Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 114,248,913 Issue: 228 | 17th day of Awakening, Y8
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by heart_toes

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Snow Wars
And it was his turn. Anything could happen. Nohla had flattened everything but the ice puddle on the Snow Cone's side of the field in the first 22 minutes...

by jesmeonne


The Jackals of Sakhmet II - Finding Lee: Part Two
"Cole, she'll see you when she's finished. Just calm down… Besides, she has enough on her plate without you asking day after day whether or not she's found Lee," Lycos said...

by arrielle5


Evil Feepit
Someone has been playing Meepit vs. Feepit a little too hard...

by fmoura_98


Why Sloth "Loves" Usukis
The answers shall be REVEALED... *crazy eyes*

by spongebobfan484

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