Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 195,602,701 Issue: 866 | 24th day of Hunting, Y21
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

I'm laying in my bed, staring at the roof of my room. I've been stuck in there for 3 long and boring days already and it doesn't look like it will be over anytime soon... My name is Reginald Acorn, I'm 20, a grey Gelert and I'm currently fighting a cold. I'm a detective working for the police force of Neovia. Three days ago, the boss and I had to hide in front of the abandoned asylum to catch all sorts of thieves, including the most annoying one you can think of. And by the looks of it, thieves aren't the only things I caught that night ... But, the good news is, we were able to recover a stolen locket and give it back to Vincent Von Verzweiflung. The look on his face when he saw the "treasure" inside was well worth this nasty cold. I'm getting all emotional just by thinking of it !

-- dtrg

All The Ways To Change Your Pet

I wanted to write a piece on all the different ways to change your pet, but there are so many out there that I don't even know if they can all fit in one Neopian Times article! I am going to try though. There are a few different types of changes your pet can undergo, such as a color change, species change, etc. This article is dedicated to those. Obviously you can change your pet by dressing them up in a new outfit, or change their battledome stats by training or questing, but I wanted to cover changing their base appearance.

Fishing My Days Away

Fishing is one of the great stress relievers of all time, moreso for you than the poor fish that keep getting hooked and yanked out of the water. In Neopia, it is not as stress-free as you would hope! There is a lot riding on what you are able to pull up from the ocean's depths and the value of the different items you could obtain.To start fishing you will want to head down to the Ye Olde Fishing Vortex, a deep cavern in Maraqua that has a beautiful dock and a helpful crew to sell you fishing wares. You'll see other Neopians with rods and nets and boats all trying to catch the next big fish! Fishing is a game of patience, and I mean a whole lot of patience.

Flipping Coins, Kissing Mortogs & Tyranu Evavu..ing?

There are two games in Neopia that are almost completely up to chance, and another game that mixes extreme chance with a bit of focus. Some of my favorite games are those that go by quick and have large rewards with little upfront risks. You can lose everything at the slots, or wager all your money away at Krawps, and end up broke with tiny rewards!! But there are three very, very simple games that can reward some massive prizes (well, two bigger than the other). I wanted to write up a guide but realized they are all pretty easy to pick up, so I thought why not combine all three into one mega-guide!?

Other Stories
"To Make a Serious King Laugh" by fairy_350
Our story begins with Wyvve the White Draik, who was one of the prestigious knights for the honorable and intelligent King Hagan of Brightvale, as well as one of Hagan's favorite soldiers. Hagan, in comparison to his lazy brother Skarl, took care of the residents of his kingdom and made sure everyone living there was well-fed and educated. Meanwhile, the slovenly Skarl mostly cared about himself, and would rather eat a mountain of potatoes and cake than make sure his military was okay and his peasants and farmers were at least well. One thing Skarl had over Hagan however, was the ability to let go and not be serious, and many residents of Brightvale did not seem to have as much fun with life as Meridell commoners seemed to.

"Reginald Acorn's Case 4 : Cupcake Madness " by dtrg
Neovia, 15:30 I'm laying in my bed, staring at the roof of my room. I've been stuck in there for 3 long and boring days already and it doesn't look like it will be over anytime soon... My name is Reginald Acorn, I'm 20, a grey Gelert and I'm currently fighting a cold. I'm a detective working for the police force of Neovia. Three days ago, the boss and I had to hide in front of the abandoned asylum to catch all sorts of thieves, including the most annoying one you can think of. And by the looks of it, thieves aren't the only things I caught that night ... But, the good news is, we were able to recover a stolen locket and give it back to Vincent Von Verzweiflung. The look on his face when he saw the "treasure" inside was well worth this nasty cold. I'm getting all emotional just by thinking of it !

"Tekkal Trouble: The Petpet Detective Book 3 " by pedigree_chump666
It had been several weeks since the Altador Cup had finished, and Estebon was still in Fire Yooyu form following a stint filling in for the usual petpet after its flames had been doused when an over enthusiastic Kiko Lake player had launched it into the surrounding waters. Estebon was the only petpet in existence that could choose his form at the petpet laboratory, so long as his cause was noble, and saving the Altador Cup from disaster certainly fit that description. Today the Kookith at the petpet lab ray was back from his holiday, so Estebon could at last return to his original form, something that he had been desperate to do since the Cup had ended. Too much fame and admiration came with this Yooyu form, and everywhere he went he was being congratulated for his performance and asked for autographs and expected to pose for photographs.

Grab something delectible

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