Return of Seamstress Cybunny: Part Two by anime_cybunny
I was hopping with a lot of speed, quickly glancing into
classrooms. Eventually, I found the one with broken items all over the floor.
They sparkled like shattered glass.
"What's wrong?" I rushed into the room. The Yurble
from earlier in the day was in a corner of the classroom shrieking in fear.
Two Cybunnies turned and saw me. They were both yellow, with one wearing warm
coloured clothes, and the other wearing cool coloured clothes.
As soon as the two Cybunnies noticed me, they
suddenly dashed out through a nearby window. I predicted who the Cybunnies were,
but I wasn't exactly sure. The Yurble started to sob and Miss Kougra went over
to her. I carefully cleaned up the broken mess and left the school without saying
another word to Miss Kougra.
The next morning, I bounced out of bed and made
breakfast. There wasn't school today and I didn't feel like visiting Shai. I
didn't know why I didn't wish to attend Shai's Outfitters for a visit. The sensation
of me going there ran out, especially since I was still wondering about the
two Cybunnies from yesterday.
I opened the front door and lifted the day's
issue of Neopian Times. It was quite heavy because of many things happening
in Neopia. The Times was placed on the table immediately because I didn't feel
like reading it yet. Even though I like reading it a lot, I had other important
tasks that need to get done.
I yearned for sewing, so the first place I visited
was a local clothing shop. The cloth and colour selections were not as big compared
to Shai's tea coloured cabinet. I didn't care much, so I purchased some materials
and went home. There were a few pens and paper near my books, so I did a quick
sketch of what I wished to sew.
After completing the sketch, I looked at it for
a moment. It turned out that I wanted to make a plushie of me. Nodding every
now and then, I stitched up the plushie. Back at Shai's shop, I practiced making
plushies often. The plushie of me wasn't too complicated to complete.
When finished, I placed it on a desk that was
close to my bed. I was glad that I completed something that had to do with sewing
- I was fascinated by the subject. A knock suddenly occurred on my door. Yawning,
I went to answer.
"Yes?" I asked as I opened the door. A familiar
Kougra was right in front of my eyes. It was Miss Kougra.
"I worried about you yesterday," she said as
she entered my house. I never had a teacher in my life that actually worried
about me.
"You did?" I asked dumbfounded. Miss Kougra nodded
as she sat on a chair near the round table. I sat down across from her.
"You suddenly went off after the two Cybunnies
left. Do you know those two?" she asked.
"I'm not sure," I shrugged. "I know three yellow
Cybunnies, but couldn't tell if two of them were familiar to me."
"I see. Also, what about the other day? I mentioned
about the introduction and your classmates…"
"Well, I seriously felt like as if I was a little
pet. I couldn't tell you because I thought you would be ashamed of me," I stated.
"Ashamed?" Miss Kougra let out a little laugh.
"I wouldn't be ashamed because a new student told me something!" This teacher
seemed to care about her students very much.
"So, you're not mad?" I smiled a little. Miss
Kougra shook her head and got up. On her way out of the door, she handed me
a large piece of paper.
"There's a spelling bee going on soon. Usually,
I would have the entire class take a test, but as soon as I saw you, I thought
that you would be perfect for this competition," she smiled.
My eyes suddenly widened. "WHAT?" I asked with
a lot of shock. "Me, participate in a spelling bee without taking a test? That's
The teacher continued to smile. "Good luck, Sakura,"
she waved as she left. I slowly closed the door, confused as to why Miss Kougra
gave me the spelling list. Was it because of favoritism?
School started earlier the next day, so I got
going as soon as I woke up. Breakfast was ready, so I quickly gulped it down.
I didn't want to be tardy on my second day of classes at Neopian Teaching School.
Neopets were greeting each other in the usual
fashion, while others were gossiping too much. I kept sighing on my way to the
classroom. Ever since I got the spelling list without taking a spelling test,
I felt a little weary. Miss Kougra seemed to notice me in that way as I sat
down on the hard chair.
While the teacher was giving the teaching lecture,
I was trying to keep up with notes. A student arrived and handed Miss Kougra
a slip of paper moments later.
"Sakura," she called to me. "You are needed in
the office."
"Okay," I replied and got up. Some students snickered
at me as I softly closed the door behind me. As I was walking to the office,
I wondered what I was needed for. Could something have happened at Terror Mountain?
I slipped through the door of the office and
a clerk was waiting for me. She simply smiled and handed me another slip of
paper. I couldn't tell whether her grin was evil or not. I sat down at a nearby
seat and took a look at the note.
