A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 90,556,056 Issue: 163 | 22nd day of Collecting, Y6
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Leaving Florae

by shadowcristal


"NO! THIS CAN'T BE TRUE!" Maddy screamed as she ran out of the room.

     She couldn't believe it. This… this had to be some kind of a joke!

     "And I thought she'd take it well…" Maddy's owner, Florae, muttered.

     "She's got a flair for dramatics. She'll be fine," the Darigan Lupe standing beside Florae said quietly.

     "You think?" Flora glared at Vit, her other pet.

     "Well… it might not have been a good idea to drop it in her face like that. Besides, why did you do it?"

     Several yards away, Maddy was wondering the same thing. The little blue Wocky hugged herself as tears ran down her face.

     Why, Florae? Why did you pick me to abandon at the pound? she thought. We've always been good friends and played together… So why did you decide to abandon me? Why not Vit? He's so obnoxious… The Wocky clutched her Air Faerie Doll as she sat there in confusion.

     "I'm sorry, I really am… Please forgive me, Maddy…" Florae whispered.


     "Hmm… What name should the new Draik have?" Florae asked happily the next day at the breakfast table.

     "Sinix?" Maddy said before she could stop it.

     "I see you've gotten over this. Your little tantrum yesterday was very amusing," Vit said sarcastically. "Let's see… Maddy II?"

     "Vit! Be nice to your sister!" the owner reprimanded.

     "Why? She won't be my sister in a week…" Vit said haughtily. Maddy was shocked.

     "VIT! Be nice!" Florae spluttered, noticing the desperate look that Maddy gave her.

     "Why? She'll leave anyway."

     They talk as if I wasn't here… Maddy sadly stared into the ceiling. She didn't have anything against Draiks, but why would one have to take her place, right here and now? She just didn't understand why… They were only two pets. An owner was allowed to have four, so why did she have to be put in the pound?

     "Maddy, you okay?" Florae wondered. The Wocky nodded her head silently as she looked at her brother.

     This just wasn't fair! Vit could just sit there and be very annoying… If she had done the same thing, Florae would've forced her to sit in a corner and eat breakfast quietly. Why…? Exceptions for Vit? The Wocky frowned, and splashed some Kau Kau Milk onto the Lupe's fur.

     "Fair is fair," Maddy grinned wickedly as Vit let out a horrible shriek.

     "My fur is ruined!" the Darigan pet bellowed as he threw the rest of his breakfast at Maddy. The Wocky managed to duck in the last second and the contents flew over the table, right on Florae.

     "No food fight!"

     "Well, it was her fault…" Vit said with a sly expression on his face.

     "No! His!" Maddy pointed, and more milk flew into Vit's fur, causing him to scream of terror.

     "It doesn't matter!" their owner shouted, and stomped out of your room.

     "You did wrong," Vit told his sister coldly, "and that's why she abandons you instead of me-"

     The Lupe didn't get to finish the sentence as Maddy flew by him and ran out of the room. W-what? Because I behave badly… Is that true? she thought as she sprinted to get out of the house. It didn't have that familiar feeling of a home anymore. "Vit! Why… Why you… you too…?"


     Florae found her sitting in the gutter.

     "Maddy… I'm sorry…"

     "Why did you choose to abandon me? Why not Vit?" the Wocky said in a small voice, hanging her head.

     "I can only have two pets at one time. More than that would be too much responsibility…" Florae explained, trying to be the grown-up.

     "Vit hates me! He's probably more than happy that I'm the one to leave!" Maddy cried out impulsively.

     Her owner was standing there meekly, trying to avoid Maddy's angry glare. "Umm… he doesn't like you, but that doesn't mean that he hates you…"

     Maddy closed her eyes. She was sure… But it just wasn't fair!

     "Think it over. We've talked about this. In three days you'll leave. I'm sorry…" Florae trailed off, "but it's time for you to leave."

     As the Wocky watched her walk away, Florae swallowed a few times. She wasn't too happy… But it was either a blue Wocky or a Darigan Lupe. Abandoning a painted pet? No way!

     "It has to be Maddy…"


     Maddy sat there. She definitely wouldn't come home, not after that speech! Flora probably preferred Vit… Yes! That was it!

     "With such an owner… Do I even have a home anymore?" she asked herself. The Wocky let herself to walk around and sulk. Now and then a crystalline drop of salty water would run down her face and fall onto the road. She didn't even know where she was headed for, except it wasn't home.

     My next home will be the Pound… she thought as she looked up. Coincidentally, the pound was right before her.

     "May I help you?" an Uni asked the little Wocky kindly. Maddy stared at the pink Uni with an empty expression on her face before she replied.

     "I…" she told herself not to cry, then continued, "I'd like to look around."

     "Sure!" the Uni said. "Do you want a guided tour or look yourself?"

     "By myself, please," the Wocky said quietly. She started to walk as she contemplated. Why did she even ask to be in this place? Why did she enter? Why did she look around? She'd be here in the end…

     This place… the feared and legendary Pound. But it didn't look so bad. Except for the fact that almost everything was gray, it didn't seem too uncomfortable. Yet the Pound gave her the chills. She got the feeling of getting trapped.

     Maddy looked out of the small window and saw a white Lupe.

     "Let's play!" he shouted.

     How could they be so happy? Weren't they sad at being abandoned? The Wocky sat down on one of the cots. The sheets were soft and nice.

     "This'll be my new home…" Maddy thought and clutched her Air Faerie Doll.

     "Hey! A new pet!" someone said. The Wocky stood up in surprise, and saw it was that pet she had seen before.

     "Hi, I'm Gareth," the white Lupe said friendly and flashed a big grin.

     "I'm Maddy." She couldn't keep it in anymore! She just had to tell someone! "You're way nicer than my brother…" Maddy blurted out.

     "Your brother?" Gareth raised an eyebrow.

     "Well…" Maddy stuttered.

     "Tell me more," he said.

     They sat down at the stairs and the whole story just got out. When she was finished, Maddy was relieved. It felt good to tell someone…

     "Isn't it so unfair?" the Wocky finished.

     After a long moment's thought, the Lupe replied, "No."

     "What? What do you mean with a no?" Maddy asked.

     "Well, that's life. You just have to accept it."

     The Wocky buried her had and looked down at the ground. When she looked up again, Gareth was gone.

     "Accept it?"


     "Oh! I'm so glad you're back, Maddy!" Florae shouted, running towards Maddy. The Wocky had finally decided to go back to her home and see how things turn out.

     "You'll have to accept it, sooner or later…" the words rang in her mind.

     "I am sorry," her owner whispered.

     "Thought you were something? Well, I wasn't worried," Vit said dryly.

     "Don't be sorry!" Maddy said as more words echoed. "Accept it and make it okay. You'll get more out if than if you sulk and wade in self-pity."

     "Maddy…" Florae said, holding a Blue Draik Egg. "You've grown up!" her owner smiled.


     "Bye, Maddy!" her owner waved.

     "Bye annoying little critter…" Vit muttered.

     "Bye! Hopefully I'll get adopted!" Maddy waved back as she walked towards the Pound.

     "Hey, you're here for real this time?" Gareth asked when he saw the Wocky. She didn't answer, but looked back at her owner for the last time.

     "Please forgive me, Maddy…" Florae whispered. "Having to leave me…"

The End

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