occasions full of lots of...

Other Stories


Swab the Deck: A Stowaway Sting Guide
If you have ever wanted to be a pirate, then playing Stowaway Sting is a good start.

by terabithian


The Top Five Best & Worst Christmas Toys for your Neopet
Why should we give our Neopets LOUSY TOYS?

by liesl_1997_11


A Queen's Ascension: Part Two
"Only thirty days left," she chuckled under her breath, eyeing a page in her diary further ahead that had written on it 'FREZON IS KING'.

by dudeiloled


The Necromancer: Part Eight
Could it be that the mysterious visitors really had wanted nothing more than to speak with her? But if that was that case, then why not leave a card, or at least a name?

by jokerhahaazzz


Grarrl Intervention
First it was my spooky candle...

by pancakesatthedisco


Feathered Friends
I'm loving the festivities!

by elipsis4k

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