Kadaoties, Are They Truly "Ebil?" by azasub
Now, many Neopians have come to the conclusion that the poor innocent Kadoaties
are evil. Or ebil, as they are so often called. Well, truthfully I would have
to agree... But that is beside the point... *shifty eyes*
This article is going to explain exactly why these kads are given this terrible
name, and how they so... very much deserve... *twitch* First of all, we all
know how incredibly fast the kads go from "Fuzznugget is very sad. You should
give it Glaring Eye Wrap" to "Fuzznugget has been fed! Thanks, *******!" And
that can turn a Neopian stark raving mad. I mean it, absolutely crazy.. I have
seen the boards... Well, we all know that the reason for this is that the feeders
have some kind of alliance with the Kadoaties, and they will refuse any other
food given to them by any one else. That's just common sense, but from recent
events I believe this to be untrue! That's right, it's not true.
Secondly, let's get onto the foods that the kads ask for. Okay, we have established
that the kads are fed fast and many people are constantly shouting, "You have
to be rich to feed kads," or "You need a gajillion bajillion neopoints to feed
those kads... " Well, if the kads really did ask for really expensive items,
would they be fed so incredibly fast? NO. The kads ask for the cheapest items
you could ever think cheap. This could go from the Glaring eye wrap to the Salmon
Thirdly, the feeders that feed the hungry hungry kaddehs. To start off, the
feeders' inventories are full of food. Not just any food, kad food. That's right,
the feeders seem to have a sixth sense to what the kads will ask for; they must
have some kind of source... someone telling them lists of food.. or something
of that sort... *shifty eyes*. Seriously, you can smell these guys' and gals'
inventories from Neopian miles away. This is why they are fed so fast, with
all of these stuffed inventories all at once cramming food into the poor kads'
Fourthly, people have claimed that the kads have "eaten their socks," or even
attacked them; well this could be true, I mean come on, you can't blame them,
trapped in those tiny cages with only 6 air holes, and tiny thin bars, constantly
taunted with passing Neopians with incredible tasting gourmet foods. Kads attacking
people is very rare, and all of my socks are odd because of... erm... I have
a faulty washing machine... Anyway, the kads would never think of attacking
any one, and if they do, well, that is obviously because of Sloth hypnotising
them. *twitch* I mean Sloth is great; he has done nothing wrong and never will,
so carry on with your business and never speak of his name ever again ok thnxbai.
Fifthly, the kads' personalities. If you pay close attention to the kads, you
will see that they are very innocent little creatures. They have the same traits
as little children, Always hungry after half an hour, no matter how much you
have fed them, they always cry constantly when it is night time or time for
bed. They like to nibble or chew on things that aren't theirs, and finally they
seem to always know exactly how to get you mad. If the kads have the traits
of little itty bitty babies, can you really consider them evil? Really people,
how can you be so cruel?!
Sixthly, the kads' availability. Another reason the kads are called ebil. There
are so many of them at the Kadoatery, at least 20, and they are there apparently
because their owners are on holiday. Well, all of the feeders and non-feeders
alike think that this is outrageous. If there are so many kads being left here,
and I mean a lot, then why is it they are one of the rarest petpets to have?
They are very common in the Kadoatery, which should make their rarity index
at least 45. So because of this strange absence of kads, and the extreme love-ability
of the adorable little critters, they are considered ebil. I know, it's pure
And Lastly, to conclude, the Kadoaties are, in fact, NOT ebil, I repeat, NOT
ebil. They are only called this because some Neopians are, sadly, not fast enough.
Their poor little feet just can't keep up with the athletes on the kad boards,
who can run from their inventory to the kad cages in 0.6 seconds flat. And when
the so called "mewbies" miss a feed, they start shouting madly, "EBIL KADS!!"
and so on so forth. The kads are actually anything but ebil, they are just trying
to get an honest meal. And something else, that's right, the reporter who wrote
this article, is in fact, here it comes, I am actually a feeder! MU HA HA HA
So next time you go to visit the Kadoatery and don't manage to feed a kad even
though you saw that you had an item, do not call them ebil. It isn't their fault
that you can't keep up with the frenzy, or you can't feed an innocent kad. Go
to the kad boards located mainly on the game board. I am sure they would love
to help you feed a kad. Go and stock up on foods. I am sure that the feeders
will lend you their power of the amazing sixth sense. And one more thing, would
the kads let you get a spiffeh avatar *mew* if they were ebil? No of course
not, they would keep it to themselves and not let any share in the warmth of
pinkness. So go ahead, feed a kad today. And maybe, just maybe, you can obtain
the coveted trophy. And please just take the time to think, is it the kads that
are the terribly evil, or ebil ones? Or is it you? * vanishes *
~This article was brought to you by Dan AKA azasub. All hate mail and other
mail will be accepted with glee.
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