Love You Like a Sister III: Letting Go by tennisblondie16
The green Meerca looked over to the adjacent cage, where
a yellow Kacheek was asleep. The two friends had been at the pound for almost
a year now. It was midnight, and the Adoption Agency was closed. The only sounds
were the occasional Weewoos or pets snoring. The only source of light was from
the Full Moon, as it cast out eerie shadows. The green Meerca banged her tail
lightly on the cage with the sleeping Kacheek. The Kacheek moaned and hit the
Meerca’s cage back.
“What do you want, Wiggles, I’m trying to sleep!”
the Kacheek, whose name was Minnie, whispered.
“What I want is to get out of here! I say you and
I break out of this place,” the Meerca, who went by the name of Wiggles, replied.
“Wiggles, you’re crazy! No pet
has escaped Dr. Death in ten years! Do you really expect to escape now?”
“Yes, yes I do, Minnie! It’s very
simple, and I figure tonight’s the perfect night to do it. It’s a Full Moon,
which will make it easy for us to hide amongst the shadows.”
“Well, if you really think it
will work…let’s get cracking! I don’t want some noob of an owner to adopt me!”
Wiggles knew the cages were only
opened through the outside, on which there was a latch. She hadn’t eaten today,
which made the end of her tail skinny enough to slip through a hole and unlatch
the lock. When she had done that, she quietly slipped her tail back through,
and opened the door, trying not to make a sound. When she got out, she looked
across the room and saw Dr. Death asleep and snoring. She stifled a giggle,
and carefully closed the cage.
Then she moved on to Minnie’s
cage, with the same results. They both moved stealthily across the numerous
cages of abandoned pets, trying their best to hide in the shadows. When they
got to the front desk, the Uni at the front desk had her back turned, filling
out some important documents of some sort. They crept down and crawled until
they were at the door. This was it—as soon as they ran out of the door, the
little bells would jingle and the Uni would know someone was escaping. So this
was their only chance. They had to move fast, or they would lose their chance
to escape from this terrible prison.
Wiggled held up fingers, to signal
they would go on the count of three. When she slowly released her third finger,
they both sprung up and burst through the door. They ran as though their lives
depended on it, which in this case it did. In the distance they could hear the
alarm going off, and all of the pound pets stirring. They knew Dr. Death would
be after them, so they ran even further and faster than ever before. They ran
into the Haunted Woods, where they knew they wouldn’t be easy to find. The night
sky clouded over, making the atmosphere eerie and sinister.
I woke up from my dream, gasping. I bolted up from under the covers of my
bed, and took in my surroundings. The full moon was blasting light through my
window, lightening the room slightly. I looked across my room, and into another.
The room could have been any pets’ room, as it had items lying around the floor.
Nothing had been touched, or put out of place. Memories of my red Uni came back
to me in a flash. Only a week ago had she come back, only to say goodbye… forever.
The dream that I had had seemed so realistic… almost like someone, or something,
had planted it in my mind for me to see.
It was no use trying to get back
to sleep, so I got up and walked downstairs. The old fashioned clock on the
living room table read one thirty in the morning. I groaned, realizing it was
still late. After getting a quick bite of a chocolate chip cookie, I went back
to bed, and slept through the morning.
It wasn’t until the late morning,
around nine o’clock, that I finally woke up. I woke up to the same old boring,
silent house with no occupants except for me. I slowly trudged down the stairs,
each step like a burden to me. It’s depressing when your house used to be filled
with laughter and joy, and results in a permanently silent residence. I opened
the front door to a chill blast of wind in my face. My frizzy brown hair blew
up from my back and I impatiently smoothed it back down.
I walked outside to the front
garden to pick up the latest issue of the Neopian Times. The house next
door to me was already up and lit, with an owner and pet eating breakfast and
chatting animatedly. The faerie Usul inside, whom I knew was Syri, waved when
she saw me and beckoned me to come inside her house. I sighed and started to
walk over. The whole neighborhood was up already as I could see the lights.
Tenille, the owner of the house, opened the door as I came and quickly ushered
me inside.
“My, is it cold out there! It’s
nice to have you here, Heather,” Tenille said with a shiver. I nodded in agreement
and took a chair next to Syri.
“So… have you heard anything from
her?” Syri asked cautiously. By “her,” I knew Syri meant Seana. The two pets
used to be the best of friends, so I knew Syri was suffering from a tough blow.
“No, but I do think it’s time I
told you something,” I replied. It was finally time for me to tell them the
news… the news that Seana had left a letter for her friends. “I think we should
call everyone over, before I hand it over for you to see.”
Syri and Tenille looked at each
other, confused. “See what exactly, Heather?”