To Sakura,
Ha! We have your friend Shai in the Rock Caves,
which is near the Ice Caves. If you want to see her again, you'd BETTER show
Colleen and Colette
That answered all my questions. My evil twin
sisters were holding Shai captive. I thought for a moment about what to do -
should I leave school now?
"You may return to your class now," the clerk
said and rushed me out. I felt uncomfortable about her and the note that I received.
As soon as I entered the classroom once again, the lecture had concluded and
students were packing up.
I just sat down on my chair worried about Shai.
It was decided by me that I would go back to Terror Mountain tonight. The bell
rang to end classes and I gathered my books. Miss Kougra came by my desk.
"I…I can't participate in the spelling bee!"
I suddenly blurted out. The teacher pulled her chair and sat next to me.
"Why can't you?" she asked.
"I got an note from the office. My boss - no,
my friend - was kidnapped by my sisters!"
"Your sisters?"
"Yes," I replied. I explained to Miss Kougra
about what happened to me a month ago - the month where my sisters were sent
to the dungeon. It seemed that those two managed to escape there.
"I see," she nodded slowly. Tears suddenly streamed
down my face like waterfalls. I began to sob because I wondered and worried
about the elderly Wocky. Miss Kougra patted me on the back.
"Go to Terror Mountain." She got up. I looked
up at her.
"Yes." I nodded and got up as well. "I will be
going now."
Miss Kougra nodded as I hurried out of the room
and the school. I didn't have time to worry about assignments or anything -
I had better things to worry about. The water was warm enough to ride by boat,
so I sailed toward my homeland.
The snow near the water was freezing, so I prepared
myself well. I thanked the sailor and hopped off to the Rock Caves - wherever
those may be. Before I went there, however, I dashed to Shai's Outfitters to
make sure that the letter was saying the truth.
When I arrived at the door, it was locked. The
sign said that the store was closed. That meant to me that the twin Cybunnies
truly did take Shai. I sighed as I rested my head against the door.
"Seamstress Cybunny?" a close villager called.
I turned around and notice him. He was a Christmas Scorchio.
"Yes?" I called. The villager came over.
"Did you know that Colleen and Colette escaped
the dungeon, took Shai, and went toward the Rock Caves?" he asked. I nodded
my head slowly.
"Hey! It's Seamstress Cybunny!" a Poogle noticed.
"Aren't you attending a teaching school?"
"Things changed!" I shouted my reply. "Shai's
Outfitters will be closed for today."
"Understandable, Miss Sakura," the Christmas
Scorchio nodded as he went off in a different direction. Snow was blowing at
many different directions. I sighed and slowly walked toward the Rock Caves.
It turned out the caves were not too far away.
The ice path was slippery, so I struggled a little to arrive at the entrance.
I took a quick breath and hopped slowly inside. The tunnel wasn't very long,
either. In no time at all, I saw Colleen and Colette.
"You!" Colette shouted. Colleen giggled.
"What are you doing here?" I demanded an answer.
"It's an infraction of the house policy!" Colleen
shouted after I.
"House policy? Oh PLEASE! That stupid thing expired
a LONG time ago! Ever since you two went to the dungeon!" I sneered. "Now, answer
my question! First, you escaped the dungeon. Second, you broke in a school!
Third, you took Shai. And now, you're not answering me!"
"We're not considering your question and not
giving you an answer," Colette simply said. Even though she was slower than
Colleen, she's the more serious of the two. I saw Shai in the middle, not smiling
at all.
"Shai!" I finally noticed. "Are you all right?"
"For now she is," Colleen evilly grinned. I had
a feeling that the next event wasn't going to be a good one.
"Sakura, run! Don't worry about me!" Shai yelled.
"Huh?" I suddenly became confused. Colleen zapped
me with a bolt and I fell instantly. I rose from the ground within a few seconds,
but Colleen and Colette still had evil grins.
"Let's go, sister," Colleen hopped into the hole
that was right behind her. Colette nodded and did the same thing Colleen did,
but in a different way.
"Shai!" I came over to hug her. The old Wocky
"What took you so long, dear?" she asked.
"School wasn't finished yet and the boat ride
took a while," I replied. "Sorry!"
Shai nodded. Her wrinkle amount seemed to increase
since I left for classes. She looked older than usual.
"Shai?" I asked. "Are you okay?"
"I'm just fine, dear." She smiled but suddenly
fell. I thought I heard a rock fall, so I turned around. After I noticed that
a rock didn't fall, I turned back around. Shai was gone.
"Shai?" I called wandering around. I looked near
the entrance of the Rock Caves to see if she managed to escape. Then I suddenly
thought about what happened.
"Shai?" I called again. This time, I hopped near
the hole where Colleen and Colette fell. I gasped and tears started coming from
my pink eyes.
To be continued...