A Public Service Announcement by the NSPCPP by havenlad
Dear Neopian Times readers,
It has come to the attention of the NSPCPP (Neopian Society for the Prevention
of Cruelty to Petpets) that some of our beloved Petpets are being mistreated.
Why would anyone do such a thing, I hear you ask. Sometimes it's completely
accidental or unavoidable, but some people do it on purpose for their own selfish
The most common instance seems to be the cruelty towards the Abominable Snowball.
This is unacceptable. We understand that they are, by their nature, very unpleasant
Petpets (hence the name) but with the right conditions they can be the best
Petpets in the world. They are very high maintenance, but oh so cute. Look at
the little matching hat and scarf. Look at the little sticks for arms. Look
at the big smile on their faces. They come in a vast range of colours that won't
look out of place with ANY pet in Neopia. And more than that, the price is right.
They are ideal for everyone from newbies to veteran Neopians.
Many people see Petpets as a mere status symbol.
"This petpet cost me 10 million neopoints"
"This petpet got me a cool avatar”
"This petpet matches my expensive painted pet"
These are common phrases heard around Neopia. Well, we at the NSPCPP are completely
against this. Petpets are for life, not just for avatars.
I can hear what you're thinking. "Why would you want to buy an Abominable Snowball?
They're one of the cheapest Petpets there is, right?" Right. But the price is
an advantage, and besides, how many happy Abominable Snowballs have you ever
come across? Right again, none. Could you be the first owner in Neopia to thaw
the icy heart of this Petpet with your love and affection? If so, you'd have
a petpet worth more than a thousand Moltenores. (Disclaimer: In terms of value,
this is a lie, it will merely give you self-satisfaction).
What's that? You want an Abominable Snowball but don't know where to get one?
Never fear, the NSPCPP is here! The easiest way is to search the Shop Wizard
and rescue one of these poor neglected Petpets, as long as you don't mind parting
with 1,500 Neopoints. You could try and restock one at the Wintery Petpet store
or the Igloo Garage Sale for a fraction of the price, but it may take time and
patience. For the poor Neopians among you, you might just be able to get lucky
when you visit the Snowager. He's been known to keep a stash of them in his
treasure pile! Not only are these Petpets a challenge, but they're also easy
to get hold of!
So you went ahead and bought yourself an Abominable Snowball, did you? Congratulations
on making the right choice. We appreciate that they are very demanding so we
have produced this 10 point guide to looking after your very own Abominable
Snowball. Hopefully this, along with your own skills, will lead to a long and
prosperous relationship between you and your Abominable Snowball.
1. DO NOT take these Petpets to the Petpet Lab. We know they're cheap, but
it's unfair to put one of these little guys through torture just so you can
get your avatars the easy way.
2. DO NOT take these Petpets to the Lost Desert in the middle of summer. Nobody
wants an Abominable Puddle, now do they? Ever wondered where those puddles come
from in the Petpetsitter game? There's your answer, and what do you do? Just
mop them up. Shame on you.
3. DO NOT take these Petpets to Terror Mountain in the middle of winter. Good
luck finding them if you do. We've had reports of Abominable Snowballs that
have been left on Terror Mountain to fend for themselves. They are hunting in
packs and eating everything that gets in their way.
4. DO NOT try and give these Petpets a nose. They were born without one, and
they're happy without one. We've had numerous reports of people picking up a
chilli pepper instead of a carrot by mistake. It ended in tears every time.
5. DO NOT get involved in a game of Snow Wars when you have one of these little
guys with you. They bite, and if someone gets hit by one of these things, you'll
need a pretty good Lawyerbot.
6. DO NOT under any circumstances store these Petpets in your freezer in your
Neohome. They're claustrophobic and very violent. Storing them in a box will
only make them angry.
7. DO NOT give these Petpets to ANY Fire pet under ANY circumstances; you could
see a few thousand Neopoints go up in smoke (or steam, as it were).
8. DO NOT paint these Petpets with a yellow petpet paintbrush. They'll become
social outcasts and hold it against you for the rest of their lives. We have
also had reports that they taste funny, but can't find anyone brave enough to
test this theory.
9. DO NOT buy a Baby Fireball to give to another Neopet you own. They are mortal
enemies and will fight like Lupe and Aisha. It's a little known fact, but it's
a disaster waiting to happen.
10. DO NOT squash this petpet with a piece of card in the hope that you can
imitate the TCG. It may be 10,000 NP profit if you can pull it off, but could
you cope with that on your conscience? Didn't think so.
If you follow these points, and use your expertise as a Neopian you will have
a loving and loyal petpet for many years to come.
However, ignore these guidelines at your own peril. They are for your own safety
as much as the protection of the Abominable Snowball.
Coming soon from the NSPCPP: Meepits, Merely Misunderstood. What's So Special
About Moltenore? and Petpetpets: Are They Good Or Bad For My Petpet?
This has been a Public Service Announcement by the NSPCPP. A non-profit sister
company of the PPL (Petpet Protection League), supporter of the game 'Petpet
Rescue' and long-time campaigner against the games 'Petpet Battles' and 'Petpet
And remember, Petpets are for life, not just for avatars!