“The night Seana left… she left
behind two letters, equally long and torn from a journal page. One was directed
to me, and the other was to everyone else. I think it’s time everyone heard
it, so it can help you to understand.” There were silent tears in everyone’s
eyes as they nodded and followed me back to the house. Syri was sending out
a Neomail to everyone to come over, while Tenille and I went to get the letter.
Everyone gathered up in Seana’s
room, all Seana’s old friends: Kaylee, Tatum, Caroline, Charlene, and of course,
Syri. I slowly found the letter and handed it over to Syri, who held it in her
paws. She delicately opened up the folded piece of torn diary paper, and meaningfully
read it aloud.
To all of my dearest friends and family,
I know it’s hard for you, but I need you to understand why I am deciding to
do this… running away. You all know I love you dearly in words indescribable,
but I had to make this choice for everyone, and for… Heather. I am running away
so that Heather may actually have a new attempt at life. On these pages of torn
paper (I do apologize for them looking so improper) I left each of you a note.
First of all I will direct Tenille and Syri, my beloved companions. I remember
when Heather and I first moved into this neighborhood, and you were the first
family to greet me. You know that you will always be a part of my heart, and
that it makes running away all the more impossible. Syri, I hope you find a
new best friend that will be as companionable as you and I. You know I want
both you and Tenille to be happy.
Kaylee-my second friend made in Neopia Central. I will never forget the humorous,
wild times we had together, and the trouble we always got into. Don’t ever change
your personality, no matter what those posh pets say.
Tatum-the first friend I made at school. You know I will never forget you and
your… “slower” moments I shall say. Tatum laughed at these words, tears in her
eyes. I know you think you’ll never be as smart as Charlene, but I want you
to know that I think you can pass Neoschool if you really try. Don’t ever give
Charlene-probably one of the most caring friends I’ve ever had. You are always
watching over the group, so I want you to know that I hold you responsible for
the group as of now. I know you can comfort and assure them, and always know
I will miss you dearly. Keep up your studying, and just maybe you will grow
up to become a nurse.
Caroline-how could I ever forget you? I remember when we first met in our math
class, and equally shared confusion over multiplication. I’ll always remember
your lavish and extravagant clothing… you always were so beautiful.
To all of you reading-know that although I have moved on to a new chapter in
my life, I’ll always love you all like my sisters. But, there is one thing that
I urgently request… Syri looked up at all of us, tears streaming down our cheeks.
We looked up expectantly at her, and she choked out the last few sentences of
the letter. I ask that all of you just let go of me and move on. It’s not worth
holding onto something that is no longer within your grasp.
Love Always,
Going to bed that night, I dreamed again of the green Meerca Wiggles and yellow
Kacheek Minnie.
The two pets frantically ran through
the forest, ignoring the vain cries at the pound. They passed through trees,
where they were torn to pieces by loose branches and rocks that were tripped
on. When a neighborhood came in sight, only then did they relax and take their
pace slower. They kept walking through the silent neighborhood, until they stood
in front of the house that was their destiny. They knocked a few times on the
I jerked awake again, beads of
sweat dripping down as I looked around the room. Then, I heard a slow knocking
at the door and almost screamed with fright. The dreams were real! Those two
escapees from the pound really did exist! I almost didn’t answer the door, but
it was like some unknown force took over me and walked toward the door. When
I opened it, there stood a green Meerca and yellow Kacheek.
After bringing them inside and
each of us having a hot cup of Borovan, I sat down to talk. “So, do either of
you know why you chose my house to stay in? There are many other houses on the
street…” I began.
“We are aware of that, ma’am. But
it was our destiny to come here to this exact address.”
I almost choked. “Destiny? Surely
you don’t believe—“
“As a matter of fact, we do. We
don’t have much time left, so we’re going to just come out and say it. Just
like your former pet said, you need to move on. All of you do. Every single
person affected by the departure of Seana must leave, and never have contact
with each other ever again. You are to move to Faerieland, become a millionaire
from gambling, and adopt a rich pet. Tenille and Syri are to move to the Lost
Desert on which Syri will be painted Desert and become a famous queen. Tatum
is to move to Happy Valley, where she will stay a pink Cybunny and become a
top fashion designer. Charlene is to move to Meridell where she will study with
Illusen in healing. Caroline is to move to Kreludor, where she will fulfill
her own destiny. You are to tell the others of which we speak of.”
I nodded, barely taking this in.
“And what of Seana?”
The yellow Kacheek looked reluctant
before answering, “You shall never see her again. She lives in Meridell with
a new owner and sister, and will become a great writer someday.”
“And what if I pretend this night
never happened?” I asked.
“Then everyone you know and love
will with away in your grasp.”
I weakly smiled, looking at the
two pets in my Neohome. “I guess sometimes you just have to… let go.”
Author’s Note: And so ends the “Love You Like a Sister” series… I think
XD. I am planning to do more stories with Seana, and possibly the outcome of
all of her friends.